MTL - Kingdom’s Bloodline-Chapter 19 Father and king

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Chapter 19 Father and King

Dawn is here.

In the hall of Di Di Si, the most important and most embarrassing father and son of the whole kingdom is being seen.

Tyres looked at the strong aristocrat, his father.

He turned to Gilbert and Jodel with a little fear and disappointment, but both bowed their heads silently.

He looked at the guards around the gallery, but the well-equipped soldiers covered their eyes behind the covered helmet and did not move.

Until the thick voice of Kessel V was heard in his ear:

"He looked like a skinny monkey."

The current situation of Tyres is really not too good. The black short hair is cut into pots (Sinti's craftsmanship), covered with dust, and the small face is full of mud prints and hand marks. Although the magician Eichda used mysterious means to stop the blood for his large and small wounds, the bruises, scratches, and bruises left in the waste house and the Red Square Street are still hanging on the body sparsely. The same dusty body, the nephew's rough linen is also ragged, tearing open a boulevard on the chest, almost revealing the burn on the chest, he will even be cold before entering the Judith Hall. The wind shivered.

"I believe that you will not make a mistake." Kessel's voice echoed in the gallery.

Taylors looked up again and looked at Kessel.

His king, his father.

But Kessel had turned his head and stopped looking at him.

There was a faint sense of disobedience in Tyre's heart, but he immediately pressed the discomfort.

The thick voice of Kessel continues to echo:

"You all know how important this matter is. Now, only three of us know. Of course, I will transfer Ginny over, he needs qualified care, so the insider is our four - wait for Morat to come back. After that, I will tell him personally."

"From now on, the Judith Hall is completely closed, and it is said that it is a royal secret treasure. I am very angry."

"You can't risk sending the Royal Guard, it's too conspicuous, and you can't let your opponents know our next step."

"The next month, his safety will be guarded by the private soldiers of the comet family and the 50th-end swordsmen. Although they are a lot worse, they win in loyalty and privacy, and they can keep secrets, as long as they don't. Too much attention has been paid, and it should be more than enough. And Yodel, you are cautious, you are here, my safety this month, Eda and the Royal Guard."

Jodel did not speak, and the head of the mask was a little bit.

"Gilbert." Kessel still did not look at Tells, he stroked the spar on the scepter, sinking his mouth, and the tone was majestic.

"Why did you think about the reason for visiting the Judith Hall in the early morning?"

"Of course, your majesty, the excuse is ready-made - the gangster fire at the junction of the lower city / district and the West Ring District, and countless deaths and injuries, I rushed to the royal palace in the evening to report the matter." Gilbert respectfully Reply.

"Not enough. I will go back to the Fuxing Palace tomorrow, but you have to visit it frequently after a month, and you have a better reason." King Kaiser shook his head.

"That said, the royal secret treasure disappeared too mysteriously, and you let me specifically investigate this matter?"

"Some blunt, but a month's time is enough." King Kaiser thought for a while and nodded.

Then, the king of the stars, finally turned his eyes to the overwhelmed Taylors.

His eyes were sharp and he stabbed Tells unconsciously.

That feeling is not like a father watching his son.

But the king did not seem to care completely about Taylors.

"One month, Gilbert, one month."

"Before his identity is officially recognized, Gilbert, you are his private teacher, responsible for all his teaching."

"Yes, Your Majesty. I will do my best if you wish." Gilbert resigned in a respectful manner.

The heart of Tells sank.

Kessel calmly took a scepter and sank for a while.

"You must prepare him. He can't appear in front of the whole kingdom and the six major families, and the envoys of other countries."

"From courtesy to temperament, knowledge to appearance, we have to have a decent look. What we need is a decent kingdom heir, not a lonely street."

What about the streets?

After listening to this, Tyres slightly pinched his fists.

"It’s the standard of the welcome banquet of the Exeter ambassador, I hope he will be there at the time - it’s not easy, but I believe you can do it well."

Tyres trembled a little, but still silently listened to the unquestionable order of King Kaiser, planning his future step by step.

But in the future of Taylors, there seems to be no place for his own will.

How could this be?

He had just escaped the bitterness of his own bitterness.

There are still many problems in his heart, and there are many doubts.

But King Kaiser, who seems to be in front of him, does not care about his thoughts. He just publishes his own orders one sentence at a time, telling his own wishes.

"Nobody needs to know how his past is, but after all, there must be a saying, Gilbert, to make a story for his origins."

