MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1086 born in reincarnation

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Seeing Namikaze Minato suddenly appear, Fenghuo also had a surprised expression on his face, thinking that the battle situation was unfavorable, but judging by Namikaze Minato's expression, it seemed that this was not the case.

"Brother Minato, what's going on over there, Madara Uchiha is resurrected?" Feng Huo asked.

Namikaze Minato shook his head with a smile, and then briefly talked about the battle over there.

"Since you woke up, it means that Naruto's cells have been fused. How about it, have you also obtained the body of a sage?" Namakaze Minato looked into Fenghuo's eyes and found that his pupils were still pitch black.

Feng Huo shrugged and said, "It's not so easy to obtain the body of a fairy, but thanks to Naruto's blessing, I can now directly absorb natural energy and enter the perfect fairy mode!"

Namikaze Minato's eyes brightened slightly. He also practiced the Immortal Mode, but he knew the power and disadvantages of the Immortal Mode!

Although Naruto has already been able to rub against the ten-tailed Jinchuriki Orochimaru, just in case, it is still necessary to send the fighting power of Fenghuo to the battlefield as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato directly grabbed Fenghuo's hand.

An ominous premonition suddenly flashed through Feng Huo's heart, but he forced himself to remain calm and said calmly, "Naruto has really grown up, even without us by his side, he can..."

"Even so, with us elders watching him, we can feel more at ease, can't we?"

Namikaze Minato showed a gentle smile, and then directly cast Flying Thunder God.


In an instant, the figures of Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato disappeared on the back of Chao Ronwu II Shiki, leaving only the pharmacist sitting on the side with a wry smile.

Leaving myself behind again, these two guys are really enough!

The world was spinning, and when Feng Huo recovered his sight, he suddenly felt... er, nothing at all.

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, then seemed to understand.

Under the comprehension given by the Immortal of the Six Paths, he has successfully touched the principles of all things, and the power of time and space of Flying Thunder God is naturally one of them. As before, the five senses were disturbed, and I felt nauseous.

Namikaze Minato looked at Fenghuo in surprise: Why don't you vomit?

Feng Huo looked at Minato Namikaze innocently: Maybe I suddenly became very talented.

When the two stared with wide eyes, in the distant battlefield, Orochimaru and Naruto had already fought into a ball.

Naruto crazily threw the spiral shuriken that combined the three-tailed, eight-tailed, nine-tailed chakras and natural energy. Orochimaru also savagely urged the ten-tailed beast jade. The ground was devastated to pieces, but the surging air waves still hit the ground wave after wave like blades!

"It's really a battle without aesthetic feeling."

After sealing the fire, he turned his head and said with emotion.

Ninja fighting, all kinds of avatars, substitutes, transformations, kunai, and shurikens were thrown all over the ground.

Chunin battles, all kinds of instant body, invisibility, immobilization, and low-level ninjutsu danced all over the sky.

When it comes to Jonin, when fighting, it is a mixture of physical skills, illusion, and ninjutsu, a battle of wits and courage.

In general, all kinds of bells and whistles!

But when ninjas come to the level of Naruto, it is not too easy to kill hundreds of ninjas with a single-tailed beast jade spiral shuriken. It is like evolving directly from the cold weapon era to the nuclear weapon era. The bells and whistles are useless. Nuke!

At the center of the explosion, Naruto and Ten-tailed Jinchuriki Orochimaru crazily threw nuclear bombs at each other. Horrific explosions followed each other, and powerful shocks rippled through the air, hitting the bodies of both sides.


Orochimaru's face became more and more gloomy.

The attack containing the chakra of the three tails, the eight tails, the nine tails and the natural energy constantly resonated with the three tails, the eight tails and the nine tails in his body, and the powerful resistance tore his body frantically!

Orochimaru's lower abdomen has begun to swell, like a balloon, getting bigger and bigger, slowly tearing Orochimaru's kimono, revealing a belly with blue veins!

In the belly, the tortoise head of the three tails, the fox head of the nine tails and a tail of the eight tails can be vaguely seen, the picture is extremely dazzling!


Orochimaru knew that he couldn't fight Naruto anymore, otherwise if the tailed beast in his body really ran away and lost the power of the ten tails, he would definitely die under Naruto's tailed beast jade spiral shuriken in an instant!

‘The chaos within Ten-Tails, although it was caused by Naruto’s attack, may also be related to the incompleteness of Ten-Tails! '

Not far away, Uchiha Madara was manipulating hundreds of Mutunying clones to fight against Naruto's shadow clones, while secretly thinking, 'And after Orochimaru became Ten Tails Jinchuriki, he didn't get the Dao Orb! '

If you have the Taoist Jade, you can perfectly resist Naruto's attack!

In a word, Orochimaru, the ten-tailed Jinchuriki, is inferior!

If you let yourself become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, you will definitely...

Just as he thought of this, a hazy light suddenly enveloped him.

"This is…"

Uchiha Madara looked down at his gleaming hands, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his heart!

The natural art of reincarnation!

'At this time? ! '

Uchiha Madara looked up at Orochimaru and Naruto who were fighting, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

In the jungle.

After Heijue possessed Uchiha Shin's body, he immediately controlled his body forcefully, forming the imprint of the natural technique of reincarnation!

"The next step is to hand over this samsara eye to Madara!" Hei Jue was in a happy mood at this moment!

Although due to some accidents, there are many amazing characters in the ninja coalition, but as long as Uchiha Madara successfully becomes Ten Tails Jinchuriki, and he possesses Uchiha Madara, his mother Otsutsuki Kaguya will be resurrected and come to the ninja world !

At that time, all ninjas will be ants!

"you you…"

Uchiha Nobu's right face is full of anger, resentment after being betrayed, and unwillingness to face Heijue, I will never let you go, even if you die, I will never let you go you! "

Uchiha Nobu's mouth closed and closed, and finally slowly stiffened, completely dead!

"It's really ruthless, Heijue." Baijue said with a smile while reaching out to close the reincarnation eye in Uchiha Shin's left eye socket.

"You talk a lot of nonsense, let's go!" Hei Jue snorted coldly, and directly transferred from Uchiha Nobu's body to Bai Ze's right half of his body.

After Bai Jue put away the eyes of reincarnation, he immediately got into the ground, and then rushed towards the battlefield of the first army.

at the same time.

Obito also has the ability to use the kaleidoscope, rushing crazily.

Even though he is alone, in his pupil art space, Kai, Zhishui, Erzhuzi, Guideng Shuiyue and others are all recharging their energy.

Not long after Obito and the others left the battlefield of the fifth unit, the third unit led by Kakashi finally arrived on the battlefield.