MTL - Ivory Moonlight-Chapter 2 Happy eighty

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The author has something to say: Haha, our big show Bao Xiaxia children's shoes haven't left aside the characters. I have thought of such a long time, but we must rub our children's shoes close together.

Thank you all for your love. I didn't expect that after such a long time, everyone just held the show just after the opening, happy, happy and beautiful. thank you all.

This is the 1970s of China, but it is not real history, but a parallel overhead world. Everything is the same as true history except for the government leaders, famous figures and homosexuality.

In this world, Ye Sangsang is the third female. After graduating from high school, she is facing the countryside. Her brother is the pillar of the family. Her parents are not patriarchs. But she refuses to let her go to the countryside.

Under the tough attitude of his parents, Ye Sangsang reluctantly went to the countryside and resented his parents and brother.

In the story, Ye Sangsang is delicious and lazy, and has a pride and can't suffer. In order to enjoy the blessing, he is married to Lin Xia, the daughter of the production team leader of the Red Star Commune. As a result, the state announced the resumption of the college entrance examination as soon as she married in the past. Ye Sangsang threatened her with her child in order to participate in the college entrance examination and forced Lin Xia to divorce her.

However, Ye Sangsang was not the material to study at all. She was barely admitted to the secondary school, and her life after returning was not good.

The parents' house has three bedrooms and one living room. After she left, her brother got married, and the sister-in-law gave birth to a boy. She was four years old when she returned and had to borrow her room temporarily.

As soon as she came back, she drove her nephew away, and it was best to eat and drink. The family was ashamed of her, so she let her. She was still upset, often arguing with her sister-in-law, robbing her nephew's rations and destroying the family's tranquility. In the end, her parents couldn't bear it and rushed her to school.

The school environment is even worse. Ten people have one dormitory, and the bathroom is shared. She and her roommate often quarreled for small things, and were eventually isolated by her roommates.

She didn't study well at school, and because of the small amount of money she gave at home, she couldn't eat, drink or dress up.

This long-term meal ticket looks gentle and elegant, and the family conditions are good.

The female third devoted all her energy to falling in love, and her studies were a mess. She almost didn't get a diploma when she graduated.

After graduation, Ye Sangsang found a job as a clerk by long-term meal tickets, but she couldn't work hard, was not motivated, and often made mistakes.

At the beginning of the long-term meal ticket, I really liked Ye Sangsang who had a good appearance. However, Ye Sangsang was too much, and I felt that Ye Sangsang used him as a cash machine and wanted to break up. But at this time, Ye Sangsang was pregnant, and the two had to marry in purpose. After the marriage, Ye Sangsang became more lazy and simply resigned to be a housewife at home.

As a housewife, in fact, she threw the child to her mother-in-law every day and went shopping and playing cards on her own. The long-term meal ticket could not stand the divorce. Ye Sangsang did not agree with her life. The long-term meal ticket gradually found a woman outside. Ye Sangsang looked for that little three and settled his account. He was beaten by her husband, and often suffered domestic violence. She couldn't stand it, so she only agreed to divorce and went out of the house.

At this time, the technical secondary school diploma was no longer popular, plus Ye Sangsang had only clerk experience, and he was no older than those young people, so there was no company asking her to be a clerk. She could not find any other good job and could only do cleaning work. The company that happened to work was Lin Xiakai's company.

In order to regain a rich and prosperous life, Ye Sangsang cried and showed weakness, and she used children to cut down. Lin Xia was unmoved because she had fallen in love with Zhao Zhenzhen, the daughter of fate.

Ye Sangsang's various measures against Zhao Zhenzhen were either easily resolved by the other party or helped by the other official male host or villain. Her trampling made the blackened villain extremely disgusted, and the police threw the person into prison. Tried and died in prison. From then on, Bai Yueguang didn't even have rice particles on the clothes of the big villain.

What she needs to play is such a vicious white moonlight role.

