MTL - Invincible Combat Strength System-Chapter 2011 Tiger into

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

Seeing this scene, Ning Tianlin's mouth turned up.

"Your life is theirs!"

call out!

An iron fist of the general of the earth had already been bombarded by the middle-aged man.


Two horrible iron fists collided instantly in one place, and a shocking shock wave spread from the fists of the two.

Suddenly, the people next to him let the pedal violently retreat.

And just then.

A crackling sound made the middle-aged man look stiff.


This bone-breaking sound rang suddenly, and everyone horrified to see that the middle-aged man's arm broke instantly.


For a moment, the middle-aged man flew a hundred meters down, almost blasting the space, which stopped his figure.


At this moment, from the moment Ning Tianlin walked away and left to the earth's generals shot violently, the whole sky was silent.

Whether it is the remaining black robes or the resurrected earth warriors, one by one at this moment.


The earth general who has just been tortured, the instantly soaring combat power can crush the middle-aged man.

It's incredible.

The generals of the earth are extremely excited one by one.

At this moment, in their hearts, the image of the mysterious descendant of the earth, Ning Tianlin is even more tall.

On the other side, those in black robes were completely frightened.

They know the combat effectiveness of middle-aged men best, but now they are defeated in the hands of each other, which makes them difficult to accept.

"No ... impossible!"

The ticking cold sweat ran down the middle of the middle-aged man's forehead.

His face was as pale as paper, and the horror in his heart was stronger than the severe pain from his body.

He has never seen that one person can increase the combat effectiveness of a hundred people so much in an instant.

This is unheard of!


The middle-aged man's eyelids leaped wildly. At the moment, a mop appeared from his eyes, and the whole person rushed down and went towards the other party.

"Space Strangling!"

With the violent drinking of middle-aged men resounded.

Click! Click!

Around the earth's general, an inch of space condenses in an instant, and a space cage is condensed in a blink of an eye.

Densely killing in the space, facing the earth's generals crazy split.

Puff puff!

In a blink of an eye, those who killed Man Dao, left dense blood on the earth's generals.


Make him all look like blood.


This scene trembled the hearts of every earth warrior.

"Do not!"

They didn't want to see that their generals couldn't escape the cage of space. If they go on like this, they will die.

At present, hundreds of earth warriors wanted to rescue.



The people in the black robes rushed out instantly, blocking their journey, and soon they fought together.

"go to hell!"

At this moment, with the middle-aged man yelling.


The dense mass of killings, together with the entire cage of the space, died instantly, and the generals inside it were also strangled into a blood mist.


"But that's it!"

A thick smile appeared on the face of the middle-aged man.

"I really thought how arrogant the guy's method was just now, it turned out to be nothing more than a flower!"

The middle-aged eyes were bloodthirsty, and now he was going to kill the young man who suddenly appeared and regain the token.

Right now, as soon as I turn my eyes, I want to start.

However at this time.


The whole sky was once again dead.

No matter it was a roaring black robe man or an angry earth warrior, all the birds were silent, everyone's eyes were staring at the middle-aged man behind him.

As if something incredible happened there.

"not good!"

For a moment, the middle-aged man felt cold all over his body, and that feeling seemed to be stared at by a bloodthirsty beast.

He quickly turned his head.

But found a person behind him, staring at himself.

That is the earth general who was hanged by him!

"You ... are alive again!"

how can that be!

The middle-aged man twitched the corner of his mouth and couldn't believe his eyes. When he couldn't think too much, he waved his palm.

Click! Click!

A space cage, once again trapped the other side, killing them one by one, and splitting crazy again.

In the blink of an eye.


The earth general was once again split apart.

"This time, shouldn't it be death?"

The middle-aged man's eyelids jumped endlessly, his eyes constantly glanced around him, and his gaze abruptly swept across Ning Tianlin.

Because the ridiculous smile in the corner of the other person's mouth has explained everything.

That man is not dead yet!



A tiny bit of flesh condense, and in a blink of an eye, the earth general is resurrected again!

"Asshole, never die!"

The middle-aged man was completely shocked. Facing the scene in front of him, he only felt his scalp burst.

He also felt it.

The general's fighting momentum has risen again, even stronger than him.

"I don't believe it, I can't kill you!"

The middle-aged man was completely insane, and now he was locked in a cage in front of the earth.

However, this time killing Manmong, there was no last strangling.

I saw the earth general's iron fist suddenly.


The whole cage was completely shattered.

The earth general stared at the middle-aged man sensibly, with a terrifying smile.

"Now, it's me!"


Each iron fist, facing the middle-aged body, slashed wildly.

Death, coming.


Throughout the sky, everyone desperately wanted to die.

They heard screams of fierce screams from the middle-aged man's mouth.

Pieces of flesh and blood were torn down, and even the sensational white bones began to show. The majestic pain caused him to sorrow.

till the end.


A flesh-colored figure fell from the air, looking miserable.

The bloody, horrifying scene, and the screams of the middle-aged man, the remaining black robes were like falling into an ice cellar.

They tried to escape, but found that their legs were like lead, and they could not move at all.


A man in black robe swallowed saliva, and cold sweat continued to flow from his forehead. However, the real killing had just begun.




A blast of shouting and killing sounded.

Puff puff!

Under the slaughter of the earth's war generals, blood scarred from the body of a black-robed man.

Like a tiger into the flock!

Every move is filled with the thrill of killing, killing, killing the enemy.

After a while.

Ning Tianlin turned and left, and as his figure disappeared, a crackling sound and a crisp sound of falling to the ground sounded.

Ning Tianlin, who was standing in a cave, saw more than a hundred chess pieces on the hundred dead chess, all of which fell to the ground.

