MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1072 tenacious 2 pillars

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The moment Naruto appeared, not only attracted the attention of Orochimaru, Nagato and Uchiha Madara unconsciously put all their attention on Naruto.

"It doesn't feel the same as before."

Uchiha Madara frowned, he just peeled Kyuubi out of Naruto's body with a relaxed and happy face last night, but now, he can't see through Naruto!

"Uchiha Madara, Orochimaru, Nagato, and Ten Tails!"

Naruto's eyes swept over these people one by one, with a firm and dignified expression, "That's it!"

Fifth Army Battlefield.

High in the sky, a huge rock ball with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters is slowly rotating, and the terrifying gravitational force has gradually dissipated. The coalition ninjas tens of miles away tremblingly came out from every corner, looking at the star in the sky with horror. Huge rock ball!

"That guy Sasuke, is he dead?"

Inuzuka gritted his teeth in disbelief. Although he hated the posturing Erzhuzi, he was a companion after all. If he really wanted to see him die in front of him, Inuzuka couldn't bear it.

"Sasuke-kun will never die!"

Yamanaka Ino said firmly.

After graduating from the ninja school and joining the team, Yamanaka Ino also experienced many hardships and grew a lot, and benefited from not staying with Erzhuzi all day long, so her feelings for Erzhuzi gradually faded, but The beauty of "first love" is always sacred and inviolable, so Yamanaka Ino is still full of confidence in Erzhuzi.

However, half the time passed, and there was still no movement in the huge rock ball!

The ninjas of the coalition army looked at each other, some didn't know what to do.

The huge rock ball hangs thousands of meters high, blocking all the ninjas like a moat, even if they want to go up to support them, they can't do it.

What's more, Tiandao Payne is still floating in the air.

At this time, Tendo Payne, carrying the consciousness of Uchiha Madara, slowly came to the rock ball, boasting a few words about the extraordinaryness of Erzhuzi very proudly, so as to further set off his greatness, and then he started to act.

Inside the rock ball, Erzhuzi's state is a bit embarrassing at the moment!

And his complete body, Susanoo, was squeezed by countless dense boulders, and he couldn't even move a finger. Moreover, the pressure generated by the extrusion was continuously wearing away the armor of the complete body, Susanoo. He had to pour in the eternal kaleidoscope pupil power continuously, so that he could barely maintain Susanoo's appearance!

At this time, if the two pillars put away the complete body of Susano, these huge rocks will be squeezed from all directions in an instant. The squeezing force that can almost wear away!

Fortunately, he still has Amaterasu!

Erzhuzi used Amaterasu while outputting the eternal kaleidoscope pupil power towards the complete Susanoo, and the black flame was centered on the focus of his sight, burning quickly!



Amaterasu! !

Erzhuzi stared fiercely at a pair of eternal kaleidoscopes, staring at where they were burning, but no matter how many giant rocks were burned, there would always be giant rocks squeezing in from behind, endlessly, trapping his complete body, Susanoo, in place. Can't move!

If Erzhuzi's eyes were not for the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan, and he was replaced by a pair of ordinary kaleidoscope Sharingan, I am afraid that he would have lost his eyesight due to pupil power problems at this time, and would have been squeezed to death by a huge rock!

At this moment, the boulder suddenly began to move, making harsh noises like steel rubbing, and then the figure of Tiandao Payne slowly emerged from the boulder.

Erzhuzi looked at it, and he didn't tell you about the morals of the world, so he stared at Amaterasu directly.

In an instant, a black flame burned on Tiandao Payne's left arm and shoulder, and spread rapidly, burning towards his head and even his entire body!

When Tiandao Payne saw it, he almost scolded his mother!

He cut off his left arm shoulder-to-shoulder without saying a word, and then resolutely drilled into the huge rock and disappeared!

"Uchiha Sasuke! You are looking for death!!"

Tiandao Payne's angry voice came from all directions, with indescribable anger and killing intent!

"If you can do it, just try it!"

Erzhuzi is extremely provocative, and has the mood of being pessimistic about life and doing nothing if he refuses to accept it.

Of course, Erzhuzi is not stupid. Although he is trapped in the huge rock, this powerful ninjutsu is just a sealing ninjutsu. He can almost resist the friction of the boulder, so with his eternal kaleidoscope pupil power, he can use Amaterasu to slowly burn the boulder to ashes. It may take a little longer, but Er Zhuzi is not panicking at all!

After the provocation, Erzhuzi took out a military food pill from the ninja bag, and stuffed it into his mouth casually, as if he would spend forever with you.

"Damn it!"

Tiandao Payne couldn't stand this provocation, and directly used the pupil power of the reincarnation eye to move the giant rock.

The huge rock with a diameter of more than 3,000 meters immediately rotated rapidly, and inside the huge rock, countless huge rocks also rotated rapidly. In an instant, it seemed that thousands of gears were spinning, and the ear-piercing noise instantly resounded through the sky.

As for the complete body Susanoo in the boulder, the pressure it endured increased even more. Countless boulders rubbed wildly, and countless cracks appeared in the armor of Modu Tengu in an instant. The two pillars frowned slightly, and then increased the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope The output quickly made up for the loss of Wu Tengu's armor.

As a result, the two were deadlocked at high altitude.


Shin Uchiha, who was dozens of miles away, had veins on his forehead!

Continuously using the power of reincarnation eyes and pupils not only extracts Chakra, but also his vitality!

At this time, his face became more haggard, the crow's feet around his eyes became denser, and the gray temples gradually spread upwards!

You must know that he is not even thirty at this time!

There has to be a limit to premature aging, bastard!

Shin Uchiha panted heavily, then looked at Jue viciously, and said coldly: "Je, Sasuke's Eternal Kaleidoscope, it's up to you to get it!"

"Huh? What do you mean? Xin, didn't you seal Uchiha Sasuke with the Earth Explosion Star?"

Jue looked On the battlefield of the Fifth Army, his avatar was constantly passing on information. According to the information, how could he make a move?

"No! That **** used the pupil power of the eternal kaleidoscope to maintain the form of the complete body Susanoo, and resisted the seal of the Earthburst Star. Although his actions were restricted, but...his Amaterasu made my Heavenly Dao Payne can't get close to him, and he has been using Amaterasu to consume the seal, if this continues, the seal will be broken by him sooner or later, and I can't waste time on him!" When Uchiha Shin said at the end, his face A few more wrinkles appeared on the face.

Vitality is just like masturbating. You don’t feel tired at the beginning, and even after masturbating, you are still full of energy and energy, just like cultivating immortals. The more I feel tired, weak, and completely listless!

Nobuyuki Uchiha was attracted by the powerful ability of Samsara Eye when he started to use Samsara Eye. Every day, he said, "Hi, I feel that life has come to the climax", and the loss of a little vitality is completely insignificant!

But as the number of times of using the Samsara Eye increased, Uchiha Shin gradually found that he was about to lose his temper! Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site