MTL - Legend of the Great Saint-v13 Chapter 91 Sad song

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The boxing smashed open the void, wrapped in white air, and the mountain peak rushed to the nine infants.

Li Qingshan’s anger came, and this boxing was the evil spirit and did not dare to pick it up.

On the nine-baby face, there was a hint of disdain, and a gentle wave of hands. The boxing was blocked by a layer of invisible barrier, bursting into a burst, and only a round of smashing on the barrier.

Nine-baby is slightly surprised, and Li Qingshan’s strength is still above her expectations, far better than the general evil spirits: “But it’s just that.”

The sky is thundering, the violent temper is rolling the **** waves, rushing in the blood palace, slamming on it, rolling up thousands of waves, but unable to approach the giant mushroom.

Li Qingshan did not hesitate to wave the wings and flew down again. He once again raised his fist. This time, not only the boxing, but also a strong demon, the whole person is like a mountain, and the letter is not believed to break the defense of the nine infants. .

Nine infants will point their index finger again: "Dess!"

Li Qingshan suddenly slammed and was set in midair. The whistling wind thunder instantly subsided, and even the wind **** wings also collapsed.

He clenched his teeth, squatting and screaming at the bulls, his muscles were arrogant, and his muscles were violent, still unable to break away from this invisible bondage.

Nine Infant Road: "On this point, I dare to speak out in front of me!"

This "blood labyrinth" is her hole in the sky, her world, she is the only **** here, at any time in the state of "Heaven and Man", the words and the law, simple and simple The law has infinite power, and no evil **** will be her opponent.

Without such means, we can’t control the evil spirits of the nine sons. Everything is under her control.

This is not the size of power, but the gap of "rights". As an ancient existence that is infinitely close to the true God, her insight and control over the law is far from being able to compare with Li Qingshan, who accidentally entered the "Heaven and Man" .

Nine-baby hooked his fingers and pulled Li Qingshan closer. He hated sneer: "You don't need a reason? I have enough reasons. I want to crush you one inch and one inch and avenge my children!"

"Hah, your children are just some walking dead, what is the difference between living and being dead? As for the nine beasts who want to be aunt, it is not enough to die." Li Qingshan glanced at her lower abdomen: "There are You must let him come to this world to suffer and do evil, so let me help you!"

In the middle of a "big taunt", nine infants wrath: "You!"

Li Qingshan’s flash of light is now!

"Shenlong Tianxing is perfect!"

The sky is shouting, the dragon is rising, and the sword is out of the sheath.

Li Qingshan suddenly broke free from bondage, and the sword was united. It turned into a powerful Jianguang, which was just as strong as it was strong. A single stroke hit the invisible barrier, and the nine-baby pale face was illuminated.

"Xuanyuanjian" can enhance his "authority". "Dragon" has not only integrated all the power of the small world, but also directly related to the law, which greatly enhanced his control over the "Xuanyuan sword".

The power of a sword is far more powerful than the killing of the white dolphins. It is not only the sword and the sword, but the dragon sword. It can not only counter the authority of the nine infants, but also the power of the Xuanyuan sword. You can kill it!

The sword shines through the blood palace, and the dragon is faintly included. It is the only thing in this "blood labyrinth" that is not controlled by the nine infants.

At the beginning of the millennium, Nine Infant suddenly leaned forward and stooped, and three thousand blue silks were floating. Jianfeng whizzed past the cheeks, and the blue silks fell, and a blood blew from her eyebrows, but the wound could not heal.

Her face changed a lot, and she couldn’t help but blurt out: "Xuanyuan sword!"

Li Qingshan regained its original shape, and a sword was in hand. He said proudly: "You actually know this sword!" While assessing the strength of the nine infants, I thought about the countermeasures.

Even though the "Xuanyuanjian" is greatly increased in power, it is different from the battle to kill the white dolphins. This "blood labyrinth" is the site of the nine infants. The state of "Heaven and Man" cannot be maintained for a long time. In an instant, it takes a huge amount of power. With his own "small world", he can issue up to eight swords. Today, there are only seven swords left.