Not only that.


The entire game of dead chess burst instantly after a blast.

Chessboard, annihilation!

"Your grievances should go, rest in peace."

Ning Tianlin closed his eyes slowly, looking at the smashed hundred dead chessboard in an instant. All he could do was this.

And just as he closed his eyes, a vicissitudes of quaint light flowed on the leftover scum of the chessboard, flickering towards the token on him.

In this way, after standing in place for two minutes, Ning Tianlin sighed and continued to march forward.

As long as he is in the scene of the ancient earth, it will never happen again. This is a warning to himself and a guarantee to the powers of the earth.


Over time, Ning Tianlin's space for advancement became narrower and narrower, but the light gradually became brighter.

at last.

An enchantment of energy appeared before his eyes.

right here!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ning Tianlin's mouth slightly tilted, and the token with the servant character in his hand was printed on the center of the enchantment.


Just as the stones were thrown into the lake, the enchantment of energy suddenly began to fluctuate strangely, and then a circular gap was revealed.


Ning Tianlin's body flashed.



The first planet outside Ghost Obuchi.

It belongs to a chaotic star field. There are no races stationed. There are only stars, and the terror forces all over the stars.

Because it is near the Jiuyou Holy Land, it is a star field that no one wants to set foot on, and it is almost forgotten.


Saturn's Futian Hotel is densely packed, and a window-facing position, a young man, sits slowly.

He is only a hundred years old, but he bought the best location for the restaurant at a high price. Looking down from the windowsill, he has a panoramic view of the surroundings of Saturn.

The strong men around him looked at the young man with envy and curiosity.

They could not imagine that such a young man could be so rich that he could even afford the expensive rich first character.

You know, this rich character is the first seat, but only some of the planet's most powerful beings are eligible to sit.

"Here, it's only over a day away from Jiuyou Holy Land, so let's get things done."

Ning Tianlin drank a glass of wine.

Jiuyou sacred place, the place where Xiaotian dog went, but there was no news back yet, which made him worried.

And when Ning Tianlin was meditating.


Outside the window, the sound of Weng Ming suddenly sounded, everyone saw that several figures slowly descended into the mid-air of Saturn.


A man in the realm of star desolation, with a group of men, fell from mid-air and rushed towards the Futian Hotel.

"Look at it, Master Xun is back. This time he went to the auction house. I don't know what good things he brought back."

"Hey ... Master Jade must have made a lot of money, otherwise he would not come to Futian Restaurant just after landing."

"Also, but he has been seated, for the poor guy, for fear of being driven out."


At this moment, all the warriors in the restaurant looked at Ning Tianlin in a joke, with irony appearing in the corners of their mouths.

No matter how rich you are? Can you do it in the first seat of the rich character?

Now, Lord Jade is here. This kid who doesn't know the heights and heights of the land must not obey the seat obediently?

Not only the guests around, but also the owner of the hotel hurried over.

Regarding this Ning Tianlin, he nodded his head and looked apologetic.

"This little brother, I'm really sorry. This rich man's first seat is the position of Master Jade, because he went out to do business, so we sold it to you at a high price."

"Master Jie is back now, please give me a seat, all your purchases, all free of charge, how?"

The owner of this hotel is obviously unwilling to offend Ning Tianlin, the young and much-gold master.

Just waited for a while.

Ning Tianlin seemed to have not heard the words of the restaurant owner. His eyes peered through the window sill, staring at the man known as Lord Jagger below.

In other words, a cage under Master Jie.

The cage, which is less than three square meters in size, is cast with black iron, and a young woman is locked inside.

When seeing the woman's face, Ning Tianlin's eyes became cold for a moment.

Because, the face of the girl, he recognized that it was Yun Yunchen who went out to practice together, Lin Ruoge, the maiden of Lin Yuge.

"Why is she here?"

Lin Ruowen's face was so pale and pale, and Shui Lingling's big eyes were filled with mist, as if the world outside was full of unknown and fear.

She was kept helpless and hopeless in a cage.

And at the moment.

Lord Jagger, turned his head, and looked tightly at the young woman inside, smiling so evilly.

"Haha ... I didn't expect this time, there is such a good thing in the auction house!"

"This delicate woman is not only handsome, she also wears treasures such as Lingjinhuayi. Well, it's a worthwhile trip!"

Master Jagger's eyes were full of greed and adultery.

"After the celebration, after returning to Fuzhong, I will try the taste of this woman first, and then kill her.

Hear that.

Behind Mr. Jagger, a follower burst into laughter.

"Congratulations, Lord Judge, and Lord Congratulations."

"It's also fortunate that Lord Jade has a good knowledge and knowledge of such treasures as Lingjinhuayi, or else it will let others take advantage."

The surrounding words are full of flattery, and more of it is a strong envy.

Beauty, treasure, double harvest!

This scum, it's a great luck!

The Lord Jade also laughed, and took the lead with the strong men around him, and instantly stepped into the Futian Hotel.

However, when they just stepped on the top floor of the hotel, they suddenly found it, because they found that the atmosphere here was a little weird.


Lord Scum, frowning.

At this time, the owner of the hotel, who did not talk about Ning Tianlin, ran over in panic while rubbing his cold sweat.

"Master, please forgive me!"

The hotel owner looked pale and hurriedly bowed down to Lord Jade.

Seeing this scene, Lord Jade frowned.

"Say, what's going on?"

"If you go back to the adult, you ... the first rich character that has been reserved for you has been bought at a high price, and Xiao is communicating with that gentleman ..."


Speaking, the hotel owner's voice became more and more trembling, and even the forehead, there was a constant exudation of cold sweat.