MTL - Lessons on Raising a Partner-Chapter 65 Zhe Zhezhe

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Paladin's gray eyes stared at Hai'an with infatuation. "White elves... a very pure race, you are too clean..."

He extended his right hand, and his white fingers were clearly defined. The cool fingertips gently touched Shanghai’s forehead.

In an instant, the fragments of many pictures rushed into the mind of Hai'an -

The sky-high flames and the thick smoke cover the clear blue sky of the Elune Forest. Every few steps, you can see the burnt plants or the bodies of dead animals lying on the ground, and those The plant goblins who can't leave their own bodies can only let their tongues entangle their hair, and the eyes full of tears reflect the bright red light.

Later, it is the withering of the tree of life, the leaves quickly wither and turn yellow, and they all slide down the branches. All the moonlight flowers on the lake are already dead, and the withered yellow petals float quietly on the lake...

Hai'an couldn't hear a little sound, but the fast flashing picture was with desperate silence. He cut a wound on Hai'an's heart with a knife and a knife. Hai'an eyes widened, tears quickly filled his eyes, and finally he couldn't bear the slip. When I reached the ground, there was a slight unspeakable sound in the quiet church at the moment.

Seeing that Hai'an cried, Paladin had touched the finger on Hai'an's forehead and slid down his nose, wiped away the tears of Hai'an, and then opened his mouth, as if to taste the tears.

"Hey!" Auguste suddenly moved. He opened Paladin's hand with the arm that did not hold Hai'an.

Auguste started very heavy. Hai'an could hear the boring percussion when Auguste hit Paladin's arm. Paladin slammed his arm back a few steps, his eyes hanging down and looking at the ground, no longer staring at Auguste. They have a brow and a slight sigh.

"Oh... it’s a terrible possessive..."

After Paladin moved away from staring at August's sight, all the people could move. Hainan lowered his head and his hands were tight. Auguste supported Hai's head and took him to his own arms. In the band, Paladin glared at her arm and took the map and turned and wanted to go. "Hey, I am old..."

"Paladin," Auguste's light and steady voice couldn't hear the emotions. "I won't let Colin send you a new photo of the new nuns in the future."

Paladin suddenly froze.

"Don't," Paladin turned quickly and lowered his voice. "Augusto, we have something to say..." Paladin wants to say something else to save.

"Oh." There was a blunt instrument on the door of the church that knocked on the door.

Auguste turned and looked at the sound source - it was the man who saw the black cloak and saw it at the door of the church.

"Time is up." His voice was cold and hoarse, as if the wind blew through the dead leaves.

"Ye Shu, time is not yet..." Paladin lifted her hand, but the man only looked up and looked at Paladin, and Paladin closed his mouth.

The man, who was called Ye Shu in Paladin, had a pair of very bright blue eyes, like the best sapphires, with a dazzling brilliance, and after he took off his cloak, he showed a short, messy blond hair. Reflecting the candlelight in the church, it shines like a sun, but his face is very cold, his lips are pale, his nose is high, his facial features are very deep, like the sculptures in the hall, without the slightest expression.

But after seeing Paladin's arm in his arm, he still took his hand up for Paladin.

"Oh, nun photo."

"Hey," Paladin sighed again, as if she didn't hear Ye Shu's sneer, waving at Auguste. "Let's go, map I will translate for you."

"What is the elf?" Colin suddenly asked.

Obviously he just heard Paladin say to Hai'an, "Isn't it a vegetative?"

"You really have no culture..." Paladin's voice with a hint of indulgence and helplessness, but still whispered, "He ate the fruit, in fact, even if he does not eat, it will become It’s like this now..."

When I heard this, Auguste frowned. "How do you know?"

"A month later, you come to me for a map in a month, I will tell you everything." Paladin smiled softly with a low voice. "Do you have anything else to ask?"

A month later, it was the wedding of Alila and Ivan.

"Yes," Auguste tightened his hand holding Haian. "Why is Dean's eyes gray?"

"He..." Paladin looked up, but didn't look at August, but looked out at the sky. "Probably burned by the stars in the foggy city..."

Carl couldn't help but take a step forward. There is no star in the foggy city. What kind of ghost is this answer? Is bullying his book read less?

"You should go." Carl still wants to say something, but Ye Shu holds Paladin and goes directly to the order.

