MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-~ Closing remarks: on the road!

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People, as long as they don't die, the story will not end.

After elementary school, there is junior high school, after junior high school, there is high school, after high school, there is university, after starting a job, you will change jobs, get married, have children... Even if the story is plain, it will continue!

So there will be blogger biography after Hayate, and there will be other people's biography after blogger biography.

Speaking of this book, my original plan was to finish writing Ryuji-dong, and then cover the marriage of Naruto and Erzhuzi, and finally end with Hong's pregnancy. There are probably 20 or 30 chapters left. But when I think of Naruto getting married, everyone on the moon will be unwilling to be lonely and come down to join in the fun. This wave will be a little longer, and the child of Fenghuo will come out. , At that time, the bloggers will also come out, a few brats pee, and Datongmu will jump out and yell to follow us to hey hey hey.

So, after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to end it here, on the way to Ryongji Cave.

As Hong said, this is a perfect ending, because of the victory against the Akatsuki organization, because of the death of Heijue, because of Kaguya Otsutsuki's inability to come out and act aggressively, because of everyone's resurrection, and because of what happened in Bo Renchuan Tribulation did not appear.

And Fenghuo, carrying the victory of the Fourth Ninja World War, has no regrets, playing with his wife, friends, and juniors, carefree, carefree, leisurely on the road, and moving forward happily .

May time last forever.

Hey, wait, those readers with forty-meter broadswords, please calm down, sit down, sit down, everyone is a civilized person, what can't you wait for me to kneel down and say?

Cough, here, the blame must be thanked to all readers!

Some readers have been there since the book was opened, some readers came in the middle, some readers left in the middle, and some readers came and went, no matter what, I love you all, it is your support and subscription that makes the Me, let this book come to the present!

This book starts with a standard rush. There is only one recommendation in two months of the new book period, and then it is put on the shelves with 3,000 collections. The first order is 200. In the three months after the release, there is no recommendation. The results are at the bottom. God knows what I experienced What, but after more than a year, the average subscription of this book has increased more than ten times, so I am very grateful, thank you for your support and dedication!

Also because of the good grades, I am very reluctant to end this time, but just like the first sentence: as long as people don't die, the story will not end.

See you in the next book!

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