MTL - Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit-Chapter 2781 Want to fold (3)

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   "Shut up! You are here to speak!?"

  Mica turned her head and scolded, staring at her fiercely.

   Some sharp nails accidentally poked into the little girl's soft cheeks.

  A faint stabbing pain came, her brows moved slightly, and her curled eyelashes trembled.

   Still very quiet, quiet and silent, looking at mica with clear eyes.

   Chunying was scolded and bit her lip, but she still persisted and opposed it.

   "Ma'am, this is not acceptable. If this is discovered... it will be a crime of deceiving the emperor!"

  The crime of deceiving the emperor even punished the nine clans.

  Is she crazy? !

  Afraid that she would really do this, Chun Ying hurriedly walked up to the young master, and pressed his fat little shoulders.

   "Small... young master, you... you are about to say that you want to enter the palace... no, no, no, you can't let the young lady go, if this is discovered..."

   "Don't! Let my sister go! Let her go!"

  Yun Yanzhang shouted loudly, pointing his chubby finger at Yun Si.

  As the only son in the family, his temper got worse and worse.

  Overbearing and arrogant, make trouble for no reason, and shrink back when things happen.

  Don't dare to be violent outside, only dare to play at home.

  Knowing that going to the palace is not a good thing, she refused to go to death, insisting on pushing the matter to her own sister.

  The truth has been said a hundred times but it doesn’t make sense, and Mica, who has always doted on her son, has no choice.

  She turned her head to look at the little daughter who had been silent all this time.

  A well-behaved little daughter, with a pale face, eyes as black as pearls, and quiet.

   On her face, at some point, a bloodstain was drawn by her nails, faintly oozing blood.

   "Ah—" Yun Mu withdrew her hand all of a sudden, "Si Si...I'm sorry, I'm sorry, mother accidentally used force..."

  She hurriedly took out her handkerchief distressedly and wiped it for her.

   "It's mother's fault, Si Si is good, just help mother once."

   "My mother promises that once you enter the palace, you don't have to do anything or talk, someone will take you with you, and you will stay for an hour, just an hour, okay?"

   "Ma'am!" Chunying stomped her feet anxiously, and even wanted to run out to find the master.

   "This—how can this—"

"you shut up!"

  Yimu looked indifferent and rude to her servants, but she turned her head to Yunsi, and immediately put on a motherly expression.

   "Si Si is good."

  She gently touched her little head, and before she could answer, two mothers-in-law came in outside.

  It is the person who follows Yun Mu and waits on her, holding Yun Yanzhang's clothes in his hand, and is about to put them on her when he walks over.

   Didn't ask her if she wanted to.


   Chunying saw that something was wrong, so she stepped forward to stop it.

   No, one of the mother-in-laws slapped her directly.

   There was a loud sound, "Pa—"

   Very hard.

   "Go away! Get out of the way!"

  Chun Ying was directly stunned.

  The heavy slap made her head buzz and her ear canals ring.

  The two mothers-in-law, with big arms and round waists, easily pushed her aside and surrounded Yun Si.

  Take off her coat, and put Yun Yanzhang's clothes on her.

   She frowned slightly as she watched the scene, probably knowing that she had to go if she didn't.

   After all, she doesn't seem to be very favored in this family.

  Yimu was in front of her, and said: "Si Si, be good, don't you always shout that you want to go out to play like your brother? This time is just right, there is a chance."

   "Mother knows that you are very smart. When you go out later, you will be treated as your brother. When someone calls your brother's name, you have to answer, you know?"