Seven chances, seven lines of life.

If the seven swords are not able to smash the head of the nine infants, then there is only one dead road.

"It turned out to be a little hybrid with ‘bear Xi’, and I have another reason. Today, you want to leave this place!”

Even if the nine-infant spin is quiet, the color of the face is getting thicker.

Li Qingshan is not moving, looking for opportunities to get out of the sword. The heart is secretly indulged. The origins of these nine infants are very old. It seems that these ancient demon gods were exiled here, and they all have a lot to do with the "bear Xiongshi".

If there is no such "Xuanyuan sword", he is already a guest of the demon god. But in many situations, thanks to this "Xuanyuan sword." There is no remorse in the heart. Even if there is any conspiracy, this is still a powerful weapon. It is better to rely on others than to rely on others.

In the nine-infant mouth, there was something low and silent, and the pale face was unnaturally flushed.

In an instant, all the exits of the blood palace were completely closed and tight, and even the big hole that was connected by Li Qingshan.

In the sound of drowning, the dark red blood quickly spreads up, but it is no longer the general magic blood, but it is similar to the blood river that Li Qingshan just encountered when entering the "Xuanmeng Gate", with scrubbing mana and pollution. Spiritual power.

Li Qingshan frowned, and he was contaminated by the body of the demon, and he was forced to break his arms and protect himself. Once this blood has drowned the blood palace, he will have no place to stand.

Of course, with this blood palace still can't trap him, he can kill himself with a sword, but he can't get out of this "blood labyrinth", he has to face endless pursuits until he exhausts the last bit of energy.

Even the nine sons and evil spirits of Qian Rongzhen’s opposition, if he finds that he cannot kill the “mother of the mother”, I am afraid that he will again fight against the water.

If not unexpected, at this moment, the nine sons and evil spirits are paying attention to the situation here.

In a twinkling of an eye, the blood has been drowned, and the nine infants are heavily wrapped, and with the flesh or the supernatural powers, they can no longer approach her.

"The narrow road meets the brave winner!"

Li Qingshan smiled and slammed his finger at the front of the sword. He screamed: "There is no sorrow and no sorrow. One of my sorrows and sorrows and humiliations has long been placed on the three-footed edge. The swordsman died in the sword. Oysters, death is dead, what regrets?"

There is no bright moon here, so that the "sword of the moon" of the slaughtering demon is not available. Even if there is a bright moon, it is difficult to use it for him.

But he still has himself. No matter how hard or difficult the people are, they always have their own companions.

In his heart, there is a world, there are more changes in the gods, every change is a avenue, can be turned into a sword!

"The first sword, the bulls are stuck in the mud!"

Li Qingshan disappeared when he disappeared, and even Jianfeng disappeared. There was no trace.

Between heaven and earth, there is only one tenacious will that never yields, and the homeland and mountains that have long since been far away, condensed into a solemn and solemn sword.

The blood that has been rushing and rising is suddenly pressed down a few feet, which is more viscous and dirty, almost solidified.

The nine infants bowed their heads involuntarily, and the body became heavy. The inch of flesh and blood, every bone, fell down, and the internal organs were shifted, and a dizziness was disgusting.

Even the thoughts were pulled down deeply until the nine clear yellow springs. This should be the law of control, struggling to fight, but there is a feeling of grief that is hard to escape:

"How many thousands of years have you been banished? I am not trapped in this maze, never liberated?" She shook her head suddenly: "No, I can't be disturbed!"

This sword not only implements the Taoist devil's way, but also contains Li Qingshan's understanding of the Taoist way, that is, killing, and also worrying!

At this moment, the nine infants, both in body and spirit, fell apart under this heavy pressure. However, she relied on the powerful cultivation accumulated over a million years to survive and bear this heavy weight.

A sword is not resting, a sword starts again!

