MTL - Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House-Chapter 1142 Mom, this really has nothing to do with my dad, we didn't do anything!

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After listening to what her son Qin Xiaoyu said, Su Wanqing suddenly realized that there was a very serious problem.

I almost cried myself stupidly on the spot!

Xiaoyu is her son, and also Qin Xiaobai's son, the kind of her own!

He must have inherited some genes from her husband...

She should have inferred the European emperor attribute of Xiaoyu's flying chess. Bringing my son now, I am afraid to persuade Qin Xiaobai to fail. Instead, he will teach him on the spot and teach his son the experience of tearing down the house in person...

Thinking of this, Su Wanqing's body trembled slightly.

What can I do?

The family already has a big one, and the church is a small one, these days are simply impossible to pass...

Just as Su Wanqing was dumbfounded, thinking about these things, Qin Xiaoyu had already slipped away from her, without hesitation, she ran all the way up to the top floor.

"Dad, leave me something..."

Qin Xiaoyu ran up panting again and again, worried that she was going to be late, and shouted loudly.

In a few moments.

Qin Xiaoyu came to the door of Aunt Liu's house. Through the broken door frame, she saw the mess inside the room. Suddenly, there was an inexplicable impulse in her heart. It seemed that something strange was awakening in her body. .

At this time, Qin Xiaoyu's feeling can only be described as blood boiling.

It was.

This is the real demolition action!

Think about how he used to dismantle other people's schoolbags and textbooks at school, compared to his own father.

It's nothing like that?

The door to the new world has been opened, and the joy brought by the demolition of the house is not even as much as flying chess.

Qin Xiaobai, who was instructing the animals to demolish the house, suddenly caught a glimpse of his son standing at the door from the corner of his eyes, and saw his eyes twinkling, and his heart suddenly became speechless.


This skill of dismantling the house can also be inherited?

The expression of his son Qin Xiaoyu at the moment, Qin Xiaobai has seen many times before.

It was also the same expression when it first took black charcoal to demolish the house. That night Su Wanqing transformed into a husky, demolished her relatives' house, and the same expression in her eyes.

However, Qin Xiaobai soon remembered something, looked at his son in embarrassment and asked, "Xiaoyu, why did you come here?"

When he left, his son was still at his father-in-law's house.

It's obviously a little weird to be here now.

At first, Qin Xiaobai thought he was sneaking here, but he was quickly denied the idea.


Qin Xiaobai realized a very serious matter. After pondering for a while, he walked to the door nervously, glanced down the stairs, and then asked:

"Xiaoyu, did your mother come with you?"

After listening to his father's words, Qin Xiaoyu did not answer his question directly, but pouted and complained with a displeased face: "Are you still my father? Such an exciting thing, you don't even bring me with you, hum!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


Su Wanqing, who was standing downstairs, saw that her son had already run up, for fear that he would be spoiled by Qin Xiaobai, she was going to go up to dissuade the father and son.


As soon as she stepped on the stairs, there was a swearing voice behind her: "Su Wanqing, are you still too embarrassed to come to my house? Don't you think it's not bad enough for me?"

After hearing this, Su Wanqing subconsciously held her footsteps and turned her head to look behind her. The person who spoke was Aunt Liu who brought several men to her house not long ago.

Not good!

Seeing Aunt Liu rushing back, Su Wanqing felt a little nervous.

What can I do?

Husband and son are demolishing Aunt Liu's house. If she bumps into it, the consequences will be very serious!

Thinking of this, Su Wanqing didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with Aunt Liu, and quickly accelerated her pace and rushed upstairs, hoping that her son and husband would stop immediately before Aunt Liu came up.

Aunt Liu, who was behind her, saw Su Wanqing ignoring her, she was full of anger at first, but at this time she couldn't hold back.

While following her upstairs, she kept cursing.

The two reached the top floor at the same time.

In a few moments.

Aunt Liu's scolding stopped abruptly, her eyes widened and she looked at the house number several times before she dared to believe that the large car accident scene in front of her was the house she was familiar with.

In an instant, she was dumbfounded.

Sit on the ground and cried.

Su Wanqing was also stupid, everything in the room was basically destroyed, Qin Xiaobai and his son were standing by the door, and they were exchanging something... If you guessed correctly, it should be demolished home experience, etc.

As she expected, she really shouldn't have brought Xiaoyu over, and the on-site teaching and teaching experience happened!

Glancing at the mess in the room, and then looking at the father and son for a while, Su Wanqing was both angry and wanted to laugh.

At this moment, she really began to doubt life!

What sin did I do in my last life... How did I meet this fairy father and son? If she is guilty, it should be punished by the law, not by God sending the father and son to torture her, okay?

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Su Wanqing, don't bully others! Woohoo ... Isn't it just published your personal information to the website? My house has been demolished, and we're not done with it!"

Aunt Liu took out the phone while crying, and then continued:

"Okay, your family won't give me a way to live, then let's die! Hey, police uncle, someone demolished my house! Yes, yes, come and save me..."

Su Wanqing originally wanted to persuade Aunt Liu to see if the matter could be private.

But what I didn't expect was that just now, she was half-favored by Qin Xiaobai and his son. She neglected this matter for a while. When she reacted, Aunt Liu had already called the police... Now go It's useless to stop it.

So she shook her head helplessly, walked to Qin Xiaobai's father and son, glared at them one by one, and then asked angrily: "Now, what do you say? Bar?"

Qin Xiaobai's face was very calm, he glanced at his son without panic, and then asked, "Xiaoyu, do you think so?"


Qin Xiaoyu nodded vigorously, and then said, "Mom, you really blame my dad for this, we are standing at the door, really didn't move at all, okay?"

Su Wanqing: "…"

After hearing the words of the father and son, Su Wanqing was speechless, can't this son and husband have it?

Have a unified caliber been reached in such a short time?