MTL - Little Jiaojiao is the White Moonlight of the Paranoid Young Marshal-Chapter 78 Li Chen×Yu Wan Extra (2 in 1)

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Yu Mansion is very lively today, no one expected that Mr. Li would bring someone to propose marriage suddenly.

Both Yu's father and mother were shocked, and rushed to welcome them in. Yu Wan was also very surprised. Last time she asked sister when she would marry Mr. Li, she still said she didn't know. How long has it been?

Elder Sister's face was also flushed. Mr. Li looked at Elder Sister with gentle eyes, which is very kind.

Yu Wan yearned for brilliant love since she was a child. My father passed away when she was very young, and my mother took her to remarry. The later father treated her very well, but, for some reason, I always felt that she was not close enough.

The process of proposing marriage went very smoothly. Afterwards, Mr. Li took everyone to the Opera House. Tickets had been booked a long time ago, and it was there that she met Li Chen.

The young man was wearing a neat military uniform, sitting in the theater, with a just right smile on his face, and a group of officers sitting beside him, but he was the only one who was young and handsome, who was exceptionally different.

When he saw Li Jikai bringing someone in, he was obviously a little surprised.

Among this group of people, he obviously had the highest official position, because he was the leader who brought a group of people over to say hello.

"Why did Mr. Li have the leisure to come here?" Li Chen was really surprised, Li Ji congratulated him, and it seemed that he was not from this place.

"Bring your fiancée and family to have a look." Li Jikai shook hands with Li Chen, "Where's Commander Li?"

The young man smiled gently: "After work, just relax."

Yu Wan looked at him quietly from the sidelines, thinking it was inconceivable - he looked so young, did he already become a commander?

After everyone exchanged greetings, the group sat down. Yu Wan was next to Li Chen. She was fiddling with the bead chain unconsciously with her fingers. For some reason, her eyes always drifted to the side.

He is much taller than her.

From this angle, Yu Wan could barely see his smooth and beautiful jaw line and the tightly buttoned collar of his military uniform.

The dark green jacket was paired with a snow-white inner lining, and he was meticulous. The young man took a sip of the tea at hand, his movements were neither slow nor hasty, and his posture was quiet and elegant.

Yu Wan was a little dazed, staring at it for a long time, almost unable to move his eyes away.

"Second Miss Yu."

While in a daze, the young man's warm and smiling voice clearly pierced his ears, slightly itching.

Yu Wan hurriedly shifted her gaze away, but she didn't want to. When she raised her head, she directly bumped into his pair of clear eyes.

"Your tea is about to drop." The young man reminded her.

Yu Wan's face turned red in an instant. She looked back, sure enough.

I was fascinated by peeking at people just now, and at some point, the teacup on my small table was rubbed to the edge and was on the verge of falling.

Yu Wan hurriedly held the cup steady, and thanked her aloud, "Thank you."

The young man said, "You're welcome." Then he said, "You don't need to use your honorific title, Miss Yu, I'm of the same generation as you."

Yu Wan's face became more and more red, and she just nodded her head nana.

The young man turned his head, quietly watched the performance on the stage, and did not speak again.

Yu Wan lowered her head, her heart beating fast.

She has always liked people who are good-looking, but that kind of liking is a liking of admiration, and this is the first time she has faced a person—her heart beats so fast.

Yu Wan is an open and lively girl, she understands everything about the relationship between men and women. How could she not be clear about the current appearance?

It's's clear, I'm moved.

She came down for more than an hour, and babbled and sang on the stage, but she was not in the mood to listen, and kept wondering whether she should talk to her.

On weekdays, she would laugh at her sisters for their lack of face, and she couldn't speak when she met someone she liked, but now that she came to her, she realized that she really couldn't speak.

The theater was about to end, and the people next to him didn't sit until the end, and someone came in and whispered something to him in the middle, and the young man got up, exchanged greetings with others, and left early.

Yu Wan froze in place, the chair next to her was empty, she seemed to not even know his name.

Yu Wan had been thinking about him ever since he went back to the theater that day. After a lot of knocking and listening, she learned that his name was Li Chen. He was originally from a poor family. He joined the army since he was a child. It can be said that the future is boundless.

In the past few days, Yu Wan has always deliberately or unintentionally dragged his little sister to the theater to sit. Originally, neither of them liked to listen to this stuff, but it happened that Yu Wan was obsessed, staying for a whole day, but Even so, she still failed to meet Li Chen.