"Haian." Paladin's voice is still light.

But Hai'an, who had been shrinking in August's arms, suddenly slammed.

This name... He hasn't heard it for a long time.

"Don't be sad, you will find a home."

Hai'an couldn't help but look back at Paladin. He still had gray eyes with low hanging, white hair hanging on the ear side, long and hip 0, and a face that was not outstanding was always with a gentle smile.


I don't know why, Hainan's mind suddenly flashed such a name.

Legend has it that they are descendants of God, have the blood of God, have the ability to go back to the past and predict the future, but because this power is too strong, each time they go back or predict, they will spend part of their life, although they do not Will grow old, but have a white hair, all the people who look at them will fall into the vortex of time, at that moment.

Paladin must be an astrologer!

Hai'an remembers the pictures that appeared in his mind when Paladin met himself. He never said anything to anyone. Only astrologers can have the ability to trace back time.

"Death is another rebirth... God loves everyone..." Paladin was still whispering.

What does he mean by what he said?

Hai'an did not understand, but Paladin did not intend to continue to say, if he said that it is true, then do you still have the opportunity to see the Queen, the elders and other elves?

However, Hai'an did not get an answer. The church door slowly closed behind them. Ye Shujin's blond hair flashed through the crack in the door, and finally left a soft door.

In the distance, the sound of the late bell came, and the cool breeze from the outside blew the hair of Hai'an, and Auguste gave Haian a hat.

"Haian...hehe..." Someone in the wind is screaming his name, but Hai'an is not very clear, because after coming out of the church, there seems to be an irresistible force that will force him into the dark, strong The sleepyness came, and Hai'an blinked two eyes and he lost consciousness.

When Hai An woke up, they had already returned to the inn. When he blinked, he saw the beautiful red gauze on the top of his head, and the room was silent.

What about August?

Hai'an slammed his quilt and found himself growing up...

Nunu’s mouth, Hai’an licked his own teeth and found that the teeth had grown.

Hai'an: "..."

Look at your fat arm, with the fat claws of the meat pit, this is really not an illusion, he really grew up!

But what about August?

Hai'an looked around the house, and did not find the shadow of Auguste. Did he be thrown away? ? ? ! ! ! Hai'an was frightened and got out of bed. He first squatted on the bed and then slid his legs down, but the bed was very high. Even if Hai'an grew up now, his legs were still short.

Auguste held the door he had lived with Hai'an with the courier he just got. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Hai's white buttocks swaying at him.

August: "..."

I am too open.

August has not forgotten that when he first saw the figure of Hai'an, he was full of light.

Still in the presence of a boat!

But now he is the only one who sees the naked body, which should be considered an improvement.

"How come out of bed?" Auguste stepped forward and held up Hai's ass. He hugged Hai'an with a child's posture and said that he still kissed Hai's cheek.

Oh, it feels good and the face is very soft.

Hai'an was smashed by August's series of actions.

"I am going to get you new clothes." Auguste hugged Hai'an to the table and put Hai'an on the table covered with soft tablecloths, then shook the courier bag held in his hand. The surface of Hai'an opened the package.

Inside are two sets of clothes, all of which are black-and-red Tang suits. When Hai’an saw the clothes, he remembered Auguste.

The red silk on the Tang suit is embroidered by the Chinese dragon. On the black brocade, there is a sense of mighty domineering. "I heard that this is called a Chinese dragon. It is also a kind of dragon, but I have never seen it. They look as if they are different from me..."

When it comes to the back, August's voice is a bit low, because it's not quite like it, but it's a lot worse. It's just two completely different species.

Hai'an looked up at Auguste and opened his mouth to speak.

But August does not give him this opportunity.

"Come, I will change it for you." As he said, Auguste quickly shook the Tang suit and began to set it on Hai'an. Hai'an had to close his mouth and still play with his body.

Hai An sat on the bed, Auguste half-squatted under the bed and gave him shoes. It was a pair of black embroidered cloth shoes, and it was also thoughtfully added with a thick layer of fluff, which looked very warm.

"Augu..." Hainan whispered the name of Auguste.

Auguste suddenly looked up and took a sip of Hai'an's mouth, not a pro, it was awkward. The hot tongue swept across the lips of Hai'an, and Hainan widened his eyes.

Hai'an:! ! !