MTL - Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit-Chapter 2759 Fire (42)

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   Chapter 2759 Burning Fire (42)

   Yun Si, who was already asleep, was disturbed by such a sudden movement, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and her brows furrowed slightly.

  The man who hugged her immediately covered her ears.

  A sense of security enveloped her, skin to skin, and his palm was warm.

  She trembled her eyelashes, but did not wake up.

  I hugged him subconsciously, and buried my whole head in his arms.

  The sense of vigilance has dropped a lot, and he didn't wake up immediately after being so noisy.

  Sleep like a soft little milk cat.

  The knock on the door outside the house was still ringing, "bang bang bang".

   There is a posture of knocking on the door, and it is getting stronger.

  Zhou Bingran looked over coldly.




   Not long after, the slamming door was opened.

  The bedroom door is closed, all the lights in the room are off, only the light at the entrance is turned on.

  As soon as the door was opened, the body of the person lying there outside the door immediately fell in.

   But before he fell down, he was kicked out of the door.

  The man in the room seemed to be kicking something dirty, kicked out with a kick of his leg.

  Outside the door, the smell of alcohol was overwhelming.

   "...Yun...Mr. Yun..."

  In the middle of the night, a drunk man from nowhere, holding a wine bottle, fell to the ground.

  Drunk, unable to speak clearly.

   "Late...good evening...Yun...Mr. Yun..."

   He was so drunk that he didn't even see clearly who was standing at the door at the moment.

   He just kept mumbling, his voice intermittent.

   "Yun...Mr. Yun...I...I really...I really...I like...I like you so much..."

  "You don't know...from...from the first time I saw you...I like you..."

   "Really...I...I like..."

  The man standing at the door, under the cold white light in the entrance, lowered his eyes, looking at him without emotion.

  The emotion is as light as looking at a dead person.

  The drunk man lying on the ground was already so drunk that he was unconscious, and he was still staggering, trying to get up while holding on to the wine bottle.

   "Want... want to drink together... I have wine... come... drink..."

   "Drink together..."

  Standing up, he finally saw clearly the person standing at the door.

   It's not that beautiful, white, gentle and sweet sweetheart, but...

  He obviously went down for a while, and then, he grabbed the wine bottle and pointed at it.


   "Where's Yun... Where's Teacher Yun? You... Why are you at Teacher Yun's house?"

  Come here in the middle of the night to make trouble, and put on a posture of catching the cheating wife.

   "Teacher Yun! Teacher Yun!"

  He started yelling at the top of his voice.

   Shouting made the voice-activated lights in the entire corridor turn on.

  Zhou Bingran looked at him coldly, picked up the phone, and found out the property's number.

   "You... why are you at Teacher Yun's house..."

  He was so drunk that he didn't care about playing, his body was wobbly, and he couldn't even stand upright.

   As soon as he was about to pinch him, Zhou Bingran kicked without lifting his eyelids.

   kicked him to the ground again, the wine bottle clanged and fell to the ground, shattering glass pieces all over the floor.

   Now it's quiet.

  He stopped shouting, only moaning, delirious.

   Lying on the ground like a writhing worm.

  Five minutes later, the property manager came with security.

   Apologized repeatedly to Zhou Bingran, and then dragged away the drunk on the ground.

   Zhou Bingran watched them leave, and then closed the door.

  Push the door and go back to the bedroom. On the bed, the person who was supposed to be asleep was obviously woken up.

   Sitting up, rubbing his sleepy eyes, a little dazed.

  Zhou Bingran paused in his deliberately light movements, "Si Si?"

  (end of this chapter)