Yu Wan didn't give up, and went to the headquarters to block her again, and met her once, it was already late, she was still outside, Li Chen came out from the headquarters, and saw her at a glance.

The young man was still as good-looking as when we met last time, Yu Wan's heart beat a little faster, and he lied to him that he was lost.

Li Chen didn't think much about it either. It was getting late and there were fewer rickshaws on the road. Besides, he had already bumped into them, so how could he not send them back.

He pulled the back seat of the car, and said to Wan Wenrun, "I'll send Miss Yu back."

Yu Wan blushed and got into Li Chen's car.

The young man's car was as clean as his own, without any mess.

Li Chen handed her some food from the front: "Have you eaten now, if not, just put it on."

Yu Wan took it, and there was a small cake in the box. She was very happy and thanked her.

The carriage was quiet, and the two of them didn't speak for a while along the way.

Yu Wan reluctantly finished eating the cake, put all the leftover trash into a box, and tidied it up, for fear of leaving a bad impression on Li Chen.

When getting out of the car, the young man opened the car door for her. Yu Wan looked at his drooping eyelashes. In the darkness, she finally couldn't help but said, "Excuse me, can I leave a contact information?"

The young man seemed to be taken aback for a moment.

He looked over and saw that Yu Wan's fingers were clenched tightly, her heart was beating so fast that she could even hear her own heartbeat.

Li Chen looked at the half-covered and half-shy look of the **** the car seat, he was silent for a while, and finally found Ni Duan.

In other words, the surrounding area of ​​the headquarters is quite prosperous, so I won't get lost.

People can ask for directions everywhere, especially if the weather is early, rickshaws will be overwhelmed.

He looked at Yu Wan and quickly understood what she was thinking.

"Miss Yu Er, I already have someone I like." Li Chen said.

Yu Wan was startled, and raised her head, the young man's eyes were penetrating and shining, obviously he could clearly see the little bit of her fledgling thoughts.

She let out an "ah", a little embarrassed and sour, and didn't speak.

The young man looked at her lowering her head, and was a little afraid of her crying. His heart was touched, and he comforted him: "Miss Yu is such a beautiful lady, there must be many people chasing after her. I can't afford you to be sad."

Now it's all right, Yu Wan wasn't too sad to bear it, but after listening to him comfort her, she felt even more uncomfortable, and tears came down almost immediately.

When Li Chen saw her wiping her tears, he couldn't help feeling a little flustered. He handed her a tissue, and Yu Wan picked it up, but raised his head and asked him, "You... who do you like..."

Li Chen paused for a moment when she asked.

-that person…

But Yu Wan's tears were on the verge of falling. For no reason, under the moonlight, he reached out to wipe her tears.

After the action was over, he froze for a moment. So she withdrew her hand again, pretending to be nonchalant, but answered Yu Wan's question: "It's an engaged lady, the daughter of my benefactor."

Yu Wan looked at him.

The benefactor's daughter, the benefactor...

Li Chen was single-handedly promoted by Governor Yao, and his benefactor—isn't it...

"But, Miss Yao is already engaged to Mr. Shen." It is well known that Marshal Shen loves his fiancée Beiping, he...

Li Chen nodded: "I'm kidding, but I don't know how to do anything."

Yu Wan pursed her lips, the young man's expression was still calm, her heart moved, and a bold idea emerged.

She hesitated for a moment, reached out and grabbed the hem of Li Chen's clothes, and the neat and beautiful military uniform was instantly ripped out of its folds.

There was a bit of astonishment on the young man's face, he didn't react, he was pulled down by Yu Wan's strength, and the other's sweet lips fell on his left cheek.

He supported the car body with his hands to maintain balance, but before he could react, Yu Wan slid to the side like a nimble rabbit, and then slipped away, and ran into the gate of Yu's house without a trace.

Li Chen reacted a little slower, his fingers slowly caressed the kissed left cheek, and his heart beat slightly faster.

- unexpectedly... was kissed...

He hesitated a little. In the night, he was stunned for a long time without moving.


Yu Wan hadn't seen Li Chen for nearly a month, and that night his brain got hot and he actually kissed him.

What would he think of her? Do you think she is a very casual girl?

She was eating at the restaurant with her good sister, and the other party even brought the boy who had been chasing her for several months over.

Yu Wan sighed, and the boy quickly leaned over to comfort him: "What's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

Yu Wan moved a little further subconsciously, and said in a low voice, "No."

