MTL - Internet 2010-Chapter 328 most poisonous chicken soup

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Zhujiang New Town, high-rise of R&F Building.

Liang Xiaohui walked to the coffee machine and made a cup of coffee. He shook his head from side to side and rubbed his shoulders with the other hand, loosening the soreness of his neck and neck.

Heading up is another investment manager.

The professional girl said, "Xiaohui, what's up? She looks a little haggard."

Liang Xiaohui said with a smile, "Oh, Qiuling, good morning. Let's talk about the case of Mocha. Yesterday, I temporarily added a shift. If I hadn't signed the contract today, I would have thought that I wouldn't be able to come."

He held up the coffee and pointed to the conference room on the other side, "The boss and a third party are in there, I guess it will be done soon."

Shen Qiuling pursed her lips and smiled, "Well, that's not very good. Anyway, the internal evaluation of Mochao is also a good investment target."

Although Chuangmeng has invested millions of RMB in Mochao as early as in the angel round, it is different from that time. After a period of development, the company system has become much more complete. Although the company’s performance has declined recently due to internal friction, the overall performance is still good. A good investment target.

After all, although the angel round has a small amount of money, there are many small businesses that still die in the hands of Chuangmeng after taking the Chuangmeng angel round, and the risks are huge. Although the amount of Wang Bo's shares acquired at a discount is large, the victory is that the company is still on the right track, and the risk is much smaller.

Liang Xiaohui shook his head, "There are a lot of broken things. A few founders did it, and it was a waste of two months of development time. I am worried about Chen Xu now, and I am caught in the three families of Menggu Penguin Ali, but there are no people inside or outside."

Shen Qiuling clasped her hands on her chest when she heard it, "I said, this is really weird. I know Ali's fund investment style relatively well, that is, according to common sense, when the penguins are here, Ali generally won't get involved. It's expensive. Gaming costs are too high."

Liang Xiaohui gulped down two sips of coffee, "Right. To be honest, I don't want to worry about this mess. I'm thankful that Chuangmeng can exit safely and make a profit."

Shen Qiuling smiled again, "I'm afraid it's difficult. I thought I couldn't do it in D? The investment style here is different. Menggu still likes to intervene in acquisitions to integrate resources."

Liang Xiaohui smiled and said, "What about your previous employer? I think Chuangmeng and Creative Workshop are a bit similar."

Shen Qiuling tilted her head and thought, "Then, it may be a lot worse. Especially when I encounter a dream-creation ecology, sometimes I really don't know how to set a suitable framework."

Immediately, she glanced at her watch, "That's it. There are still a lot of BPs to watch today."

Liang Xiaohui raised his coffee cup, "stay up a little bit less, Beauty Shen."

Shen Qiuling smiled when she heard it, and walked to her place without saying much.

Liang Xiaohui also turned around and returned to his office. When he entered the door, there was a pile of documents stacked into a small mountain.

As for daily work, it is nothing more than scouring for "gold" in this pile of "garbage".

Compared with working in d, the pressure of Dream Creation Fund is even greater, because Dream Valley has a more complete data system, and the level of detail of the information received is much higher than that of d. In addition, there are nearly 10,000 teams around a series of ecosystems. It is impossible to read the BPs in the Dream Valley ecosystem alone, because there are so many teams that submit BPs.

And Chuangmeng not only has to select within the Dream Valley ecology, but also to select outside. Liang Xiaohui doesn't know the status of other investment managers, and he looks at dozens of bps every day.

Why do this?

The truth is simple. Similar to MoLiao, if the A round is managed by Liang Xiaohui, 20% of the floating profit obtained by the fund belongs to the entire team. Here, after deducting the team's operating costs, I can get a large proportion.


Just as Liang Xiaohui sat down, another colleague came to the door.

"Brother Hui, the boss is looking for you. It is said that the agreement with Mo Liao Wang Bo has been signed, and there are some things that you need to clean up."

When Liang Xiaohui heard this, his face was delighted. After all, he managed to open an order by himself, "Okay. Immediately."

Wang Bo followed the lawyer out of the R&F Building.

Lawyer, "Then Mr. Wang, I'll be here today. We'll call if we have any follow-up matters."

Wang Bo shook hands with him, "Okay, bye."

After saying that, Wang Bo got into his BMW. He untied the bow tie around his neck, ruffled his neatly combed hair, and then heaved a long sigh of relief.

One year, that's the end of it, so he and Mo Chat have nothing to do with him anymore.

If it is useful, it is probably because there is a "former founder and CEO of Momochao" on the resume.

35 million yuan, the Dream Fund will repay all the money in three months. If you include the transaction with Ali, Wang Bo will get a total of 94 million yuan. Although the tax burden is quite heavy, it is nothing compared to the huge amount.

Speaking of which, Zhang Min should have more than himself.

He took a cigarette and lit it from the side. It seemed that there was a lot of money, but he seemed to look away, but he was still unwilling.

"So be it."

At the very least, he is still a rich man, but if he really wants to toss, he can use his own money to make another team.

It can be said that, letting the cigarette at his fingertips spontaneously ignite, he didn't think of what to do. Just like his recent living conditions.

Wang Bo only thought that it might be different if he took the money, but now it turns out that it was just a result of his own imagination.

He called his family.

Wang Bo took a long breath, "Hey mom, I'm Bo."

The voice on the other end of the phone was quite kind, "Hey son, isn't the company busy today?"

Wang Bo smiled and said, "I'm not busy, I don't have to go to the company recently."

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly changed, "Yo, how can that be done?!"

Wang Bo raised his voice soothingly, "It's okay, Mom! In this way, the company has made a big company fancy, and said it was buying my shares, and I sold it. I sold it for 100 million! You can rest assured."

The voice on the other end of the phone brightened, "That's good!"

Wang Bo, "Hey! That's it! In two days, I'll go home and change the family to a bigger house!"

His mother muttered, "Change what to do. I'm used to it, it's just me, it's good~"

Wang Bo smiled, "Okay. I'll talk about it when I go back. Hang up."

"Eh good."

Hanging up the phone, Wang Bo felt a collapse in his body, as if something had been pulled out.

"A gift from the devil?" he murmured incessantly.

Maybe not all "angels" are so pleasant. He met Menggu himself. Although Lu Zhou spoke straight, he was also frank. Maybe it's my I mistakenly regard other people as "good people", and put too much emphasis on the immediate interests.

He rolled down the car window, threw the cigarette **** out, and then looked up at the building in front of the car.

Yes, this is what is called a "dream".

Raised high, fell heavily.

Lu Zhou gave countless people the vision, including Wang Bo himself. But Lu Zhou then slowly crushed it in front of him, letting it shatter.

The entire Dream Valley, or the Dream Creation Fund, has become a cold machine, a running hot money capital.

This is a kingdom with strict hierarchy, some people are high above, some people are attracted by "light" and start to climb. Genius has its meaning, and mortals are only sustenance. In the Dream Valley ecology, there are many entrepreneurial teams that do not survive for six months. Below the throne, there are corpses, and countless desperate climbers.

Wang Bo shrugged slightly, Lu Zhou must be the most poisonous chicken soup he has ever heard in his life.

As for what he was after, he was a little unclear.