MTL - Live Beautification System-Chapter 566 Golden Devil's Cave

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  Chapter 566 Gold-selling Demon Cave

  The most beautiful girl in the Principality of the Undead is Aditya, and the most expensive gold-selling cave in Senluo Dead City is the Demon Palace.

  The Demon of the Demon Palace is not the Demon of Demons, but the Demon of Magic. The background of the Demon Palace is very mysterious, but everyone knows that there is a treasure in the Demon Palace. This treasure is called the source of magic power, and it is the sacred object of magicians!

  Although everyone knows it, only few people have seen its true face. According to rumors, the source of magic power is a wooden barrel full of mysterious runes, which can turn ordinary well water into a magic spring.

   All ethnic groups and walks of life in Senluo Dead City know the power of the source of magic power. As long as they drink the spring water in the source of magic power, they can quickly recover their magic power. No matter how high-level a mage is, he can restore magic power in the shortest time.

   It is precisely because of such a wonderful effect that the magic palace has naturally become a treasured place where magicians gather. Especially the grand masters and even grand masters who have a lot of money, come here almost every day to enjoy the magic tea made by the magic spring, and they can also enjoy the magic hot spring bath.

  It is said that taking a bath in the magic hot spring can get close to the magic power, make the magic power more pure, and increase the power of casting spells.

   I don’t know if the marketing plan is good. Anyway, a hot spring ticket in this magical palace costs 1,000 gold coins, and there is a separate charge for magic tea, starting at 500 and not capped. Don't think it's too expensive, there is a limited amount every day, if you don't have a very high status, you have to book in advance, and it will be gone if you are late.

  Now, Ding Mu has just run into a wall from the Demon Palace, and walked out in despair.

   To help Miss Aditya, the Magic Palace is a very important place. Ding Mu took a letter of introduction that Aditya asked someone to get, and wanted to apply for a job in the magic palace, but because he did not have the status of a senior magician, he was despised and declined.

  Walking on the streets of Senluo Ghost Town, Ding Mu felt a little bit like a tiger in peace. He is now like a student without a college degree who got an interview opportunity based on his relationship, but was ridiculed openly and secretly, and then failed to find a job.

  Ding Mu was upset, he calculated the gold coins in his hand, turned around and went back. If I can't apply for a job, I'll just be a consumer, and the ticket is 1,000 gold coins, which I can afford! Enjoy life first! Anyway, I am alone here, and the whole family will not be hungry if one person is full.

  Thinking of this, Ding Mu went straight to the main entrance of the Demon Palace, and walked in dignifiedly.

"Mister, hello, may I help you." There is a hint of indifference and refusal in the **** and enthusiastic voice. Such a contradictory and seductive voice can drive countless people crazy .

  Ding Mu looked at the receptionist at the gate of the Demon Palace, and she turned out to be the legendary elves.

Her hair is as black as the night sky, with a sense of air that is automatic without wind. Dark purple roses wrap around her hair, making her look extraordinarily enchanting, and her orange-red eyes, like magma, reveal an indescribable feeling. Temptation, obsession, sinking, cute and playful pointed ears.

  Her face is not so white and tender, a little dark, but black and shiny. The lips are thin and rosy, just like the alluring red rose, which makes people want to possess her.

   This is a night elf, the king of the night forest, the darling of nature and wind. This is the advantage of race, and everyone knows it. However, it is extremely rare for this race to appear in the Principality of the Undead. Because any elf race inherently loathes the undead, it is a deep-seated aversion, a heartfelt aversion.

  Ding Mu looked at the night elf from bottom to top.

  Slender and slender legs, wearing angel white short boots, noble purple silk wrapped up to below the knees, and extremely short shorts, basically exposing the thighs, an indescribable temptation.

  The upper body is a sleeveless tight vest, which outlines a bumpy figure.

   Taking a closer look, her completely exposed arms are slender and powerful, but she wears a silver bracelet full of runes on her wrist.

  There is also a thin chain on the bracelet, which is connected to the neck ring at the slender neck.

  A amber made of mermaid tears, inlaid on the neck ring, exudes a unique atmosphere.

  Ding Mu sighed, this is another disaster-level beauty, here acting as the facade of the Demon Palace. I don't know how capable and strong the boss of the Demon Palace is, he can actually let the proud and noble elves serve as the gatekeeper.

  He didn't know that the identity of this night elf was extraordinary. He was originally the princess of the night clan, the arrogance of heaven, and a magician of the grand master level.

  Unfortunately, the rather eye-catching ornament on her wrist and neck is actually a very powerful holy object called the Shackle of the Forbidden Demon.

  Wearing this shackle, she is just a weak woman, the servant of the master of the magic palace, a humble and humiliating welcome girl.

  The lord of the Demon Palace puts a proud and noble princess here, undoubtedly demonstrating the noble status of the Demon Palace, showing off his huge intangible wealth in front of many magic masters.

  However, these tricks didn’t work for Ding Mu. Ding Mu didn’t know what was going on. He was just surprised, and said, “This is my first time here. I’m here to take a dip in the famous magic hot spring.”

   After finishing speaking, Ding Mu boldly took out a thousand gold coin card, waved the card and said, "Here, buy a ticket."

   "Okay. Please follow me." The night elf took the gold coin card in Ding Mu's hand and said politely. The nobility in her bones made her graceful and heroic.

  Ding Mu followed her and formally set foot in the magical hall of bones in the magic palace.

  The hall is extremely high and wide. The ceiling is completely composed of the head bones of various creatures, and the walls are made up of limb bones. If these bones are all skeletons, there may be hundreds of thousands of them.

  If you have intensive phobia, you will definitely not be able to bear this feeling. However, the undead are very used to this kind of thing.

   At intervals, various mysterious attachments are written on the bones in the color of blood.

  In front of a reception desk made of the breastbone of a behemoth, a blood girl, with her legs crossed, swayed, waiting for the guests.

   "Lilith, this guest is here for the first time. Take good care of him." The night elf placed Ding Mu's gold coin card on the reception desk in front of Lilith and instructed.

   "Okay, Miss Phantom." Lilith said playfully, "This handsome guy looks like a human race, so handsome."

   After finishing speaking, she put away the gold coin card with a flip of her hand. Then some mechanism was operated, and a small door opened on the wall of the skeleton.

Lilith said: "Handsome guy, this is one of the three private soup rooms with the highest specifications in our magic palace. Originally, the entrance fee was 2,000 gold coins, because it is your first time to come, and you can enjoy the free upgrade service. The longest time in it should not exceed four Hours, after that, the original price will be charged.”

   "Okay, okay, thank you." Ding Mu's charm technique is effective at any time, and he has been upgraded as a matter of course.

  But he didn't expect that this upgrade would bring twice the trouble...

  (end of this chapter)