MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 974 playing tricks

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Ye Cheng ignored it, and directly skewered the meat into big skewers, put them on charcoal and started grilling.

Meat is rich in fat.

Just put it on the fire for a while, the fat dripped into the charcoal, making a sizzling sound, and at the same time brought out bursts of meaty aroma.

Bai Ze, who was eating next to him, sniffed, "What kind of smell, it smells so good!"

It twitched its nose vigorously, followed the smell, and came to Ye Cheng's side bit by bit.

When it found the smell of Yecheng barbecue, it swallowed.

"Boy, what are you doing? How do you feel, these meats are so delicious!" Bai Ze gulped his saliva!

Ye Cheng said lightly: "This is called barbecue. We humans don't like to eat raw meat. The meat must be cooked before we can eat it!"

"Gudong!" Bai Ze swallowed again, the taste became more and more delicious, making him want to take a bite.

"It looks good, let me, I'll try it first!" Bai Ze stuck out his big tongue, ready to grab it.

Ye Cheng is in a hurry!

"I just said that whoever regrets it will be a grandson. If you want to be my grandson, then you can eat as much as you want!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ze stopped immediately.

Although he is usually quite shameless, if he becomes the grandson of a human being, how can he tolerate it.

No matter what, it is still a majestic beast, how could it be reduced to the grandson of human beings.

It's impossible, even if you kill him, you can't do it.

It withdrew its tongue again, pretending to be careless and said: "Cut, who cares? I just saw that your meat was burnt. I was afraid that you would be poisoned, so I wanted to help you taste it. The dog bit Lu Dongbin , I don’t know good people, but this meat is still the best eaten raw, if this continues, the essence inside will be wasted!”

"I like it, can you control it!" Ye Cheng replied unceremoniously.

To deal with this kind of shameless guy, you must not give face.

The more you save face for it, the more shameless it will be.

Bai Ze said no, but his body was very honest, his saliva kept drooling, and it almost became a small waterfall. As for the meat he ate, he suddenly felt that it was not so delicious.

Ye Cheng smiled and took out the seasoning, and began to sprinkle the seasoning on the barbecue.

After adding the seasoning, a more intense fragrance wafted out, and even Ye Cheng couldn't help swallowing.

I have to say, this meatball is really delicious, much better than the prey he ate before!

The meat is grilled sizzlingly, the outer layer is already golden, and it will be ready soon.

If you take this outside, you will definitely cry to the children next door.

The meat itself has a special fragrance, coupled with seasoning, it is simply invincible.

Ye Cheng cut off a piece with a knife, put it in his mouth and took a bite.

The meat tastes very chewy and delicious, and there is a special fragrance inside, which is a special taste that other meat does not have.

"It's so fragrant!"

After one sip, the fragrance remains in the mouth, and the lingering fragrance remains in the mouth, which makes people move their index fingers and praise.

Although Ye Cheng has eaten all kinds of delicacies, he has to admit that this grilled meat is absolutely invincible, and there is no one who can beat it.

The inherent sweetness of the meat combined with the slightly salty dressing is beyond words.

Ye Cheng couldn't stop anymore, a large bunch of skewers were quickly eaten up, usually Ye Cheng didn't have a big appetite, but now he really couldn't resist the deliciousness of the skewers, directly killed more than a dozen catties, the meat went into The body digested quickly, and at the same time, a warm current continuously spread in the body, nourishing Ye Cheng's body, making him feel very comfortable.

Bai Ze, who was holding the raw meat next to him and chewing on it, saw how delicious Ye Cheng's food was, and smelled the rich fragrance in the air, and instantly felt that the meat in his mouth was not fragrant.

Bai Ze kept swallowing, but the saliva still flowed all over the floor.

However, it is also embarrassed to ask for it, but it still can't help but want to eat it, and want to taste its taste.

It smells so special.

He also ate roasted food when he was with that person before, but when he tasted it, it smelled like burnt, bitter and unpalatable, it was really hard to swallow!

But how did he know that it was Qin Shihuang, who was usually well-clothed and well-fed, and someone waited on him, and it was already very good to know how to barbecue, but it was a dream to think that it would taste delicious.

But Yecheng is different. He often eats and sleeps in the open air, and barbecue is simply handy. There are various barbecue ingredients, which can make all kinds of flavors.

"Ahem, boy, look, you have so much left, you can't waste it? We are all good children who save food, and it is shameful to waste it. So, I will do what I can to help you eat the rest , you don't have to thank me, I, Bai Ze, like to help others so much!" Bai Ze once again found an excuse with a very thick skin.

In line with the principle of saving food, everyone is responsible.

However, Ye Cheng didn't buy it at all.

This guy is such a stinky fart, he must be dealt with.

"No need, I'll pack the rest for next time, don't worry, besides, you still have so much, let's finish it first!" Ye Cheng said with a smile!

Bai Ze was so angry that he scolded Ye Cheng a hundred times in his heart.

"Damn it, you still have so much left, why don't you give me some, you hateful guy, it's too hateful!" Bai Ze kept complaining about Ye Cheng in his heart, but he was too embarrassed to say it out.

At this moment, there is something to say, no matter how thick-skinned it is, it is too embarrassed to rush to ask for it.

After a stalemate for a while, Ye Cheng really couldn't eat anymore, and planned to pack up the leftover meat for the next meal.

After all, luck can't always be so good, and you can always get such delicious things!

But suddenly, Bai Ze yelled: "It's bad, Ba Snake and Nine-Tailed Fox are catching up, run!"

This guy jumped straight up, ready to run!

Before Ye Cheng could react, he got up and looked back, and sure enough, he saw smoke and dust rising into the sky in the distance, it seemed that there was really a huge monster coming towards this side!

"My Cao, don't run away by yourself, wait for me!" Ye Cheng shouted quickly, jumped off the rock, and chased after him!

However, Bai Ze's eyes turned sharply, and when he saw Ye Cheng chasing him, he smiled sinisterly, turned his head suddenly, changed direction, and ran back directly.

With the momentum of lightning, he swallowed those skewers of Yecheng!

Seeing this Ye Cheng was speechless!

"Damn, can you show some face?" He really didn't expect that this guy would use such a method in order to grab his flesh.

"Hey, it smells so good!" Bai Ze was intoxicated!

But as soon as he said this, the ground shook, and Bai Ze opened his eyes, instantly dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, Ba Snake really chased after him, and a white light appeared in the sky, which was obviously a nine-tailed fox.

The two guys all chased after them.

It was so self-defeating that Bai Ze was immediately stunned!

"Fuck, I have a crow's mouth!"

It cursed, turned around and ran away, but when it looked back, Ye Cheng in front had disappeared.