"As long as I can confirm his bloodline - I will discuss with Li Xiya, and the gods are not unable to trade - we are not afraid of gossip."

"Selecting his peers in the nobility list, as well as the heir's instructors and attendants - after he is recognized, these are the focus, there must be an early filing, and I will see the list before next week."

"Insurability, Gilbert, you have to reconfirm the terms of the royal family in the "Sacred Stars Act" and the precedents in the comet family like him. If there is a controversy, we can still remedy it now. ”

Tyres frowned and listened to them continuing to plan their own future, their own lives.

Just like a puppet.

"As for his marriage contract, I have an idea, and then we will discuss it again, Exeter-"

At this time, Gilbert interrupted the king with a respectful expression.

"Your Majesty, there is still time," the gray-haired middle-aged aristocrat seems to feel wrong, but he still tried to express his opinion: "If you need to get along with this child alone, we can --"

But Kessel waved his hand and stopped at Gilbert.

At that moment, Thales saw the king's deep eyes tremble. he

Feeling a strange mood, emerging from the expression of Kaiser.

Tyres wanted to say something, and when he spoke, he swallowed it.

I - what should I say?

What can I say?

A seven-year-old who first saw his father, what to say.

Hey, my father who met for the first time, can I say something?

You should probably listen to my thoughts instead of talking to yourself?

It’s weird.

Kessel seemed to want to turn his head to Tyres, but he turned back halfway. He saw his hands on his scepter and looked at the portraits of the three kings on the wall for a long time.

It seems that only this time, he is more like a person.

For a moment, Kaiser turned around. He didn't look at anyone, but he was the only king of the stars. The majestic voice of Kessel V re-emerged.

"In short, the task on you is very heavy. The Star Kingdom has no heirs for twelve years. Just last week, in the letter, Dessue intentionally or unintentionally mentioned the king system of the Exeter Kingdom - you know the six What happens to the family."

"His appearance is a variable, but it is also our unexpected chip and advantage... It is planned to make changes to ensure that we are one step ahead of our opponents."

"Make sure he can get the most out of it."

Taylors a glimpse.

This is - his father?




To the maximum extent... to be effective?

Is this a father, what should he say in front of his unsuccessful son?

Taylor sighed in his heart and bowed his head.

It turned out to be...

This feeling of incompatibility...

It’s not like a father and son gathering together – more like a chess player, moving a piece of chess in a habitual and casual way.

Taylors is obviously not the only one who feels this strange.

Gilbert smiled and seemed to want to say something.

But in the end he just bowed his head and sighed slightly in the invisible sight of the king.

However, some people still interrupted the king's words regardless of the atmosphere.

"His Majesty."

Taylors turned back in surprise, but the silent Jodel spoke.

The secret guard, the expression behind the mask is unknown, but the hoarse voice is extremely firm:

"He is your blood, your son first!"

"Finally, it is your heir."

"And you can't turn a blind eye to it."

Taylors looked up and saw that Kessel V spit out a long breath.

Then he closed his eyes.

"Yes, he is my son," the king closed his eyes, clutching his scepter, and dullly said: "So I will be here today."

"I gave him to you. Remember, one month."

After all, Kaiser V did not say much.

The lens on the Joel mask paused for a moment, and finally he lowered his head and stopped talking.

A faint doubt and surprise spread to the heart of Tells.

The king nodded and looked at Gilbert and Jodel on one knee. He used his unrecognized emotions and complicated and difficult eyes. He looked at the stubborn Taylor and turned and left without hesitation.

Gilbert and Jodel stood up slowly.

The strong back is slowly stepping down the stairs.

The footsteps are heavy, but with majesty.

The majesty of the king.


This is over?

Taylor was shocked and looked incredulously at the "father" who left.

This is not right.

This so-called father...he is the father of this body, isn't it?

but why.

He looks like this... no feelings?


It's about my future...

So decided?

I even have the opportunity to talk...


Taylor couldn't help himself, shouting out.

He is fed up with a powerless piece.

The strong figure paused and turned around.

Gilbert looked at Taylors in surprise, and Jodel’s expression was still hidden behind the mask.

Looking at the gradually turning king, bearing his sharp eyes, Taylors felt that the back molars were a little heavy.

But he still had a hard time opening.

"I, although we have never seen it..." Tyres swallowed, and he stretched out his hands and waved in front of him, discretion: "But since you are mine... I mean, since we are ......"

