MTL - Little Jiaojiao is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Young Marshal-Chapter 67 graduate

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After Shen Xu took over the Shen family, he rarely had the opportunity to visit his little girl in Shanghai.

It was not easy for the two to meet each other. In the previous life, Yao Xian died because of a traitor in the army. Although Yao Zhi did not stay in Beiping, she told Shen Xu that she had a nightmare and dreamed it.

When the little girl was sobbing and talking about her nightmare on the phone, Shen Xu shrank into a ball with pain in his heart.

Immediately, he promised to send someone to protect Yao Xian, for fear that the little girl would be worried.

So the next day, a small bomb was found under the car.

Everything was safe and sound.

In Yao Zhi's third year of university, she had more and more suitors. Although everyone knew that she had a fiancé, there were still countless people who looked down on Shen Xu.

Shen Xu once met a boy who gave Yao Zhi flowers, and before the flowers were delivered, he was almost strangled by Shen Xu who rushed over.

Later, Aurora University was spreading rumors about how soon Yao Zhi and Dashuai Shen would break off their engagement. Except for Luo Wan and Qin Qin, almost no one believed that she really loved Shen Xu.

The year Yao Zhi graduated from Aurora, she was already eighteen years old. On her eighteenth birthday, Shen Xu left a lot of work and flew over from Beiping to spend her birthday with the little girl. It's just that he stayed with him and went to bed with him.

She had just turned eighteen and was not yet married. Three months later, Yao Zhi became pregnant.

It is said that Yao Xian got the news that day and went directly to the Marshal's Mansion. If Shen Xu hadn't saved his life, Yao Zhi would have suspected that her father might not be able to help falling out with the Shen family.

On the day of the graduation ceremony, Shen Xu was unable to come because he was still abroad due to some business.

"Zhizhi, is Commander Shen still unable to come over?" Luo Wan looked at Yao Zhi who was poking ice cream with a spoon.

Yao Zhi nodded: "Yes, brother Shen is abroad, so he can't make it through."

Luo Wan also sighed, although the little girl was already pregnant, but I don't know if it's because of the fact that Marshal Shen didn't show up, there are still many people harassing the little girl in school.

What's more, at the graduation ceremony tonight, I heard that a big man came and donated several buildings to the school. That big man even asked the school to ask Yao Zhi to entertain him.

How to do this?

— This intention is too obvious.

The graduation ceremony was about to officially begin, and at this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the auditorium, and Yao Zhi's teacher hurried over to pull Yao Zhi: "Zhizhi, that big shot is here, come quickly."

Before Yao Zhi came back to his senses, he was dragged out.

A long line of military vehicles was parked outside the auditorium. Soldiers jumped out of the trucks with guns in hand, formed a large circle, and quickly separated the excited students.

In the middle of the encirclement, there was a black Lincoln parked. Yao Zhi was pushed over, but she always felt a little familiar looking at the black Lincoln.

When Zhao Yue got off the car, Yao Zhi's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

The back seat of the car was pulled away, and a man in military uniform got out of the car. His sword eyebrows and star eyes are slightly drawn, his long legs are straight, standing there, the cold military uniform makes him feel cold all over his body.

Yao Zhi was dumbfounded.

—It seems to be brother Shen? Doesn't it seem like Brother Shen? The face is Brother Shen? But isn't the leg brother Shen?

There were already screams from the female students all around. The man stood there, against the light, with a tall body, which seemed to make people dare not come close to profanity.

He raised his hand and gently straightened his sleeves, his cold brows and eyes were softened by the light, a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his voice was low: "Zhizhi? Why don't you come to Brother Shen? Huh?"

Yao Zhi's ears were about to be called deaf by the classmates behind her. Luo Wan whispered to her very excitedly: "Zhizhi, Zhizhi, is that Mr. Shen? his leg healed?"

Shen Xu went over to pick up the silly little girl, leaned over and kissed her increasingly delicate and provocative pretty face.

He whispered in her ear: "Is Brother Shen's little baby stupid?" He touched Yao Zhi's stomach: "Such a silly baby, don't give birth to brother Shen's baby in a while. "

Yao Zhi grabbed Shen Xu's collar with her small hands, and her thin fingers turned white. She said, "Shen...Brother Shen...?"

Shen Xu hugged Yao Zhi in his arms like a baby, and there were screams all around, Shen Xu sighed softly: "Silly girl." His heart always made her melt, he kissed her With a small face, she said with a bit of complaint: "Babe, I can't even recognize my brother."