She was just an ordinary college student. The only one that was not ordinary was about women. She fell from bed accidentally at night, and her head fell to the ground and died unexpectedly.

I thought it would be dead, but a system named 001 appeared, allowing her to play the villain Bai Yueguang across the three thousand worlds.

The plot is very general, and did not elaborate on how Bai Yueguang became a big villain, but as long as the general direction is correct.

In terms of human settings, you can only maintain the superficial human settings, which is not an ooc. In short, the requirements can not be lower, which is to hope that the hosts can successfully complete the task.

She only needs to maintain a high-cold person setting oK, as for arrogant and arrogant, delicious and lazy, Ye Sangsang abandoned it.

What just surprised her was that her first task was to return to the most chaotic decade of the revolutionary age.

Fortunately, the original body is good. Even if you are not full, you will not look pale and yellow like other people, but pale and not much blood.

Hurrying to the door of the Information Center, Ye Sangsang suddenly thought of Wang Fang. She walked for a while, ashamed, and Wang Fang seemed to be forgotten by her! !!

Ye Sangsang wondered if he would go back and find someone. In case Wang Fang couldn't find her after solving her physical problems, it would be bad to wait for her in situ.

Just thinking, Yu Guang suddenly saw the figure flashing in the yard.

Wang Fang? ?

How could she be here, shouldn't it be on the mountain?

No, no, Ye Sangsang suddenly remembered that when she was dragged away by Sanshang, she shouted loudly, Wang Fang was not far from her, and she should have heard everything, but the other party did not show up from beginning to end.

Ye Sangsang couldn't help purging her lips. Before she was rescued by Lin Xia, she was too excited and finally approached the mission goal. She was one step closer to the plot and ignored Wang Fang when she was excited. But now what do you think of Wang Fang's performance at that time?

On the way up the mountain, she saw her eyes flicker, and she stopped talking all the way. When she came down, she suddenly said that her stomach hurts, and she ran away without waiting for her to speak ...

Ye Sangsang stood at the gate of the Information Institute, and soon caught the attention of the educated youths who were sitting around eating in the courtyard. One of the female educated youths waved at her and told her to come in and eat quickly. As Ye Sangsang walked in, his eyes fell on Wang Fang.

Wang Fang looked at her up and down, seeing her neat and neat, and a flash of strange color flashed in her eyes. She stood up and said hello, but her face was calm: "Comrade Ye, where did you go before? , I can't find you after I go to the toilet. I'm afraid I'll be too late, so I will come back first. "

Ye Sangsang looked indifferently at Wang Fang, who did not expect that there was such a skilled person in the educated youth, but in the end there was no evidence, Ye Sangsang did not tell what he encountered, indifferent casually Make an excuse: "Maybe it's off."

After dinner, they went in pairs and went to work in the fields.

Don't look at the weather is not hot, but after a while the sun will be able to get people peeling, so despite the high temperature, Shimoda work, no one dare to wear short sleeves, long gowns and pants, At the foot are the straw shoes worn when Shimoda, and there are conditions that are not afraid of soiling the shoes and wearing shoes.

Ye Sangsang's condition is also good. Before leaving, her parents stuffed her with a roll of unity and tickets, but she was still wearing straw shoes.

It's not that they are afraid of shoes, but that Shimoda works and wears cloth shoes. The soil and stones are easy to enter, which is uncomfortable.

In addition to a long gray gown and long black straight trousers, she wore a straw hat on her head, a mask on her face, and impervious skin around the neck.

The shoulder-length hair was tied slightly lower behind her head and turned into a ball. Although the head of the ball in the later generations is novel in this era, she doesn't care so much for the sake of cooling. Besides, she also wears a straw hat on the head to cover the head of the ball. No one can see her alternative hairstyle.

She worked with Wang Fang in the past, but she did not dare to walk too close to Wang Fang in the morning. She wasn't sure if Wang Fang had designed it, but she sailed carefully for ten thousand years, otherwise she would not have time to cry.

