MTL - Ivory Moonlight-~ Works related

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"Female, please let white moon" Author: Muzi Qing

Copywriting: In the heart of every blackened heroine, she once settled in a Baiyueguang. Baiyueguang is no exception. She has some beautiful features that seduce her into falling in love with her.

But in the end, they left the heroine for one reason or another, leaving the heroine black.

After many years, the heroine met the daughter of fate, and Bai Yueguang's position gradually replaced her.

When Bai Yueguang became a grain of rice on the clothes of the blackened heroine, she returned.

Bai Yueguang attempted to be with the heroine again. After being ruthlessly rejected, she used various methods to deal with the fateful daughter of the blackened heroine's heart. She was eventually rejected and retaliated by thunder.

However, I don't know when these white moonlights will either be reborn, have self-awareness, or be passed through, unwilling to reconcile their original destiny, and try their best to click and replace the heroine, leading to the destruction of the world.

Ye Sangsang, who was killed accidentally, was bound to the 'White Moonlight' system, traveling through various novels, playing Bai Yueguang, reversing the broken plot and sending the heroine to the pinnacle of life.

However, after countless worlds, Ye Sangsang couldn't help but collapse: "Female, please let go!"

This article is so refreshing and sweet, the heroine is beautiful in every world.

As a female fodder for a cannon fodder in a novel, Ye Yan is crazy for love, but can't help but wait for her death before she finds out that she is only a cannon fodder in the novel. She is destined to add a brick to the love of the hero and heroine watt.

In order to get rid of the fate of cannon fodder, Ye Xun was bound to a system called ‘Desire Trading’, traveled to the three thousand worlds, and helped one cannon fodder figure to complete the task.

Content tag: System sweet text fast wear

Search keywords: Protagonist: Ye Sangsang, Lin Xia┃ Supporting role: ┃Other:

After the college entrance examination, cast aside her husband's muddy legs and become the chief executive.