Yao Zhi's reaction was that she finally came to her senses, but now she was too ashamed to raise her head.

She could hear the excited discussions of many students beside her, some girls were amazed, and some boys were sour.

"Is the graduation ceremony almost over?" Shen Xu asked her softly, "Brother Shen has made an agreement with your teacher in advance, and Brother Shen will take Zhizhi back in advance today."

"Brother Shen...just came to pick me up early?" Yao Zhi was a little puzzled, wondering why Shen Xu brought so many people here just to pick her up.

Shen Xu nodded and explained: "The Japanese invaded recently, and they are fighting wars. It is always not peaceful. Brother Shen is afraid of accidents, so he brought more people."

He has been assassinated several times, and he came to pick up Zhizhi, and she is pregnant with a child, what if there is an accident in the middle?

Shen Xu carried Yao Zhi into the car, carefully protected her stomach, and left early.

After the two people drove away, the soldiers with guns got into the vehicle quickly, and the green military truck surrounded the black Lincoln in the middle, making it airtight.

The man's warm palm caressed his slightly swollen belly, and Shen Xu looked at the girl nestled in his arms with a chuckle and asked, "Was Zhizhi surprised just now? Brother Shen sees that you look like a little fool, Everyone was stunned."

The wet breath sprinkled on the side of the ears, and Yao Zhi's fair ears were immediately stained with a thin layer of crimson. She has become more and more sensitive since she was pregnant. Shen Xu deliberately talked in her ear like this, which made her small body tremble.

Shen Xu couldn't help but want to laugh even more when she saw that her thin fingers pinching her clothes had turned white due to excessive force.

Yao Zhi turned her head and glared at him, she suddenly reached out her hand and curiously touched Shen Xu's leg that had grown out for no reason.

—It’s so hard, hard, and cold, not like a human leg, but like metal.

"It's a metal prosthesis made by me abroad. Is Zhizhi surprised today?" Shen Xu asked her with a smile.

Yao Zhi was surprised, nodded, and wanted to open it to see. Shen Xu also let her know that she was curious.

He lifted up his trouser legs obediently, looked at the novelty baby, and unconsciously showed a little doting smile on his face.

He looked at Yao Zhi with a gentle smile on his face.

She was always popular with those boys at school... She was obviously pregnant, but she couldn't stop the spring-like birds and swallows dancing around her.

In fact, he met him several times, and every time he saw him, he was so cruel that he wanted to kill someone. He reminded himself to be calm, calm, but he couldn't hold back once and almost fell ill again.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time, and he has been secretly practicing his prosthetic limbs, just to wait for this day and to swear his sovereignty.

Although they have already graduated at this time, Shen Xu still feels very satisfied.

He suddenly pinched Yao Zhi's waist and lifted her up on his lap, ignoring the little girl's shock, he suddenly pushed her to the corner of the car, leaned over and kissed her.

"Hmm..." Yao Zhi's chest trembled in fright, Shen Xu's palm pinned her tender little hands, the man half-closed his eyes, his expression was urgent, and his reaction was violent.

"No one can rob Zhizhi from me." Shen Xu's eyes were dark at the moment, he hugged the baby who was pregnant by himself tightly in his arms, and repeated, "No one can rob Zhizhi from me... "

Yao Zhi was lying in the corner of the car, his face was flushed, his pupils were dilated, and he didn't know what happened. She could only open her small red lips, look at this man in bewilderment, and let out a weak breath.

Shen Xu was very satisfied, and kissed her delicately, gently stroking her little face.

The embarrassing voice from the back seat sounded again, and after an unknown amount of time, when Zhao Yue, who was driving in front, could hardly stand it, the back of the car finally became quiet.

Looking back, Zhao Yue saw that Miss Yao had swollen lips, lying in Shen Xu's arms and fell asleep, her small face pressed against his chest, her long eyelashes covering her clear eyes like crescent moons, she was so obedient.

Shen Xu's face was full of tenderness, and he lowered his head. The two of them were like mandarin ducks crossing their necks, cheek to cheek.

He couldn't help scolding Shen Xu as a "beast" in a low voice, and then saw his husband crying.

"Brother Shen's little baby..." he murmured, his voice choked and hoarse, "Brother Shen's little moonlight..."

It is year after year, and the bright moon shines on Kyushu.


### Author Testimonials

Two in one today, the sweetness is gone, and it may be a little bit cruel in the future Oh porridge Kiss you one by one, tickets are not allowed to be kept private, okay?