"The second sword, the tiger magic refining the heart frenzied!"

The deep gravity suddenly disappeared, and the suppressed blood suddenly vacated, and the dots dripped in the air, and the time seemed to stagnate in this moment.

Nine infants danced with long hair, but they felt the presence of "wind". The wind screamed into the ear and blown into the 36,000 pores. It was not the southeast and northwest winds, but the "golden wind" that was devastated and devastated. gas.

The wind awakened the more distant memories. She also used the soldiers to kill on the battlefield. Even if the final result was exiled, the blood was passionate and flowing in the blood of every ancestors.

She wants to jump forward and desperately fight with Li Qingshan. However, her movements in the abdomen, her body curled up, her hands protecting her abdomen, and silently resisting the invasion of this "Golden Wind". Blood overflows from every pore, but it is not enough. Destroy her body.

She knows that such a fierce sword can't last for too long!

"The third sword, the devil is fishing for the moon!"

The sound of the wind stopped suddenly, the scenery changed, and everything disappeared. It turned into an innocent blank, as if it were unconventional.

Empty is the color, and the color is empty.

In the meantime, she saw those children who were "suddenly dying, and who died," but in the mouth of Li Qingshan, they were "walking dead" children. I saw the "nine sons" who were full of resentment against her, cursing her death in the dark.

Every effort is an illusion, what is the point?

Although this sword has no lethality of the first two swords, it has caused her confusion and confusion.

"The fourth sword, the spirit turtle Zhenhai Zhao Jigui!"

The moment when the illusion disappears, the horror is coming!

This sword is the sword of the number, not to hurt her, but she has cut off her as a demon god, as the "blood labyrinth" dominated - destiny - a sword sealed all the scorpio.

"The fifth sword, the phoenix Nirvana is not dead!"

Feng Ming Gao Che, sexuality is high and clean, the heart is not extinguished, the five virtues are not bad.

She struggled in the fire, the fire is like a red lotus, very pure and extremely hot, and even the blood can not be extinguished, as if the legendary "fire."

Although I felt great pain, there was no anger and resentment in my heart. Instead, I was filled with remorse and resentment, as if I was not attacked and killed by the enemy, but atonement for the sins committed by myself.

"The sixth sword, the unicorn is a step-by-step pity!"

The flame went out and the darkness shrouded.

Even though it has smashed the "Black Day Magic" and lost a lot of care, the world is still the beginning of the Yuanlin.

In an instant, a demon domain will come, the image becomes a black unicorn, and the iron hoof is toward her body, cruelly and ruthlessly stepping down.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, everything is a dog.

The power of this sword is still above all.

At this moment, it is not Li Qingshan who wants to destroy her, but the magic sky to destroy her.

These six swords are as fast as thunder and lightning, almost lingering, and the sword-style fusion will pass through the three magical changes and the three gods, and the devil will be chaotic.

Until the black unicorn is like a smoke, the nine infants have been seriously injured, and they have been succumbed to the ground. The internal organs have been hit hard, their bones have been broken, and they are no longer able to resist. Even the spiritual will has been completely destroyed. .

"It's time to make a break! The last sword, the dragon and the dragon will be perfect!"

This sword, not only the sword of the dragon, but the integration of seven kinds of magical changes, inspires all the remaining power of the small world, to destroy all the vitality of the nine infants.

A sword fell, dragons and tigers leap, scales flying phoenix dance, Niu Xiaoxiao!

At this moment, Nine Infant suddenly got up, his face was bloody, his face was fierce, and he waved his hands and grabbed Jianfeng.

"Oh, dying!"

With a slight meal, Jianfeng broke her hands together with her arms.

However, taking advantage of this meal, she was desperate to stretch her neck and bite the sword front, screaming!

Li Qingshan was shocked. Compared with the body, the skull is the more deadly key. But he did not hesitate. This sword poured all the power, and he could not control it.

The sword is straight into the sky, and the sword light shoots the bull.

