MTL - League of Legends: 700 Years Later-Chapter 13 : Canyon Battle, Beginning

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Soon, he heard Wu Hao’s voice full of grievances. Eight ★ one Chinese network W√w√W. 81zW. CoM

"Snow sister, Li Qiu this person is absolutely not good, our Tianlan team must not come in like this!" Wu Hao tone full of grievances.

Apparently she was stimulated by Li Qiu’s words, saying that she was in a three-way way, without such a blow.

Although there is a problem with playing wild, it is certainly not as outrageous as Li Qiu said.

But at this time, Wang Nuo Xue was worried and worried: "Although you don't know the specific role of life, you should understand how important it is. This Li Qiu dares to use a hundred points of life in exchange for the qualification of the canyon battle. The manager should be Will agree."


Wang Nuo Xue sighed and continued: "The matter can only wait for tomorrow, I hope that this autumn Li Qi just wants to participate in the canyon battle alone, instead of other bad thoughts."

Having said that, Wang Nuoxun looked down at the front and saw a black shadow falling on the corner.


Wang Nuo Xue’s heart was cold, but the next second had already screamed.

"Come out!" Wu Hao also immediately reacted and shouted.

Xiao Yan and the other two sisters all leaned against Wang Nuo Xue, and several bright scorpions fell on the corner.

Ye Che smiled and walked out slowly.

"Who are you! What are you doing here, do you want to be unintentional!?" Wu Hao has several problems, such as the Lianzhu artillery shell, and his brain is coming to Ye.

Ye Che’s old face was red, and he played his finger and said, “I can’t hide, just waiting for you here.”

"Wait for us?" Wang Nuo Xue was full of vigilance watching Ye Che.

"Amount, yes, I want to join your Sky Blue team." Ye Che is too lazy to bend around, directly to the point.

Wu Hao and several other sisters looked at each other and each of them suddenly laughed out loud.

"I am huh, huh, what happened today, how do you want to enter the sky blue team?" Wu Xiao smiled.

Ye Che smiled and said: "Little girl, I am not a cat or a dog, I am invited by your Wang An manager to take you to the peak of life."


Ye Che said this sentence, not only Wu Yan several sisters holding a big belly laugh, that is, Wang Nuo Xue is a look of the face can not help but the color.

"Okay, this teenager who is heading to the peak of life, please leave now, we have to rest!"

Wang Nuo Xue finally stopped the smile and took the order.

Ye Che shrugged, did not say anything, and walked out to the outside.

Wang Nou Xue, a few people still haven’t turned their heads, they saw Ye Che’s back waving their right hand to them, and they heard the man say, “Get some rest early, see you tomorrow~”

All five of the girls looked at each other and looked speechless.

See you tomorrow, the ghost knows who your surname is.

However, this person is still very interesting, and the little one on the side finally took a look at Ye Che's back.


"Hey, the pigeons are being released..." Ye Che walked out of the gate of the battle hall and sighed.

This manager Wang An said that he will come over soon, but he has not seen it until now, and he has been riddled by a few girls.

"Oh, it is estimated that something was delayed. I will go there tomorrow."

Ye Che stretched out and stretched out her hands in the fortress behind her head.

Unconsciously, Ye Che strolled to a statue.

This statue is the one that the inspector called God.

"Well, my eyes are very god-like, and the carvings are also very expressive, but it is called "God exaggerated."

Ye Che looked around the statue and commented.

Waiting for him to reach out and touch the texture of the statue, a sound of fullness followed.

"Mr. Ye, adults have please!"

Ye Che turned back and saw several mask guards standing behind him.

"Well, lead the way."

Ye Che nodded. It was because no team didn't know where to go. They couldn't find Ye Ni at the same time, but they didn't want this Wang An to invite themselves.

With these guards, Ye Che came to the temple again.

"Mr. Ye, this is your room, the food will be sent to you. The adults said, please take a rest, everything will be said tomorrow."

The guards led Ye Che to a room and said.

"Okay, trouble you."

After Ye Che thanked him, he walked into the room.


The next second, Ye Che was still in bed.

What I saw and heard on this day was really too tired. At this time, I relaxed and I didn’t want to think about anything.

Even the rice was too late to eat, Ye Che quickly entered a dream.


"Ye Che! On the line, such as the martial arts masters, not relying on the sixth sense to chaos skills, you have to carefully look for flaws, insight into everything, in order to be unfavorable to cause a blow!"

"You have the talent that the teacher didn't have, but it's not good. Talent is only the cornerstone. The understanding and crazy practice is the ladder of ascension! How many talented people have passed through the ages, but how many of them can be named? League of Legends, Playing is the understanding of the hero, is the depth of the game, knowing the new and warm, every time you have to find the difference of the hero you play, remember, don't numb!"