The king held the stair railing and looked at Tyres with an indescribable complex look.

Tyres closed his eyes and then opened again, exhaling:

"I think..." He bitterly bitterly, and the plain fangs disappeared.


What attitude and term should I use to face... This is both a father and a king?





Which is not right.

Next to Gilbert, reaching out to Tyres, seemed to want to say something, but in the end he chose silence.

Tyres breathes faster, and he frowns: "I'm actually confused, maybe you are my... can help me answer."

"After all, we are... blood relatives. And you said so much, heirs, kingdoms, marriage contracts, but I don't know anything."

"This may not matter to you, you don't care much..."

Kaiser V grasped the scepter tightly, but he did not return, but his eyebrows slowly picked up.

Tyres bit his lip and felt the burn on his chest began to ache again.


Even the most failed papers published were not so embarrassing.

He gently waved his hands and organized the language:

"But this is my future, if you have decided... at least let me know a little."

"And, you said no one needs to know my past... but at least I want, I mean..."

"At least I need to know my past."

"I really want to know what happened."

"And, I will go the way."

Kessel looked at Tyre's eyes and changed.

It is no longer the look of inspection, inspection and inspection.

It seems like the first time I realized that Tyres is a person.

And it is his son.

Tyres sighed.

Forget it.

He opened his eyes and looked straight at the "father."

"Yes, I want to know everything about me."

"I want to know my origins, such as...who is the mother, where was born, how can it become like this."

"And, my identity, my future, the choice I can have..."

"An answer like this..."

"Not as an outsider, a pawn, an item..."

"If I am really your son..."

Tyres gritted his teeth and said the word.

Although your performance... is not like what a normal father should have.

Even if you are a king.

Taylors felt a little dizzy, and the consumption tonight has already made this seven-year-old body a bit overwhelmed.

The king finally looked at him and sneaked into the sky blue pupil in his eyes.

At that moment, the eyes of Kaiser V were quite complicated and difficult, and Tyres could not read more.

"Child, what is your name?"

Just listen to the supreme ruler of the stars and ask with his heavy voice.

Taylor stared at Kessel.

"Tells," he heard himself say, "My name is Tells."

Just think about asking your son's name now?


Taylor shook his head gently in his heart.

"Tells, listen carefully." Kessel narrowed his eyes and his voice was cold:

"A lot of things you don't need to know."

"Do not care."

"Your road has already been decided."

"Let's walk as you go."


At that moment, Taylors only felt a chill in his heart.

"If there is still doubt."

"Go to Gilbert."

Then, Kessel V, the kingdom of stars and the southern archipelago, the thirty-ninth generation of the desert in the west.

In this way, the head did not return to leave the Di Di Si Hall.

His cloak disappeared into the eyes of Taylors.

Damn it.

Taylors bowed his head and stared at the expensive black floor tiles, frowning.

This is the body of this father, is it not an enemy?

"Child, Tyres." Gilbert behind him couldn't help but patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, don't think too much. Your Majesty is just too much business, in fact he."

Gilbert had not finished, and Joel suddenly came forward and kneel in front of Tyres, and he would not know when it was in his hands, Tyres’ JC dagger (Gilbert’s face changed, Touching his waist, his brows are tight, and gently stuffed into the hands of Taylors.

Tyres was so angry that he was shocked.

I saw a dark purple mask slightly, and the hoarse voice slowly came:


"You are his son, the blood, the fate, anyone, anything, can't change this."

Tyres took a deep breath.

They probably misunderstood.

I feel that I am disappointed because of the neglect of "father"?

He put away the dagger and squeezed his fists, barely showing a smile.

"Reassured," he forced the dissatisfaction of his heart, faintly said: "Thank you."

Looking at Jodel who interrupted him, Gilbert spoke out of his nose with dissatisfaction and kneel in front of Taylors, softly saying:

"Thales, my little gentleman, you have experienced enough tonight."

"Now you need a break, maybe medical care."

"Tells, please come with me. Yodel, I will come back to you, we have to talk."

Tyres nodded and obediently followed Gilbert.

Only Joel, he looked up and looked at a vase in the distant corridor.

He observed with sharp and terrifying gaze that there were invisible tiny cracks on the vase.

The brow behind the Joel mask was slightly stunned.

He knew that before Tyres roared out.

The vase is still intact.

Is it coincidence?

(End of this chapter)