MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 673 Kneel down!

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In the Hetao Plain, the iron cavalry has not been long, and the smoke of gunpowder is still there, but the order belonging to the Hetao Plain has been established following it.

The captured Mongolians, under the custody of the iron cavalry, were connected one by one, forming a long dragon, walking slowly, and from time to time, they could clearly hear the scolding of the soldiers, the whips fell through the air, and bloodstains bloomed on the Mongolian prisoners. .

On the plain, a large number of young men and young men and captive Mongolians were busy, apparently preparing to build a city on the plain.

The reason why the construction process started in less than a month after the war was naturally due to Daheng's long-standing plan for the Hetao.

In the Daheng Center, as early as the beginning of planning for the Hetao Plain, a series of pacification and construction plans were drafted in the center.

Over the years, Bianzhen's step-by-step efforts to the Hetao Plain have also been carried out in accordance with these plans.

Therefore, within less than a month of pacifying the Hetao, the draft plan was completely opened.

It is obvious that Daheng has been plotting against Hetao for a long time, so it must be a long-term rule.

In fact, Daheng also has the basis for ruling the Hetao. After all, since Lin Dan Khan retreated to the south, the offensive and defensive trend has changed accordingly.

Since then, Mongolia has turned to strategic defense, and Daheng is aggressive!

Although the major border towns of Daheng are still on the defensive as a whole, in fact, the Daheng frontier troops who have experienced battles in battle, how can they look down on the hard work of guarding the border.

Almost every month, the Daheng Center receives at least dozens of battle reports. Without exception, they are all about killing a tribe while patrolling, killing a troop when patrolling, and encountering hundreds of scouts when patrolling...

No one knows how patrolling the frontier wipes out a tribe or army of the enemy, and no one knows why there are hundreds or thousands of enemy scouts...

This is undoubtedly completely nonsense. The General Staff and the Ministry of War have also issued a scolding for this, and the Military Justice Department even sent an inspection team to the border town for inspection.

Later, as the foundation of Daheng was stabilized, it began to plot externally, the small-scale war with foreign countries became clear, and the battle report from the frontier to the center returned to normal.

Of course, when the war becomes clear, for the major border towns, it is naturally more reckless, and the foreign expedition is more obvious.

Especially in such an important area as Hetao, the frontier army is even more reckless. Since the plan was drawn up, small-scale wars have hardly stopped in this Hetao area.

It can be said that the Mongolian tribes in the Hetao area have long been beaten and abolished. Although they are still under the control of Mongolia on the surface, in fact, they have long been eroded by Daheng.

The piers, towns, defense systems, and living areas of the border people have long surpassed the city wall that separates the Han land from the grasslands.

And this battle to enter the Hetao was just the last straw that broke the camel's back. It was a matter of course.

Therefore, after the war, the Hetao Plain could be developed in a very short period of time, and a ruling order could also be established in a very short period of time.

Undoubtedly, this is Daheng’s further expansion of territory. However, compared with the shocking world that once pacified Houjin and regained Liaodong, this time the recovery of the Hetao, whether in the court or among the people, was almost nothing. big fluctuations.

"My Iceberg Beauty Wife"

Everything seems to be logical and natural.

The only difference is that the Daheng Center is a little busier than before. The development of the Hetao Plain is naturally not a simple solution.

It involves almost all functional departments of the civil and military, such as the establishment of the army, the establishment of defense zones, the division of administrative regions, the deployment of officials, and the statistics of the people...

There are too many things, and it seems that the center of the court, which has been quiet for a while, is revolving again.

Of course, this continuous rotation, more, is the joy of expanding territory. After all, the worst disaster is Shaanxi.

The Hetao Plain, bordering Shaanxi, will undoubtedly reduce the great burden of the disaster in Shaanxi after the formation of effective rule.

But the joys and sorrows of the world are never the same. It is joy for Daheng, and for Lin Danhan and Heshuo, whose interests have been violated, this is obviously a great sorrow!

Especially the Heshuo special department, the cruel choice has been put in front of the Heshuo special department.

After marching into the Hetao, Daheng's movements did not stop. Daheng hoarded heavy troops from the northern border, and he continued to move, almost completely containing Lin Danhan's troops to Daheng's side.

In the northwestern frontier, Sichuan, and Shaanxi, there are also heavy hoarding of troops, and more importantly, that swaggering mission headed for the Zhungeer Department.

Daheng's attitude is already incomparably clear.

That is... surrender... or perish!

As time went by little by little, the pressure on the Heshuo Special Department became more and more terrifying.

The time lasted until September of the eighth year of Zhaowu, and the Heshuo Special Department, under the pressure of this day, finally made a choice!

On the eighth day of September in the eighth year of Zhaowu, the northwest border of Daheng also ushered in a very special team.

Outside the border where the wind and sand filled the sky and the heavy army was hoarded, there was a mission led by the Great Khan of the Heshuo Special Department, whose name was... "Tribute"!

The soldiers and armor stood in the cold light, and the mighty Heshuo Special Mission, under the guard of the frontier army cavalry, went from the northwest frontier to the capital of Daheng.

The choice of Heshuo's special department has been clearly shown in this tribute drama.

In the face of the choice between kneeling to live or standing to die, Heshuo Te Department finally chose to kneel and live!

In October of the eighth year of Zhaowu, the special delegation of Heshuo arrived in the capital, and the great Khan of Heshuo visited the emperor Daheng with the gift of the vassal state.

Presented countless rare treasures in the northwest, hundreds of beauties in the western regions, and thousands of war horses in the northwest...

And at this stage, Daheng is no longer as domineering towards Heshuote as he was before.

After all, the domineering has already been shown. In less than a month, the situation on the grasslands has been completely disrupted, and the Heshuo Special Department has been forced to go Now that the Heshuo Special Department has chosen to surrender, The Son of Heaven is naturally not stingy and tolerant.

The emperor's plan for the northwest is very simple.

Before entering the northwest on a large scale, the goal is to open the door to the northwest, smooth road traffic, smooth the Silk Road, and let the exchanges between the east and the west not only be limited to the sea.

Only in this way can the development center of Daheng not be too shifted to the south.

In the end, a system of military deterrence, economic circulation, economic control, coexistence of domineering and Huairou will be formed, which will lay the foundation for the future Daheng to enter the northwest.

Among them, the most important thing is the cooperation with the Shuo Special Department.

If you want to cooperate with the special department, naturally you can't just be domineering, and it is necessary to be gentle.

Even if it's poison, it has to be smeared with sugar and tricked into swallowing by Heshuote's department...