MTL - Konoha: Fire Up the Sky-v2 Chapter 1102 Terumi Mei is not happy

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First Army Battlefield.

Terumi Mei closed her left eye tightly, and put all her mind on Samsara's right eye.

As her chakra slowly poured in, Samsara's right eye slowly overflowed with white light, and the tyrannical pupil power spread around like ripples.

Several tailed beasts nearby felt the power of the eyes of reincarnation, showing uncomfortable expressions at one end and two, and they all stepped back a few steps.

'Great! '

Terumi Mei was surprised and delighted, she was also worried that Samsara Eye would reject her, but apparently the rejection she was worried about did not appear!

Then the next step is to use the Earth Explosion Star!

Terumi Mei carefully sensed the pupil art in the eyes of reincarnation, and as the communication between her chakra and the eye of reincarnation became more intimate, the pupil art such as "Shenra Tianzheng" and "Wanxiang Tianyin" gradually reflected in her mind, as if she was born with it. generally easy to use.

‘What a powerful pupil technique! '

Terumimei felt these pupil techniques with delight, the beauty was bubbling, and not long after, she sensed the pupil technique deep in the eyes of reincarnation.

Explode the stars!

found it!

Terumi Mei suddenly opened Samsara's right eye wide. At this moment, the power of the pupil of Samsara's eye completely ran away, and the terrifying power condensed a dark ball in the palm of her hands, absorbing the surrounding light like a black hole!

"Successful...?" Kakashi looked at the black ball in Terumi Mei's palm in disbelief, then his expression changed slightly, and he shouted, "Earth Explosive Star doesn't distinguish between enemy and friend, everyone get out of here!"

"Stupid woman!" One-tailed crane turned around and ran away in a panic, while the other tailed beasts did not dare to stay, and fled outwards one after another.

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Obito closed and opened his eyes, and directly turned on the kaleidoscope, intending to use Kamui to transfer everyone to his pupil space.

But at this moment, the black ball in Terumi Mei's palm suddenly lifted into the air like green smoke and dissipated in the air.

"Eh?" Obito was taken aback, hurriedly stopped moving, and looked at Terumi Mei with a strange expression on his face.

A few tailed beasts felt the dissipation of the Earth Explosive Star, they also stopped, turned around and came up again.

"What's going on? Fifth Mizukage, why did you stop!"

Fourth Raikage was extremely dissatisfied, and with a bang, he turned into a thunderbolt and appeared in front of Terumi Mei, but when he saw her face, he immediately showed surprise.

Terumi Mei is only about 30 years old this year. It is the time when a woman is at her most luxuriant and full of charm. Whether it is figure, appearance, temperament or other things, she is at the peak of her life. But at this time, the corner of her eye is But there were traces of crow's feet that shouldn't appear at her age, and even her jade-smooth skin was slightly dull, revealing a faded color.

"Could it be that the eyes of reincarnation are repelling?"

Onoki saw the Fourth Raikage standing there in a daze, and hurriedly floated over, "Huh? Mizukage-dono, your face?"

"So, that's what Kakashi said about the huge cost of using Earthburst." Fourth Raikage muttered to himself.

At this time, Terumi Mei's hands trembled slightly. When she used the Earth Explosion Star just now, she hadn't been complacent for long before she felt that the right eye of Samsara was crazily devouring her vitality!

She has a feeling that if the Earth Explosive Star is fully activated, at least five years of her lifespan will be sucked away by the eyes of reincarnation!

Because of Mizukage's busy work, Terumi Mei doesn't even have time to talk to her boyfriend. If she is sucked away for another five years, won't she become a middle-aged and elderly woman in menopause who is about to turn four, and she can still marry in this life?

Besides, sealing the heretic golem is a matter for the entire ninja world, so why should she have to spend five years of her life alone?

Thinking of this, Terumi Mei was not happy.

After the Earth Explosion Star stopped, the vitality swallowed by the eyes of reincarnation did not return. Terumi Mei gritted his teeth, but he had no choice but to reach out and stroke his pretty face vigorously, as if he wanted to smooth out the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes.


Fourth Raikage had come to his senses at this time, and said angrily, "What time is it, you still care about your face?!"

Terumi Mei glared at him: "Vulgar man, you don't understand what crow's feet means to a woman!"

"Damn it!" The fourth generation of Raikage, a rough man, was so angry that his veins burst out.

Ohnoki was married and had a wife before, so he could understand Terumi Mei's mood, and sighed: "In this case, we can only let other people transplant the eyes of reincarnation."

Terumi Mei snorted coldly, although she was unwilling, but for the sake of her own face and her own lifespan, she had to compromise, turned her head to look at Namikaze Minato, and said, "Hokage-dono, you...en?"

Terumi Mei hadn't finished speaking when she saw Minato Namikaze disappearing in place in an instant.

underground space.

The moment Fenghuo cut off the special quality Kunai, the figure of Namikaze Minato appeared beside him like a golden flash.

In order to facilitate communication, Namikaze Minato sent another special quality Kunai to seal the fire. Once this special quality Kunai is broken, Namikaze Minato will have a reaction!

"bank up a fire?"

In the pitch-dark environment, Fenghuo, who was wearing a bright lightning armor, almost lit up Blind Namikaze Minato's eyes.

"Brother Shuimen, what's going on over there?" Feng Huo asked directly.

"Naruto has defeated Orochimaru, and we are sealing the heretic golem." Namakaze Minato looked around while speaking, and then discovered the abnormality here and Hei Ze standing in front, "Hei Ze?"

"Namikaze Minato!" Heijue tried his best to restrain the uneasiness in his heart, with a tone that was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Brother Minato, Heijue has been trapped here by me, as long as he is killed, Otsutsuki Kaguya will not be able to resurrect again!" Feng Huo said while winking at Heijue.

"Hmph, kill me? Stop joking!" Hei Jue became angry from embarrassment.

Feng Huo smiled, looked at Minakame Minato, and said, "Brother Minato, let Naruto come over."

"I understand."

Namikaze Minato trusted Fenghuo very much, and without asking why, he immediately used Flying Thunder God to transfer to the battlefield of the first unit, and then transferred Naruto directly without stopping for a while.


When Naruto came to the dark space, UU reading immediately adapted to the environment after his pupils shrank.

"Naruto, you defeated Orochimaru, so you should be recognized by other tailed beasts, right?" Feng Huo asked directly without talking nonsense.

Naruto nodded, then stretched out his hand, only to see a jet black ball slowly overflowing from his palm, even in this dark environment, this black ball is still black and eye-catching!

Naruto said: "Uncle, is this the Taoist jade you mentioned?"

Feng Huo's eyes lit up: "That's right, it's this one! Naruto, try to see if you can kill Hei Jue with the Taoist Jade."

At this time, Hei Jue was already backing away when he saw Qiu Dao Yu, with a ferocious look on his pitch-black face, he roared angrily: "Sage of the Six Paths, it really is him, this bastard!"

"Then, I'll leave this place to you." Namikaze Minato showed a gentle smile at the exasperated Heijue, and then disappeared in an instant. Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site