MTL - Iron Armored City-Chapter 302 Military Order Talisman

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"Assess the situation!"

Bai Youxuan couldn't help being stunned when she heard the four words Li Yinguang said. Those who can say these four words must have great wisdom.

As for Li Yinguang's ability, Bai Youxuan had actually been observing secretly before, she wasn't sure if her choice was correct.

Now, she was absolutely sure.

She can't be too gentlemanly, nor can she be too villainous. She wants to follow the kind of princess who is virtuous when she should be benevolent, and cunning when she should be treacherous.

Right now, the two iron-clad cities of the Mambach family, the Tomahawk and the Ghost, are still hard to say the outcome, but the continuity of the Tomahawk has shocked many people's jaws.

Who would have imagined that after fighting against the Black Vipers for a day and a night, they would still have so much energy and stamina.

Elvis couldn't help looking at Mo Fufeng. He was thinking about whether he was being tricked by the guy in front of him. The Mambach family's armored city formation was just a bait, and the purpose was to lure him out and kill him.

Mo Fufeng's face was gloomy, his brows were furrowed, and he didn't expect this situation. After fighting for almost two hours, he couldn't help it with the exhausted 'Tomahawk'.

"You always look at me, Ma De, I'll give you another... two thousand energy gems, **** me!" Mo Fufeng gritted his teeth, stretched his hand into his bosom, and took out a piece of purple surface only the size of a palm. Fluorescent hide.

On the animal skin, there were dense and exquisite runes carved, and they raised their hands and threw them to Elvis.

Elvis held it in his hand, surprise appeared in his eyes in an instant, swept away the haze on his face, grinned to his face, and said with a smile: "Mr. 'Animal Hide Silver'."

Mo Fufeng's cheeks couldn't help twitching slightly, his heart ached to death, his face was so pretty, he gritted his teeth and said, "Ms. Shaote flatters her **** and does serious things!"

"Just look at it!"

Elvis took advantage, so naturally he wouldn't doubt Mo Fufeng anymore, with 20 million as a base, at least he could still fight for another two hours.

He didn't believe it anymore, his 'Ghost' still couldn't take down the opponent for a long time!

"Only you have two 'Magnetic Energy Laser Cannons'? Ask someone to push out the 'Spirit Storm' to me, and **** them hard for me!"

Elvis was short and cursed at the top of his voice.

'Spirit Storm' is a 'Magnetic Energy Laser' main cannon launched by Blazing Elf Empire Factory. The installation of advanced weapons in the city is not allowed by the empire.

Of course, if no one exposes you, and you don't show it up to use it normally, no one will do anything to you, the premise is that you can get it first.

The production of the advanced 'Magnetic Energy Laser Cannon' is very difficult, whether it is the preciousness of the materials used or the craftsmanship required, it is completely different from the basic type, ordinary type, and light type at this stage!

An ordinary semi-new magnetic energy laser main cannon may be available for 20 million silver bull coins, but even an old 'high-grade' magnetic energy laser main cannon is no more expensive than a third-rate armored city. Where to go cheap.

Even two, three, may not be able to change without a chance!

In the main control room of the flagship city of the Mambach family, the Tomahawk.

Andy Fei's face was gloomy, and his eyes were bloodshot. Although there was nothing serious in Iron Armored City, the people in the city were very tired. Since yesterday, they first fought against the Black Vipers for a whole day and night. Now they finally waited for the mastermind behind the scenes. Come out, but did not expect to be the 'Ghost'.

Elvis, the 'King of Bandits', is quite famous, even Andife, who is far away in the town of Mambach, has heard of it.

The Iron Armored City formation of the Mamba family has basically existed in name only. Only the flagship main city remains, and the rest are lying down. The possibility of restoration is not very high.

This has just reached one-third of the way, and there are still two-thirds to go!

How to go?

Clara walked over quickly and said respectfully: "Master, the clan elder invites you to the conference hall for a meeting!"

There is a special meeting hall in the iron-clad city of the Tomahawk, which is not in the 'main control room', which is very different from the layout of the iron-clad city of the ancient castle.

In the meeting hall, clan elder An Hong, logistics minister An Xiong and others were all present, including the heads of various functional departments of Iron Armor City.

Cannons roar outside, is there a meeting at this time?

Andy Fei's face was so gloomy that she could drip water, but because of her affection and seniority, she couldn't get angry, so she walked to the conference table with a livid face and sat down.

"From now on, hand over the command of the Tomahawk and let the clan elders take over!" An Xiong said with a sullen face before Andife could speak.

Andy Fei's silver teeth were almost crushed, she stood up with red eyes and looked at the old An Hong of the Zhengzhong tribe, and asked in a hoarse voice: "The two armies are at war, at this time, you still have the time to engage in such nonsense ?”

"Pay attention to your words and deeds, how can you talk to the elders of the clan!" An Xiong slapped the table and reprimanded loudly.

An Difei turned her head, gritted her teeth and looked at him and said, "If you want to die, this princess will fulfill you now!"

An Xiong was terrified from behind, and hurriedly scolded: "How dare you, Qi Rong you are so presumptuous in front of the clan elders!"

He was really afraid that Andy Fei would ignore him and clean him up first!

Andy Fei took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, this time is definitely not the best time for internal strife, or even the time for quarreling.

"Clan elder, you know what's going on right now. If we can't be united at this time!" Andi Fei raised his hand to the outside, pointing in the direction of the artillery fire: "We will be killed by others, but the other party' The 'Ghost' of 'Elvis', king of bandits!"

The patriarch An Hong seemed to know about this a long time ago, and he didn't panic at all.

Raise your hand to signal Andy Fei to be calm, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com sit down first!

An Difei suppressed the anger in her heart and sat back on the chair again. She really wanted to hear what the other party could say.

Clan elder An Hong took out a silver Tiger Talisman token from his pocket.

"Do you know what this is?"

Andifei's face was ugly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "The Mambach family's military order!'

Clan elder An Hong nodded, then put the tiger talisman into his bosom, half-closed his eyes and said calmly: "Before you came out, your father had already expected that this road would be difficult and dangerous, and you would encounter all kinds of enemies. You are impulsive and ruined the great event of our Mambach family!"


Andy Fei's eyes were wide open, and his jaw almost dropped. Could it be that there are some secrets that he doesn't know about?

It shouldn't be, isn't the formation of the Iron Armored City of the Mambach family to transport the family property to Turtle Dove City?