MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1093 The 4th generation Raikage who challenged

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Seeing the Yang Attribute Nine Lama enter Naruto's body, Namikaze Minato next to him showed a gratified smile.

My son has grown into a very good and reliable ninja!

At this time, the voice of the Nine Lamas with Yang attributes came from Naruto's abdomen: "The Sage of the Six Paths used the Earth Explosion Star to seal the ten-tailed body!"

Having said that, Godai Kazekage Temari finally couldn't bear it, stepped forward and asked, "Kyuubi, is the moon in the sky really the masterpiece of the Sage of the Six Paths?"

"Ah, that's right, that is Earth Explosion Star, the ultimate sealing technique used to seal the body of Ten Tails." Nine Lama's voice came lazily.

"Everything Feng Huo said seems to be coming true."

Fifth Mizukage Terumi smiled charmingly, with curiosity and eagerness in his eyes, "Could it be that he... really traveled to the future by relying on dragon veins?"

"The future?" The seven-headed and tailed beasts looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Hmph, what is the ultimate sealing technique? Didn't the alien golem appear in the ninja world at last!" Fourth Raikage folded his hands on his chest, his arms bulging like horned dragons, and tore them apart in front of so many tailed beasts. Sage of Six Paths.

Sure enough, when this tiny human dared to slander the ultimate sealing technique of Sage of the Six Paths, several tailed beasts who were attracted by time travel immediately glared at Fourth Raikage with unfriendly expressions.

If it weren't for Naruto's presence, they would definitely reward the fourth generation of Raikage with a few Tailed Beast Jade.

But the fourth generation of Raikage was right, and asked with a cold snort: "So! Even if we really use the Earth Explosion Star to seal the Golem of the Outer Way, someone will channel this guy to the ninja world again in the future!"

"Impossible! Only reincarnation eyes can communicate with the body of a heretic golem. In the ninja world for so many years, only Uchiha Madara has evolved Sharingan into reincarnation eyes!" Kurama snorted.

"That's just the past, not the future!" Fourth Raikage said with a villain's heart and a gentleman's belly.

Tsunade frowned slowly, stared at Fourth Raikage unkindly, and said angrily, "What do you mean by that?!"

Fourth Raikage glanced at her, and snorted: "Uchiha's talent for sealing fire is no worse than Uchiha Madara's, and Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Shisui, each of these guys has opened a kaleidoscope, It’s hard to guarantee that the eyes of reincarnation will not be opened in the future, and the golem of the outside world will be re-channeled to the ninja world!”

"I have something to say about this!"

An invisible vortex suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and then a vague black figure emerged from the vortex, it was Obito rushing over from the battlefield of the Fifth Army.

"Obito, you're here." Namikaze Minato smiled, "Is everything okay over there?"

Obito smiled and nodded: "Well, Minato-sensei, I'm fine, and..."

Saying that, Obito transferred Kakashi, Shisui and the others out of the pupil art space.

"Kakashi, Lin, Kai, Shimizu, Kiba, Ino, Li, Sakura, Shino, you..." Minato Namakaze smiled wryly, seeing these people, how could he still not understand their intentions.

Everyone was about to go forward to talk about the old days, but the Fourth Raikage stepped in and said first: "Obito Uchiha, what did you just say?"

Obito glared at him, and said angrily: "After the sharingan evolved into the kaleidoscope, it did not directly evolve into the samsara eye. There is another level in the middle, called the eternal kaleidoscope. Only when the kaleidoscope is turned on, can it be obtained in a certain way, neither Fenghuo, I, nor Shishui have any close brothers, so don’t worry, Your Excellency Raikage, none of the three of us can open the eye of reincarnation!"

The fourth generation of Raikage narrowed his eyes slightly, secretly recorded this important information, and then hummed: "That is to say, as long as you give birth to more than two children, your descendants can easily obtain the eternal kaleidoscope, hum, I heard that Uchiha Fenghuo has married Yuhihong, I must have waited for a few years, and the reincarnation eye will come out! The Uchiha clan, as expected..."

Before he finished speaking, the unbearable Tsunade had already punched out.

"Strange power!"

The powerful force directly tore through the air, and a piercing sonic boom erupted, suddenly appearing in front of the Fourth Raikage.

"Thunder Escape Body!"

The fourth generation of Raikage was true, he put on the thunder armor directly, and his right hand glowing with thunder instantly turned into an afterimage lying in front of his face.


Tsunade punched the fourth Raikage's right palm, and the terrifying power exploded in an instant, turning into several layers of rippling air waves, centered between the two fists and palms, and spreading in all directions.

Fourth Raikage's face changed slightly, and he stepped back three steps.

Although face-saving, the fourth generation of Raikage was the first to collect information: 'The speed is not as fast as mine, but the strength... is stronger than mine! This old woman is really not easy to mess with! '

Fourth Raikage was about to beep two more words, but suddenly felt a biting chill coming from the back of his heart.

His face changed slightly, he turned his head abruptly, and he saw a golden light from the corner of his eye.

Namikaze Minato!

Namikaze Minato held the special quality Kunai, and the tip of Kunai directly touched the back of the fourth Raikage's back. Although it was protected by the lightning armor,... a trace of cold sweat slowly broke out from the fourth Raikage's forehead.

"Your Excellency Raikage, I am very pleased that you left Rabbi Eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki in the coalition camp, because you have found important things worthy of your cherishment, so please understand my current behavior!"

Namikaze Minato spoke softly, his tone was very gentle, but his actions were rough and direct.

"If you simply want to fight, I'll fight with you until the war is over!" Tsunade stared coldly at the Fourth Raikage, with his hands on his hips, radiating arrogance.

How can you say that Feng Huo is also her disciple, how can he be bullied by outsiders?

What's more, there is nothing wrong with sealing the fire, why are you an outsider doing nothing? !

Didn't you get beaten when you were young?

"Uncle Raikage, my uncle will never do anything that endangers the ninja world!" Naruto also stood up, staring at the Fourth Raikage with piercing eyes.

Kakashi, Obito, Shisui, Kai, Xiao Li and others also stared at Fourth Raikage with unkind faces, as if they would beat someone if they disagreed.

Fourth Raikage fell silent.

As early as when the ninja coalition was just established, as early as when he learned of the forbidden art of reincarnation The fourth generation of Raikage had already foreseen the development of the situation, but it was only because of the Akatsuki organization that could threaten the entire ninja Only the existence of powerful enemies in the world suppressed all kinds of contradictions.

And when Naruto defeated Ten Tails Jinchuriki Oroshemaru, Fourth Raikage had to consider more things.

Resurrection forbidden technique, reincarnation, kaleidoscope that can evolve into reincarnation eyes, ten-tailed golem, redistribution of tailed beast in front of you, and Naruto's inexplicable inheritance of power from Sage of the Six Paths. For the fourth generation of Raikage, it's like a thorn in the throat!

"OK OK."

Onoki floated over at this time, stood in front of the fourth generation of Raikage, and said, "Everyone, the war is not over yet! Not only the seal of the heretic golem, don't forget that Uchiha Madara has been resurrected, and that absolutely, no, Heijue, right? If you don't kill that bastard, the ninja world will never be able to calm down!"

"Speaking of which, shouldn't we solve that trouble first?"

Sakura opened her mouth weakly, then pointed to a figure in the distance with her finger.

That figure was... Nagato!