MTL - Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night-Chapter 15 uninvited guest

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Ning Que smashed the weak Dao Heart of the geniuses in the front yard of the academy, just like Long Qing smashed the Dao Hearts of those geniuses.

However, as Ning Que revealed his true cultivation realm, the Dao heart of this group of geniuses in the front yard of the academy could be said to be fragmented.

Not being as good as Prince Longqing may be acceptable to them, but not being as good as Ning Que, a small soldier from the frontier, is intolerable to them.

At this time, noisy voices appeared in everyone's ears from far and near. Grand scholar Zeng Jing, Mo Li from Xiling Tianyu Academy, and Long Qing, the son of light who was lifted up to heaven by Xiling, came to the courtyard by the lake.

The appearance of Long Qing, the son of light, attracted the attention of many academy students. If Long Qing climbed to the second floor, then they must Xu Xuexue often look at this Yan countryman.

University scholar Zeng Jing looked at Li Yu and said, "Your Highness the Princess has taken the liberty to come here, and please forgive me for disturbing Your Highness's pleasure."

As a person assigned to the Queen's line, Zeng Jing was very careful with this Highness.

Li Yu said with a smile: "Scholar Zeng didn't worry too much. It's a blessing to see Prince Longqing who is known as the Son of Light today."

How can it be considered a blessing when a bad guest comes to your door, but what if the bad guest comes?

Everyone sit down!

The academy students greeted this great scholar who was favored by His Majesty. After the academy students graduated, no matter whether they joined the army or politics, they would inevitably deal with him.

After a while, the attractive food was brought up by the graceful maid, but the attractive food could not relieve the extremely depressed atmosphere in the courtyard.

Zeng Jing, who has been flattered by the students of the academy for a long time, did not feel complacent, but became more cautious. He said: "Prince Longqing has come to replace Prince Chongming as the hostage, and he will live in Chang'an for a long time in the future. Prince Longqing has practiced since childhood, and is very good at debating , it is not difficult to enter the second floor of the academy."

Li Yu's complexion became more and more ugly. She really couldn't figure out what this Master Zeng wanted to do. Could it be that such a stupid aggressive method wanted to make all the students of the academy during the banquet completely defeated? ?

Zhong Dajun looked at the proud Long Qing, and complained: "The second floor of the academy is not so easy to get into. Prince Longqing has never studied in the front yard before, so it may be easy to pass the examination and enter the second floor."

If you see something that doesn't go your way, you have to say it, so even on such an occasion, no one will blame Zhong Dajun.

But this does not mean that Priest Mo Li, the vice-president of the Heavenly Mandate Academy of the Xiling Temple, will accept such doubts, "Prince Longqing has already stood at the peak of the Dongxuan Realm, and there is only a very thin gap left from the threshold of the Fate Realm." On the first line, if Prince Longqing cannot enter the second floor, does it depend on you?"

As the vice president of Tianyu Academy, Li Li is very proud now, proud of Prince Longqing, and he also feels sad, sad for the academy, because this year's academy students feel sad.

Hua Shanyue, who was sitting in front of him, looked at Li Yu's pale face and said, "Priest Mo Li is exaggerating too much! Although Prince Longqing stands at the peak of Dongxuan, our Tang Kingdom also has Wang Jinglue, who knows his fate and is invincible."

This is also the only young practitioner Hua Shanyue can think of who can compete with Long Qing. There is no shortage of practitioners in the Tang Dynasty, but there are indeed few young practitioners who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Long Qing.

At least Wang Jinglue's record is very good. In the eyes of the world, this Wang Jinglue, who is invincible under knowing his fate, has never lost a single defeat against knowing his fate.

Long Qing said: "It's just a pity that Wang Jinglue, who claims to be invincible below Zhiming, is not in the capital now. If Wang Jinglue is in the capital, I really want to fight him."

Wang Jinglue, who is invincible below Zhiming, can be regarded as his opponent, but what are these academy students?

And Xie Chengyun, the third son of the Southern Jin Dynasty who was silent for a long time, looked at the proud Prince Longqing and said, "I heard that Prince Longqing is good at debating difficult questions. I wonder if I can teach you a thing or two."

If he couldn't defeat Long Qing in terms of cultivation, then he had to use some unorthodox methods. Xie Chengyun, who happened to be from a family in the Southern Jin Dynasty, was especially good at arguing.

Li Yu, who was seated at the top, finally stretched his brows. The disciples of the academy challenged him, but he finally saved some face.


Seeing a challenge, Long Qing said calmly: "Since Mr. Xie wants to argue, Long Qing should accompany him."

Priest Mo Li who was standing beside him even laughed, as if he was thanking Chengyun for his overreaching. Everyone knows that Longqing is known as the Son of Light, but few people know that Prince Longqing has been recognized by Lanke Temple .

This is destined to be a wonderful debate. One is a genius from the Xie family in the Southern Jin Dynasty, and the other is Long Qing, the prince of the Yan Kingdom. This is the collision between the genius of the academy and the genius of Xiling, so it naturally attracts attention.

Xie Chengyun opened the question, and Long Qing came to argue!

In the eyes of everyone, this should probably be an evenly matched debate, but as time passed, Xie Chengyun gradually fell into a disadvantage, and was even defeated by the words of the lotus-speaking Long Qing.

After staggering back to his seat, Xie Chengyun's face was full of grief and indignation, which made Li Yu's face even paler. This pale face made the academician feel as if he was sitting on pins and needles.

The master humiliated the minister and worried, but for the rough embryos who fought on the battlefield, their cultivation level was not as good as this son of light. Could it be that they could still lose in drinking wine?

Zhang Jianxin, a general from Gushan County, laughed and said: "Our old Zhang is a rough man, and he doesn't understand any major principles, but our old Zhang knows that it is impossible to invite people to dinner without good wine. Our old Zhang's hometown is not famous. The special products of Jiujiang, please taste some Jiujiang double steamed. UU Kanshu”

Wine is good wine, so of course someone needs to drink it!

Zhang Jianxin sincerely approached Longqing and planned to fight for wine. Zhang Jianxin, who was born in Gushan County, didn't think that he, who had been drinking since he was three years old, would lose to a son of light.

Jiujiang Shuangzheng from Gushan County was assigned to each table in the courtyard. Ning Que looked at Zhang Jianxin who was about to compete with Long Qing for wine, and whispered to Sangsang next to him, "Did Sangsang come back from the frontier army?" The general sucks, is there something wrong with his brain? How can he win a wine fight with a Dongxuan peak?"

Sangsang didn't answer, just hugged the jar and gulped down bottle after bottle of Jiujiang Shuangzheng.

But things always backfired, whether it was Zhang Jianxin or the geniuses in the academy, they all lost in this fight and fell drunk on the table.

But Long Qing still drank bowl after bowl by himself, and introduced to everyone at the banquet his special feelings for fine wine.

Long Qing looked proudly at the drunk college students, and said: "The college students are really famous, I just hope Houshan won't let me down."

"Prince Longqing, it's better not to be arrogant. After all, there are people who are beyond others."

Li Yu thought of someone who was also good at drinking.

Priest Mo Li said proudly: "Your Highness, there are heaven and man outside the sky, and there are people outside the sky, but in Desheng, Prince Longqing is already invincible."

As the vice president of Tianyu Academy, Mo Li is very proud at the moment, because Tang Guo's face has been completely lost.

"Invincible here, Miss Tantai, do you think that Son of Light deserves it?"

"Of course not!"

Before the voice fell, two figures stepped into the courtyard from outside the courtyard, it was Su Xuan and Tantai Yan who came to Deshengju for dinner.