MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1067 ready to go

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After Naruto and Kirabi separated, they were cornered by Tsunade and Jiraiya.

Women are generally very curious, especially menopausal women, if you can't satisfy their curiosity, you will sit on your **** to death!

For Naruto, no matter Tsunade or Jiraiya, they are very close to him, so there is no need to hide it. When he is on the verge of death, he encounters the Sage of the Six Paths in the spiritual world. Speak up.

"I can't believe it!"

Tsunade stared at Naruto with a strange expression, "So you are really the reincarnation of Ashura, the second son of the Sage of the Six Paths?"

"That's what that weird old man said." Naruto held the back of his head with both hands, pouted, "But I only have one father!"

That's Namikaze Minato!

If he recognized that strange old man as his father, his mother Jiu Xinnai might beat him to death.

Thinking of this, a trace of cold sweat overflowed Naruto's forehead.

"If Naruto gets the inheritance of the Sage of the Six Paths, maybe he can really fight against the Ten-Tails!" Jilai also said excitedly beside him.

"Of course!"

As soon as Naruto heard the ten tails, he immediately got excited, clenched his fists and said excitedly, "I will definitely defeat the ten tails and rescue the Kurama, no, not only the Kurama, but also the other tailed beasts!"

"In that case, Naruto, get ready, we're about to set off!" Tsunade clasped his arms across his chest, and the waves surged instantly.

Jiraiya's eyes lit up, his eyes narrowed into two crescent slits, he quietly stared at Tsunade's stalwart, and said wretchedly: "You're right, Naruto, you..."

"Where are your eyes looking, bastard!!"

Tsunade's forehead revealed a well of anger, and he punched Jiraiya 20 meters away!


Naruto's heart skipped a beat: Granny Tsunade is as violent as before...Speaking of which, my mother is also like this...Sakura is also like this...Why are all the women around me having this personality, it's so scary!

The more Naruto thought about it, the more he felt that life was dark.

"Naruto, what are you thinking?" Tsunade asked suddenly.

"I'm thinking of the woman next to me..." Naruto said subconsciously, but soon he reacted, covered his mouth, and hummed, "I'm thinking of my mother, from before to now I Never saw her."

Tsunade said: "As the squad leader of the sealing squad, Kushina has left with the fourth unit and went to the battlefield support of the first unit."

"The battlefield of the first army? Where is it?" Naruto was a little nervous.

"That's where you're going next!" Tsunade said word by word.

Naruto's eyes flickered all of a sudden: "Understood!"

In a fire tent.

Accompanied by a fluctuation in time and space, the figure of Minato Namikaze suddenly appeared beside Fenghuo.

"Feng Huo, you... huh?"

As soon as Namakaze Minato opened his mouth, he found Fenghuo lying motionless on the ground, and even his breath seemed to disappear, "What's going on?!"

Namikaze Minato, who was frightened and angry, his first reaction was that Madara Uchiha lurked in and attacked Fenghuo, but soon he felt unrealistic, because when Jiraiya was in the intelligence room before, he personally said that Fenghuo had met Naruto It's over, so in such a short period of time, no matter how awesome Uchiha Madara is, it is impossible to achieve this level silently!

Before he had time to think about it, Minato Namakaze squatted down and wanted to pick up Fenghuo and send it to the medical department.

"Lord Hokage, stop!"

The pharmacist rushed in fiercely.

He had been staying outside the tent, guarding the fire seal, but Minato Namikaze came directly with Fei Leishen, catching Medicine Master by surprise.

Namikaze Minato still trusts Yaoshi Dou, suppressing the anger in his heart, he slowly got up and said solemnly: "Du, what's going on?"

Pharmacist smiled wryly, and said, "Brother Feng Huo transplanted Naruto's cells."


Namikaze Minato suddenly had a ghostly expression on his face, "Why did Fenghuo have to transplant...could it be...the body of a fairy?"

The previous Naruto was just a descendant of the Uzumaki clan, and his cells were at most full of vitality. From a practical point of view, they were not even as good as the cells of Xianglin and Libra Shigego, but the current Naruto is a genuine immortal body!

It has the same immortal body as the first Hokage Senjubashima, who quelled the troubled times decades ago and single-handedly established Konoha's position as the leader!

Namikaze Minato's reflexes are super fast, and when he thinks of the story of the reincarnation eye that Fenghuo once told him, he vaguely understands Fenghuo's intention.


Namikaze Minato looked down at Fenghuo who didn't know whether he was alive or dead on the ground, and couldn't accept that his son's cells could threaten Fenghuo's life!

"Naruto's cells are very powerful. Fortunately, they don't have abnormal phagocytosis like the first-generation cells. Therefore, I believe that Brother Fenghuo will succeed." Pharmacist laughed.

"I hope so!"

Namikaze Minato took a deep breath and asked, "Dou, when will Fenghuo wake up?"

"This...sorry, I can't guarantee it either." Pharmacist said honestly.

Namikaze Minato frowned: "In this case, the plan needs to be changed."

"What's wrong?" Medicine Master asked.

"It's nothing, Bao, you take care of Fenghuo, if he wakes up, let him go to the battlefield of the fifth army immediately!" Bo Fengshuimen said.

The pharmacist nodded and said, "I see."

Leaving the fire-sealed tent, Minato Namikaze thought for a while, then used Flying Thunder God again, and appeared next to Obito.

"Master Minato!"

Seeing Minakaze Minato who suddenly appeared beside him, Obito was surprised.

"Four generations?" Zhishui asked.

"Master Hokage!" Kai jumped up excitedly from the bed, "Are you here to find me?"

"Obito, Shisui, Kai." Namikaze Minato looked around with a smile and found that there were quite a few people in the tent.

In addition to Obito, Shisui, Kai, Xianglin, and Shigego Libra, of course, there is also Hiduan who is half dead because of reincarnation.

"Hey, hey, it's not like I'm here again!" Fei Duan rolled his eyes and said No, I'm not here to trouble you this time, Fei Duan. "Namikaze Minato smiled politely.

Although Hidan is an enemy, after all, this enemy saved Kushina and Jiraiya, one is Namikaze Minato's wife, and the other is Namikaze Minato's teacher, so Namikaze Minato has no hostility towards Hidan at all.

"Kai, Shisui, how are your injuries?" Minato Namikaze turned around and asked.

Kai said with enthusiasm: "This time it really dragged on Xianglin's blessing, my body has fully recovered now!"

"I don't have any problems anymore." Zhishui said with a smile.

Obito pointed at Kaorin from the side and said, "Minister Minato, thank you for bringing Kaorin with me, otherwise Kai, an idiot, wouldn't have recovered so well."

"Hmph, I didn't come to the front line because of you." Xiang Lin pouted.

After being bitten by two stinky men again, Xianglin is feeling aggrieved!

"Xiao Lin, thank you very much." Namikaze Minato walked up to her and thanked her solemnly.

"No, you're welcome."

Xianglin waved his hands in a hurry, "I, I am the disciple of Teacher Kushina, and I have been taken care of by Teacher Jiushina these days, so I should help you."

"That's two different things, Kaorin." Namikaze Minato showed a gentle smile, "As a teacher, Kushina should take care of you, so don't repay Kushina anyway because of this incident." Nai's thoughts. If Kushina is here, I don't want to see you like this."

"I see." Xiang Lin lowered her head shyly, and suddenly realized... Namikaze Minato is so handsome too!

. Miaoshuwu