MTL - Live Broadcast of Eating Melons and Being Read, I Landed!-Chapter 224 Vicious garbage

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Chapter 224 Vicious Garbage

Although Fu Yanchi was different from ordinary people, this sentence sounded fine. Jiang Ning secretly wrote it down and decided to spend more time with Gu Yunrong.

 The car started and when they arrived at the recording hall, Jiang Ning handed the USB disk to the relevant personnel. After reading the files, they called the teammates who were staring at He Jiawei, and immediately took action against He Jiawei and brought him over.

On Jiang Ning’s side, after a familiar opening remarks, He Jiawei was brought under the camera.

The professor's face was still indignant about their program, but when the camera came over, he quickly calmed down his emotions, put on the appearance of an elegant professor, and extended his hand to Jiang Ning.

 “Ms. Jiang, I have long admired your name.”

He Jiawei's words seemed to have something to say. Jiang Ning ignored him and simply shook hands with the person.

“Thank you Professor He for cooperating with our investigation, let’s get started.”

He Jiawei nodded and followed Jiang Ning to the various investigation departments. His mood was extremely calm, which Jiang Ning expected.

As expected, after this inspection, He Jiawei had no problems with the three most common crimes, including taxation, urine testing, and corruption.

Seeing the relief in He Jiawei's eyes becoming more and more obvious, Jiang Ning walked to a department, nodded to the staff, turned the computer to their side, and pressed the buttons so that He Jiawei could see the contents of the document clearly.

"Professor He is familiar with these, right? But he shouldn't be familiar with them. After all, he is used to snatching the fruits of students' labor and oppressing students. How can he remember clearly the papers he snatched and those innocent students? .”

These words hit He Jiawei as if they weighed a thousand pounds, bending He Jiawei's back a little.

But the next second, he seemed to think of something, and his courage came up again, his back straightened again, and he spoke righteously.

"I am strict in class. Maybe I have offended these students and asked them to jointly report me. But I am engaged in education openly and I have never done anything to steal the fruits of students' labor. Your program should not accuse me so easily, otherwise I also have the right to appeal."

He Jiawei is the first person to want to appeal the program. In the eyes of some netizens, he does not have a guilty conscience. In addition, He Jiawei has not been found to have committed any criminal behavior before, which deepens this impression.

[It can’t be that the program team really misunderstood. He Jiawei is a professor. No matter how academically qualified he is, how could he **** students’ papers and use them. ]

I support the person above. I remember that the graduation thesis I wrote back then was called academic garbage by the instructor, and I am still depressed. However, students’ papers are generally very mediocre. It is unlikely that they will be published by professors. ]

[Don’t think that everyone upstairs is as bad as you. There are many good students in good schools, and it’s not like there aren’t geniuses in universities. It’s not like there aren’t some who are better than professors in academic terms. ]

 While the debate was going on in the live broadcast room, He Jiawei also felt that the current situation was favorable to him, and his demeanor slowly relaxed.

"To arrest someone, you need to provide evidence. Even if your program is officially launched, and you want me to wear the hat of academic misconduct, you must provide evidence, not just the chat records used by these students, but also the ones like me. Thesis manuscripts, it’s very easy to forge these things.”

Hearing this, it seemed as if he had been wronged. Jiang Ning glanced at him and asked the staff to call up a few pieces of surveillance.

During the surveillance, He Jiawei had frequent contact with those students. In one or two videos, the principal, He Jiawei’s father, was also seen.

"Professor He, can you tell me what you are doing? Why did all this monitoring happen before you were about to publish your paper? Professor He wouldn't say that he took the principal's father to give guidance to the students, right? The guidance is not something that can be taken away. I took the paper with me."

He Jiawei looked at the surveillance that had been deleted long ago and listened to Jiang Ning's words. He wanted to deny it, but he didn't know where to deny it.

  After all, in the surveillance, except for the student's face that had been manipulated, he and his father's appearance were clearly photographed. He was trying to quibble that it wasn't possible for both of them.

“I am correcting the paper for them...” Before He Jiawei finished his quibbling words, Jiang Ning asked again

“Does Professor He have the corrected papers? And why haven’t these students published papers since then? Their papers were eaten by you?”

[Relying on his father's relationship, He Jiawei never hid these things very much, thinking that they would always be suppressed. But this is the information age. Deleted surveillance can be restored, and the memories of witnesses and the original manuscript of the paper cannot be restored. It will disappear out of thin air, so don’t struggle and let me put all the evidence up. 】

  【But it’s not impossible to put it up. Let everyone see the professor asking his lover to correct his paper. The academic level is higher than that of He Jiawei. It’s all amusement. 】

  【It is said that in addition to this lover who does academic work for He Jiawei, He Jiawei also has a lover who specially plays with him. This is a romantic and academic relationship, and the fun is quite fun. 】

He Jiawei's eyelids twitched, and he stopped struggling with a pale face. If Jiang Ning really told what happened between him and his lover, his face would be completely lost.

But looking at Jiang Ning who was eating the melon system, he said that he had already lost his face.

  【No wonder the He family and his son were so skilled in stealing the fruits of students' labor. They had done similar things in the previous decades. 】

He Jiawei took a breath and said hurriedly.

“This is to investigate academic matters, so don’t waste everyone’s working time trying to find out about my personal life.”

 He wanted to speak again, but was held down by staff on both sides and sat down.

Jiang Ning continued to eat melons, [It is indeed strange that a professor steals students' achievements, but it is normal for He Jiawei. 】

[He Jiawei himself does not have a very smart mind, and he does not work hard. If it were not for his father, he would steal his cousin's college entrance examination results in high school, steal his roommate's chance to stay in college, and then rely on his father's identity to steal outstanding achievements again and again. Where can the fruits of students' labor be placed in the position of professor? 】

  【And after becoming a professor, even the course materials and what is said in class are all thought and written by the lover. The good guy only steals the fruits of other people's work and has no brain at all. 】

  【But I really want to know where He Jiawei found this young lady with professor-level talents. 】

Netizens also want to know, what is wrong with a person with such talent, what is wrong with finding a job, and why should he be He Jiawei's lover in such a dishonorable way?

Jiang Ning, in the spirit of eating melons until they are ripe, found He Jiawei's lover's melon. When she saw it, she gave it to He Jiawei with another look of garbage.

[Because he was attracted to the young lady’s ability, he designed the young lady’s family to be burdened with huge debts and made the young lady’s mother become a vegetative state. The young lady herself was blamed for plagiarizing the professor’s paper and was dropped out of school, forcing her to become He Jiawei’s What a vicious piece of garbage. 】

[This young lady is actually quite smart. She was forced to be a gunman and almost hated He Jiawei. Every time she wrote a paper for him, she kept evidence. All she wanted to do was to put her name on the paper again to remove her from plagiarizing the professor's paper. Stigma. 】

While He Jiawei was being forced to mute, pieces of evidence were presented in Jiang Ning's voice prompts. The facts of He Jiawei's crimes were confirmed, and his father, who had helped him steal other people's lives and the fruits of their labor many times, was also arrested immediately. , were investigated together.

 The students who were suppressed by him and could not go to the official research institute to report were told to pack their bags and excitedly got into the official car.

 That young lady and the cousin whose life was stolen will be given the most just judgment by the law. He Jiawei and the He family must return whatever is due to them.

 (End of this chapter)