She obviously didn't want to pay attention to people and turned her eyes around the restaurant. Coincidentally, she saw a group of people in military uniforms coming in.

She stared blankly at the young man who was walking in the front. The waiter was very attentive and had a proper smile on his face, which inexplicably made Yu Wan feel uncomfortable.

The eyes of the two suddenly collided, Yu Wan bit her lip, turned her head away, and looked even more depressed.

The boy next to him was still very eager, and leaned over again: "Wanwan, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Wan didn't want to talk or pay attention, which made the two of them get closer and closer, but Yu Wan's mind was in a mess and she didn't pay attention at all.

Li Chen, on the other hand, watched the two get closer and closer, remembering the last time she kissed him, he felt a little suffocated.

Today was another treat, Li Chen arrived in the box, his mind was full of Yu Wan's appearance just now.

In fact, he said he likes Yao Zhi, but three or four years have passed, and the feeling of being young has faded a lot. Maybe it's not like I like it too much, but I just have a little obsession.

He was thinking about Yu Wan, feeling very uncomfortable, but he still couldn't help it, got up and opened the door: "Excuse me, Li is going out for a while."

He is the most official here, so naturally no one said anything. He ran all the way to Yu Wancai's position, only to see that the two of them were already very close, and he felt aggrieved.

"Excuse me, please let me go." He spoke with a clear voice, but his movements were a little hasty, he walked around the boy and pulled Yu Wan out.

Yu Wan was dumbfounded. To be precise, he was dumbfounded when he saw Li Chen.

She was dragged to a secluded corner in a daze, and saw the young man pursing his lips, but he seemed quite angry.

She didn't speak.

In the end, Li Chen said, "Why are you so close to him?" You still liked me and kissed me last time.

It's my first time being kissed.

Yu Wan was in a daze.


The other party seemed to be a little angry, his chest heaved a few times, and his eyes were red. But he didn't say anything, turned around and left.

Yu Wan leaned against the wall, feeling extremely uncomfortable this time.

What is he doing? He doesn't like himself, what is this?


...don't want to like him at all.

She burst into tears, didn't go back to the restaurant, rushed home, called the little sister, said she was not feeling well, and then threw herself on the bed and cried.


This time, the two haven't seen each other for months.

During the period, Yu Wan attended Sister A's wedding and met Ms. Yao. She was indeed very beautiful, very beautiful.

I felt uncomfortable and didn't go out for several days. Finally, someone called the house and asked her to go out.

Elder sister has been worried that she will suffer so much since she learned about her at the last wedding, so she asked her to go out.

It was a coincidence that the meeting place was chosen at the entrance of the headquarters, and that boy came again.

He obviously dressed up today and bought flowers.

The little sister laughed extremely narrowly, and Yu Wan was not in the mood, but seeing the boy's expectant eyes, her words of refusal were stuck in her throat, and she suddenly thought, what's the need?

She and Li Chen have only met so few times, she is the only one who likes him so passionately, but... why is it necessary?

She just stretched out her hand and was about to take the bouquet, but before her fingertips could touch her, she was suddenly hugged.

The young man's palm was securely wrapped around her waist, and it was the first time Yu Wan heard his voice so cold: "He has a boyfriend."

Her heart skipped a beat.

The boy was dumbfounded, but fortunately her little sister was clever, and quickly saw the situation clearly and pulled him away.

Yu Wan leaned against Li Chen's arms, and the other party bent over, and said softly, "I'm sorry."

Yu Wan blinked her eyes twice.

"I don't seem to like Miss Yao anymore, I... like you a little bit."

Yu Wan froze in place, when a gust of wind blew over, she heard Li Chen's voice clearly.

"Are you still willing to be with me?" He seemed a little uneasy, "You kissed me."

He seemed to have finally recognized his own heart, but he was afraid that it would be too late.

Under the summer sun, Yu Wan raised her head, met her eyes, and suddenly laughed softly.


### Author Testimonials

Originally, I was going to write about Brother Xu's previous life, but I thought I would write the sub CP first, and post Brother Xu tomorrow, so everyone will watch it first. In other words, Porridge Porridge personally thinks this is still very sweet. The progress is relatively fast, because the two of them don't have many scenes in the main text, I hope everyone likes it. Hmm... Also, pseudo-orthopedics may not be able to write well. Do you want to read campus novels in the next book, or do you want to go through it quickly? I may send the copy to the book review later, everyone is interested to steal a ticket, porridge has been entangled for several days. I love you guys, okay.


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