Nine baby's mouth could not help but send, Jianfeng turned, and the homeopathic did not enter her chest, and broke her last life.

In an instant, the **** blood receded, the flesh and blood, the carrion fell, and the whole "blood labyrinth" began to collapse. The demons were panicked, and the picked mushrooms quickly decayed in their hands, giving off a stench.

Li Qingshan has already noticed that her snake body is connected with the huge mushroom and is even integrated with the whole "blood labyrinth". It can even be said that the whole "blood labyrinth" is an extension of her body.

Although he couldn't move, he gave him the opportunity to display his sword style, but he has almost endless power. No matter how serious the injury can be recovered, if the seven swords can't kill her, then it is him.

But now, the outcome is already divided! Without a long breath, he pulled out the "Xuanyuan sword" with only the strength.

Nine babies suddenly moved again, and even forced to refuse to die, mournfully muttered to himself: "I...wrong? My children, I just want to...protect them, let them be good... Live, not hungry... Don't be killed... Wrong?"

Li Qingshan is silent, who makes them demons?

Suddenly, he heard a weak and powerful heartbeat, which also contained vitality, and could not help but stunned: this is impossible! ?

The power of "Xuanyuanjian" is the clearest thing. However, the nine-baby is just a return to the light, how can there be such a vitality in the body?

Nine infants hang their heads, their arms are already crushed, only with gentle eyes to caress the lower abdomen.

That's it! Li Qingshan suddenly recalled that when Black Qilin stepped down, she bowed her back to the iron hoof and protected the children in the abdomen. When it was burned by fire, when the golden wind blew, it still remained!

Finally, she stretched out her hands and bit the Jianfeng. She also protected the baby in the abdomen. There was a sudden unspeakable taste in her heart, and something violently shaken.

Nine infants dying: "Please... let him go... he still... not a demonic!"

"what did you say?"

Li Qingshan's brow wrinkled, and Jianfeng made a stroke, cut open her lower abdomen, and the loud cries sounded. A wet, crumpled baby lay in a **** mother's womb.

Li Qingshan was suddenly thundered and stunned. Although this baby is ugly, it is not a devil. It is an ordinary baby, a human son.

"Xuanyuanjian" fell off his hands. He twitched his hand and took the baby out of his mother's stomach. He was full of blood and scarlet.

Nine-infant looking at the baby, and picking up the old songs, gentle and ethereal, full of tenderness, but also contains wonderful power, so that the baby stops crying and quiet.

At the same time, the magic domain law is silently running, the invisible magical desire to infiltrate into the baby, give him a magic heart, transform him into a real magic people.

"So... have you not become a demon?" Li Qingshan's voice was exhausted, but he did not get an answer. The gentle and ethereal voice has already dispersed.

"Great, the monk is finally dead!" "We are all free!" "What about this person?" "Of course it is killing!" "I want the sword!" "No, return to me!"

The nine evil spirits came from the collapsed blood palace, innocent and laughter, and filled with horrible They grew up quickly, broke through the red apron, and every moment Change, become mature, and become awkward! Step by step approaching Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan didn't move, but if he didn't hear it, he suddenly shook his head and it was already bursting into tears.

"Oh, this kid is scared by us!" A sly man laughed and sneered. A charming woman said: "I want to play with him!"

Li Qingshan hugged the baby, and he looked straight and asked: "Buddha, even though the demons are all sinful, can the demons be born to be demons?!"

Heaven is speechless, his voice is not transmitted to the world of bliss, only a round of black days.

"Come on!"

In an instant, the black sun fell, the magic heart condensed, running through the infinite void, and came to him in an instant, swallowed by him.

"Snake magic swallows the sun to burn this body." (To be continued.) {Chongqing University giant. Dairy school flower self-timer, the real child Yan giant. Milk photo, please pay attention to the WeChat public number online to see the beauty (the beauty island search meinvdao123 hold for 3 seconds Can be copied)