"Do not change due to the external environment, not affected by the illusion, the computer is ready, Ye Che, go outside! Take off your shirt and make more than one hundred knives in ten minutes!"

"Master...Master, it’s snowing outside!"

"What's the snow? You have already encountered bottlenecks, getting used to the cold, getting used to the heat can make you improve!"

"Ye Che, it’s time to do the reclining."

"Doing it again, master, my fingers are broken."

"Hey, do you know if the weight is light? When your fingers are used to heavy pressure, it is easy to control the mouse and keyboard. Don't worry, 5o fingers are supported, a total of five groups, half an hour!"

"Ye Che!"


"You can only hide six of the ten stones. Continue, the firepower mode will come five hours. With the flash, the ice is big, the stone is big, the emperor is big, the ez is big, and so on. You are hiding. No, what qualifications are there to qualify for the world championship? What qualifications are my apprentices??"

"Ye Che!"

"Ye Che..."

"Ye Che...Hey..."

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Ye wakes up, and the canyon battle begins."

"Has Mr. Ye heard?"


Lying in bed, Ye Che suddenly woke up, his eyes flashed a trace of gloom, and then immediately resumed the Qingming.

"I know, go now." Ye Che returned.

The knock on the door stopped immediately, followed by a footstep.

"Call... I actually fell asleep like this." Ye Che smiled.

Then he murmured: "Master, I am only afraid to live up to you, I won the world championship for two years and lived up to your teaching for so many years."


Ye Che sighed and got up and began to wash.

Soon, Ye Che took care of everything and walked outside the door.

Out of the hall, Ye Che frowned.

Seen from the field of vision, there was no one in the fortress, and even the guards of the guardian hall disappeared.

"Oops, won't you start already?"

Thinking of this, Ye Che quickly ran outside the fortress.

Not a moment, Ye Che has already ran out of the fort, but saw a guard outside the fort standing there.

"What are you?"

"Mr. Ye, the adults ordered me to wait here and send you the past."

Ye Chexi smiled and said: "Why don't you wake me up early?"

"Adults said, you can't delay your rest, anyway, it is early, and it is also awkward to listen to their long story."

This guard is also interesting, and the answer is also honest.

Ye Che nodded and said: "That is bothering you, take the lead."

The guard immediately took out an instrument and pressed it a few times. Ye Che had no time to ask him what he was doing, and he heard a whistling sound.

Blinking, a silver-white aircraft fell in front of you.

The guard smiled and said: "The place where the battle is in the first canyon, the mobile giant bridge has no work at this time, let's take the aircraft past."

"Oh, I really will play." Ye Chu secretly snarled.

He has been sitting on the plane a lot, but the private plane has not been seated, not to mention this technologically-skilled aircraft.


Ye Chegang just sat up, this silver-white aircraft has been lifted.

At this point, the first gorge is full of people.

At first glance, this canyon is more than five times larger than Ye Che’s.

So the people who accommodated a total of four canyons did not seem crowded.

In the middle of the canyon, there are four people standing there. There are more than a dozen boys and girls standing behind them. There are hundreds of mask guards standing around.

Obviously, these four people are the managers of the four great canyons.

In front of them, more than twenty sky-blue computers were placed there, and every five computers were isolated by metal plates.

In all directions, the black-pressed heads are only tens of thousands of people. It is reasonable to say that so many people should be very noisy, but they are all seated honestly.

Only when an old person talks about a wonderful place will he applaud in unison.

These four people, one of them is an old man who needs to be white, and two middle-aged people.

The last one was actually a woman who looked only 23 years old.

This woman's skin is fair, her body is tall, and her eyebrows always look like emotions.

Wearing is even more incomparable, black shorts are just hips, white and tender thighs let the young men around swallow.

A pair of plump chests makes them look hot.

At this time, the woman smiled and smiled, and said: "Oh, Cai Lao, you have been talking for more than half an hour, these little boys are falling asleep."

Cai Laowen said haha ​​and smiled: Xiaomeier, I think you are going to fall asleep, or anyway, I am also happy with the old man, and I will hand it over to you. ”

Said, Cai Lao's hand in a delicate instrument to turn, the voice in vain through this instrument to become bigger.

"Well, now I declare that the four great canyons will start, start right away!"

When the old man finished, he handed the delicate instrument in his hand to the woman around him.

The woman took the instrument and nodded with a smile. Then she looked up and said, "You guys, hello, I am Hu Mei, the manager of the No. 1 Canyon, and the explanation for your battle in the Canyon this year. I also hope that you will have a lot of hobbies and giggles."

She finished, a burst of smile.