The reason why Qingshui Village is called Qingshui Village is that this village is backed by a large mountain and faces the river. It is very rare and rich in materials.

But now Qingshui Village is renamed Guangming Commune. The leader of the production team of the commune is Lin Xiaguo, Lin Xia ’s father, and the leader of Guangming Commune.

Ye Sangsang was the last person to arrange a work area. After the arrangements were made, Lin Jianguo was planning to turn around and patrol. He saw that in addition to eating and sleeping, he would appear at home, and his little daughter who ran invisible at other times. Behind him was a tattered straw hat on his head.

Lin Jianguo was almost scared to death, and glared at her angrily: "What do you run here?"

Lin Xia held her head in one hand and stood loose, as if there were no bones. One leg was shaking and shaking. If everyone else looked at it, it was just like a hooligan hooligan, but Lin Xia grew well, so Instead, there is a wild beauty.

"Work, earn labor points." Lin Xia said with a frown, righteous.

Lin Jianzhuang has two brothers. The three brothers are all light gourds (boys). If the average family is happy enough, but their family is different. When there are more boys, they always want a girl and think that the girl is small. Cotton jacket.

Unfortunately, Lin Jianguo looked forward to it for many years. His wife gave birth to a whole three sons, neither of whom had a daughter. So did his two brothers. Just when Lin Jianguo was about to give up, Lin mother was pregnant again, this time a daughter. The family almost did not go crazy. Not only was the husband and wife Lin Xia holding and petting, but even the other two brothers of Lin Jianguo were very rare.

In addition, Lin Xia's three older brothers, five to eight years old, also spoiled her only sister. From an early age, let alone scolding and scolding, even if you haven't let the work go, you just spoil people as little princesses.

However, for the Lin family, there are several laborers who are not able to work in Linxia and so on.

Unfortunately, Lin Xia was not spoiled as a little princess, but instead turned into a nasty little bitch.

He spent a lot of time idle and mingled with a few unruly young people in the village, and almost never turned the Red Star Commune to the sky.

Lin Jianguo had to find a chance and wanted to learn. As a result, he couldn't say a few words in his mouth, and was stopped by two brothers, daughter-in-law and his three sons. Lin Xia, who is not disciplined, has never returned on the road of the mixed world demon king.

Fortunately, although I am a mixed adult, I also know the size, and do not do anything special and illegal, as time goes by, Lin Jianguo can only open one eye and close one eye.

This will suddenly hear Lin Xia going to work, Lin Jianguo was almost not drooling. He stared at him with a stunned expression, "What are you saying ...?"

Lin Xia's eyeballs were not moving around Ye Sangsang who was working on the ground not far away: "I want to earn points."

It is best to arrange her next to the field of Ye Sangsang. Although she does not lack food, drink and money at home, she is embarrassed to take Ye Sangsang to her house, so she has to go to the field to earn labor points, buy delicious food and so on. Waiting for Ye Sangsang.

Lin Jianguo looked up and down Lin Xia with suspicion. If it wasn't for Lin Xia's appearance, Lin Jianguo would have thought her little daughter had been dropped.

Although he did n’t know why the young daughter was working hard, he was happy. The daughter finally grew up and no longer looks as serious as before. Although he did n’t lack that labor point at home, he was worried that his daughter would marry later. The in-laws hated it.

But even if he goes to work in the field, as the captain of the Commune of Commune, he doesn't need to make his daughter exhaustively earn the labor points: "If you want to work, Dad will arrange a job with a relatively high level of ease."

Although Lin Jianguo is not pleasing to the eye every time he wants to learn, he actually loves his heart. This is his only small jacket.

Lin Xia refused to accept it, and had to go down to work. Lin Jianguo bitterly replied many times. However, he could only point a finger at his stinking face, which was exactly the piece of land next to Ye Sangsang and let her hurry up.

Lin Xia was in a happy mood. What she originally thought was that she was not to be arranged next to Lin Xia, and she would find someone to change it.