MTL - Killing Grounds of Gods and Devils-Chapter 1093 Last 10 days

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Fifty human serpent-tailed giants were drawn in in an instant, followed by a stern harsh growl followed by XX, and instantly one human serpent-tailed giant came up from the sky. "It seems to want to escape" Multicolored substance, ".

"What's going on?" The monk screamed, couldn't help but step forward, and the three eyes of Emperor Alaya on one side almost stared out.

Dozens of snake-tailed giants who want to escape from the sky still want to run away. The empty, colorful matter is like being moved by jī, and it is rolled up by a series of stormy waves. They are dragged in again instantly. In this colorful matter, All the archaic gods can clearly see that the dozens of the created human snake-tailed giants screamed desperately, their bodies were swallowed and corroded by the multicolored substances, and they quickly melted and ulcerated. The snow and ice in it was dissolved and melted in the blink of an eye, and turned into a part of the colorful matter. Novel Chapter Updates Fastest

Dozens of snake-tailed giants swallowed up in one fell swoop, and the multicolored matter became even more terrifying and madly abused, forcing the gods to retreat far away. Looking at it for only a short time, the multicolored matter has devoured the surrounding space into In the darkness, I saw a tree attached to this colorful substance, and the leaves were withered instantly, and the original universe tree was withered in a blink of an eye. , "No ... no way ...", the unshaven monarch's face was pale, his body was shaking, and he couldn't help hissing. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

Emperor Laye, who was next to him, also became very ugly. For hundreds of millions of years, he has exhausted countless efforts and sacrificed countless souls. The results of the research have finally disappeared in a blink of an eye and nothing has been left.

"Sure enough ..." Fenger's master, the voice of the **** of death is still soft, full of male charm.

"Why is this so ... Obviously ... We have thoroughly studied why ... the giant **** we created has the power to rival the giant god, why ..." The monarch howled, could not help but turn his head, his face twisted Staring up.

Su Yu said indifferently: "What you have created is just the power of the giant god's body, but ... but you can't create the will of the giant god. That's unique ... The giant gods without the will are just a bunch of bigger false gods."

The big ancient Buddha sneered: "Is this the result of your research, do not destroy the monarch, Emperor Alaya? Now, what else can you do to deal with" None? " "

The immortal monarch's face is distorted, and he has no words to murmur: "We can use the bones of the remaining giant gods to create this" stricken world "that has not been saved. We create a complete God that belongs to us. The bones of the great gods of the kingdom must be able to resist these colorful substances. "

"That's enough-", the satanic industry among the devil suddenly roared suddenly: "Abandoning the righteous world, do you have to sacrifice how many souls?" "

"Enough, do not destroy the monarch. Facts have shown that your research should be useless—" the void in the distance suddenly heard a somewhat low voice. With this voice, one looks A very blond middle-aged man walked out slowly.

"Dialissos ..." The Immortal Monarch saw the sudden appearance of the middle-aged man taking a breath.

Diariss, the ancestor of the most famous "Dialiss Protoss" among the eight major protoss, is also the most famous one, "The Archaic God" is just unexpected. This Diariss , Still alive.

"With now, none, the ever-increasing speed of engulfing the whole, Zhengjie" will be completely wiped out in ten days. "The voice of the giant **** Noah echoed suddenly in the void, so that the eyes of all the ancient gods once again gathered on Su Yu.

"We live, the anti-world" has been completely swallowed up, which has also led to "None, which will be more powerful without restraint. In another ten days," None "can easily engulf the entire" Negative World, devour, all All souls will be destroyed once. No one can survive, including your ancient gods ... "

The voice of the giant God Noah silenced all the beings present. Listening, they were not stupid. Naturally, they could see that the speed of "None" was increasing by a few joules. On the first day, only the "Zheng" One hundredth of a billion space, but on the second day, ", nothing" swallowed up one ten millionth of the space of the "positive world", and this speed is still increasing, so go on, It doesn't even take ten days, it is possible to completely devour the entire "positive realm".

"I want each other, nothing." The only way is to gather all our strength, or try ... "Noah's voice, low and slow, echoed in the void.

"Dear Titan, I want to know, if the power of your nine Archaic Titans is one, you can really solve" None, right? " "Dialissos suddenly paid his respects to Su Yu and Noah's Ark.

His action seemed to hold the other gods present.

"It can only be said, but there is no absolute certainty ~ ~ If even our giant gods failed together ... then, the fate of the destruction of the positive world can no longer be reversed, waiting for all living beings ... only perish . ", The words of the **** Noah made all the gods slightly silent.

Diarisos sighed: "The battle of Archaeology was a mistake. This kind of error has continued to this day. It is the sorrow of the ancient Gods who are still alive. It is time to end this error. No Destroy the monarch, Emperor Alaya, don't make mistakes again and again. ", The immortal monarch smiled sharply:" Dialissos, you have even denied the war of the ancient times, the fall of the billions of ancient gods, When it comes to your mouth, it turns out to be a mistake? That mistake must be too outrageous. "

He Shi, who was sitting on the stage of Man Yelian, said slowly: "Dialissos is right. I have been thinking about this for billions of years ... why we can't be perfect ... maybe" the root is that we can't let go. Let go of our sī 唉 ... so, we have never been liberated, we have not been surpassed. "

Su Yu stared at the dazzling material from afar, and suddenly said, "The discussion is right or wrong now, it has no meaning anymore. I need your help to gather the power of the nine ancient giants. Each time it is delayed At one point, there will be more creatures to be "none, swallowed up". As for the right and wrong of the ancient times, there is no sense of discussion. "!.