MTL - Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House-Chapter 1144 Anchor, are you transmigrating?

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Although Aunt Liu's affairs were quite noisy, it did not bring too much negative impact on Qin Xiaobai's family and life. The only pity was that Su Wanqing's mobile phone number, which had been used for more than ten years, could no longer be used because the information was made public.

However, this is not a big deal. After changing to the number of the imperial capital, the matter is resolved.

In the next two days, Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing, accompanied by their parents and son, enjoyed a peaceful family time in the imperial capital. However, since Qin Xiaobai still had an important task to complete, this peaceful life did not last long.

It is worth mentioning that since Qin Xiaobai came back, Su Wanqing seems to have changed back to that young and beautiful girl, and the time for live broadcasts has also increased a lot in the past few days.

In this regard, her group of more than ten years old fans are naturally not happy.

When those fans learned that Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai were about to go to the uninhabited island in the South, they posted a barrage, asking Su Wanqing to live broadcast the wasteland.

For this matter, Su Wanqing secretly asked Yifan Qin Xiaobai's opinion, and knowing that he had no objection, she readily agreed to the fans' request.

In the early morning of the third day, Qin Xiaobai booked two flights to Wow Country.

Since he has been with Heitan before, Qin Xiaobai is quite familiar with how to get there.

Before leaving, Su Wanqing was reluctant to leave Qin Xiaoyu.

But considering that Xiaoyu is staying at his grandparents' house after all, he feels a little better.

Actually, the reason why she insisted on rushing to the island in the southern country with Qin Xiaobai was not because of other things, but because she was worried that Qin Xiaobai would suddenly disappear for another ten years. .

She never wanted to experience that unbearable feeling again.

Imperial Airport.

After Su Wanqing confessed to her son Qin Xiaoyu, she followed her husband Qin Xiaobai into the ticket hall.

Compared to going outside with Qin Xiaobai to participate in the survival challenge before, this time it was a lot more relaxed.

First class is spacious and comfortable.

Su Wanqing kept telling Qin Xiaobai in a low voice during her journey, Xiaoyu's growth experience over the years. From her face and tone, Qin Xiaobai could feel that heavy maternal love.

This pleasant atmosphere continued until the flight landed in Wow Country.

The next journey to the Southland, because there is no flight to do, the two can only change to a cruise ship.

In the beginning, there was no accident, but soon after the cruise ship left the port, Su Wanqing's face began to become a little abnormal, and then she began to dizziness and vomiting.

In the beginning, Qin Xiaobai almost thought that Su Wanqing, this stupid girl, was pregnant again... But after thinking about it, it seems that there is no such possibility, unless he is greened by someone!

Of course.

Su Wanqing did not know that Qin Xiaobai would have such an idea, otherwise he would have been beaten to death... This is simple seasickness, right?

Fortunately, her seasickness lasted for two or three days and finally got better. The rest of the journey was more relaxed and happy.

No fuss!

In the end, Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing successfully arrived at the only port in the South, Yixing Port.

This is the only window in southern China to contact the outside world.

Although people still wear traditional clothes, they are not too surprised by modern people like Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing.

After Su Wanqing was on the case, she began to fiddle with the live broadcast equipment. This is a special set of equipment mailed by the Tigerfish platform. Under the condition of live broadcast 24 hours a day, it can last for a month No need to charge.

In addition, it is also equipped with two backup power supplies, if no accident occurs, it can be used for three months.


Su Wanqing boarded her live broadcast room. What surprised her was that there were as many as hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room.

This might not have been so ten years ago. Su Wanqing is not unfamiliar with the scene where millions of people are online at the same time, but this kind of popularity is really a rare thing for her.

After all, most of those iron fans have long since stopped paying attention to live broadcasts.

Only half of the audience in the live broadcast room were old fans of Su Wanqing, and the rest of the audience came here after hearing that someone was broadcasting a trip to the South China.

Compared to other countries on the Blue Star, although this place in the South is not as dangerous as the polar regions, it is rarely reported by the outside world, so it seems rather mysterious.

The more mysterious things are, the more they attract people's attention.

After a while, Su Wanqing finally got the live broadcast equipment ready and appeared in the live broadcast room. She smiled and greeted the fans in the live broadcast room: "Fans, how are you? The anchor has finally arrived in the southern country after a few days of travel!


The words are finished.

Su Wanqing adjusted the camera and aimed it at the street, buildings and pedestrians in front of her.

When the fans in the live broadcast room saw the wooden attic on the street, the pedestrians in Hanfu, the carriage that was already running on the street, etc., all of them became interested in an instant and launched a barrage.

"Fuck! Have you crossed over, anchor? Why does this place feel like the ancient times of the empire..."

"Anchor, I suspect that you are insulting our IQ! Shouldn't you go to a scenic spot and pretend to be in the South with me?"

"A few upstairs, is this the first time for you to come to the live room? The anchor never deceives the audience, okay? Go and take off your pants, you guys are chatting..."

"Fuck! Brother pants, are you **** crazy? Have you reached the point where you can't even put buildings and carriages away? I can interview you, what did you see just now? , will have such an idea..."

"There are so many young ladies in Hanfu roaming the streets. If you don't take the time to lick the screen, you actually have time to type. I really convinced you!"

"Fuck! I suddenly thought of a serious problem. It is said that there is a royal family in the south. The anchor, you should come back quickly. Maybe if you continue to wander, you may be caught as an **** in the palace!"

"???Fuck, big brother upstairs, are you kidding me? Didn't you get caught as a concubine?"

"Cough cough, I'm talking about asking the anchor to remind the dog emperor that the demolition group is not around, maybe it is really possible to be pulled into the palace, and then become a eunuch..."

"Come on, it's open! Bet on a pack of spicy sticks, guess if the dog emperor will be caught first as a eunuch, or the anchor will be caught as a concubine?"
