MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 731 northwest border

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In my impression, the farther to the border, the more desolate it should be. In this land of Shaanxi, the hinterland is not noisy, and the border should be even more so.

But Tianzizhi's car was getting closer and closer to the northwest border pass, and what we saw along the way was more and more bustling and prosperous.

The desolate atmosphere of the frontier fortress is filled with endless business trips.

The reason for this is clear.

Since the early years of Chongzhen in the former Ming Dynasty, after the end of the Battle of Jingji, under the influence of the present day, the border ban on the Ming surface has appeared.

It's just that the border situation and the ban in the early years of Chongzhen only existed on the bright side.

Secretly, there are still many people who cooperate with the enemy in business and trade.

It was not until the Shanxi merchants were killed that their heads rolled, and the emperor led his army to sweep the grasslands and intimidated Liaodong, and the border ban was not limited to the bright side.

With the death of Chongzhen, the emperor assisted the country in governing the country, and the major border towns were gradually brought under control, this ban became more and more severe.

Almost completely cut off any trade between the northern Xinjiang and the grasslands.

From the early years of Jingwu to the opening of the Northwest Mutual Market, it took nearly ten years in between.

Not to mention that the grains of rice have not entered the grasslands, but the emperor dares to assert that at least 90% of the border trade has been completely cut off.

Bold smugglers will naturally exist, but compared to the overall impact, the impact is not too great.

In other words, in the past ten years, normal commerce and trade with the Central Plains has been completely cut off, whether in the northwest Tibet or the grasslands.

Since ancient times, the Central Plains Dynasty has left the grasslands and lived as usual, or even better.

But the grassland...however can not be separated from the Central Plains!

The grasslands are barren, and under the nomadic tradition, everything is unstable, and many vital things require the input of the Central Plains Dynasty.

In the past, all dynasties and dynasties were like this. Either, they exchanged markets with the grassland borders to appease the grasslands, or they blocked the borders, that is, the grassland tribes went south to loot.

Daheng blocked the border, and what ushered in was naturally the multiple southward trips from Mongolia.

But every time Mongolia goes south, it loses its troops and loses its generals. After no inch of merit, the blockade has become a foregone conclusion.

Lin Dan Khan's unified grassland almost fell apart under such a blockade.

The current Heshuo Special Division, the three major divisions of Zhungeer, and Lin Danhan's Mongolian rivalry, the root cause is also the blockade of the border by Daheng.

The severance of foreign resources and the inability of local living resources to supply the local population, contradictions naturally arise.

And when the border blockade is lifted, even if only the northwest border blockade is lifted, it will naturally bring about surging demand!

Nearly ten years of border blockade, successive years of war, and terrifying demand have directly flocked to this northwestern border of Daheng.

In the memorial of Zhou Yuji, Duke Dingguo, there is even a statement that any product in any province or region in the country can basically be sold at a high price as long as it goes to the northwest border market.

Huge demand naturally promotes the supply of production and prosperity under the intersection of demand and production.

The desolation of the frontier and the prosperity of commerce, as if in this northwest frontier, formed a very sharp contrast.

In a sense, the prosperity of this northwestern border is also the only hematopoietic hub in Shaanxi, a troubled land.

It is very clear that the prosperity of business will inevitably lead to the prosperity of the people.

The prosperity of the common people will further promote commercial prosperity. In this cycle, the people's ability to resist disasters will jump, the living environment will be improved, and the pressure on the imperial court will be greatly reduced under natural disasters.

The scene that the emperor was looking forward to, seems to have been covered from this northwest border through the spreading business context, little by little, to all places.

Monan, Mobei, Moxi...

Such a vast land can be called a terrifying resource demand, the ancient Silk Road, and the present cornucopia!

The balance between north and south, under the influence of this cornucopia, also added another bargaining chip to the north.

The grand vision of the Son of Heaven seems to have begun to take shape in this northwest border pass.

When Tianzi's car arrived at the northwest border pass, it was already the end of the tenth year of Zhaowu.

For the emperor, this is a trip to inspect the border, but for outside the border, the emperor Daheng visited the northwest border in person, which is undoubtedly an earth-shattering news.

From the former Ming Dynasty to Daheng, whether it is the Marquis of Zhenbei, or Duke Qin, or even the current Emperor Zhaowu.

Every time the emperor went to the border, it was a **** storm. The most profound experience of this is Lin Dan Khan, who has been entangled with the present child since the Ming Dynasty.

From the time when tens of thousands of horsemen of Zhenbei stepped on the grassland in the north, defeated Monan and Mobei, and pulled him Lin Danhan from the brink of subjugation, and then to the beginning of Daheng, his Lin Danhan and Houjin alliance, hundreds of thousands of troops kowtowed. Daheng, the result was a complete failure.

The so-called Jurchen dissatisfied with the tens of thousands of people, and the invincible Houjin was directly destroyed by the country and the species, leaving two or three cats big and small to survive.

Then he went south many times, but every time, he was hit with blood and blood. In the end, there was no war. Just provoking right and wrong almost ruined the foundation he worked so hard to create!

At the moment the prairie has been in turmoil for a long time, and Zhungeer and Heshuote are all eyeing for it. With such a trend, even if the emperor Daheng goes to the northwest border, even if everyone knows that he is patrolling, but Lin Danhan dare not relax.

As early as when the news came out, the thousands of households who had fallen to Mobei to fight against Zhungeer because of the lack of movement from Daheng were also urgently transferred back to Monan to monitor Hetao and prepare for Daheng's surprise attack.

Lin Dan Khan is facing a big enemy, and it is obviously not much better for Heshuote and the three major departments headed by Zhun Geer.

Heshuo Tebu was originally the leader of the Northwest Alliance, claiming to be the king and hegemon, but was forced to become a vassal state by Daheng.

The situation of the vassal state, which is located in the place where Daheng has been plotting for a long time, can be imagined.

Although Daheng spared no effort to support Heshuote's war in Tibet.

But at the same time as support, erosion has never stopped.

From the careful road construction before, to the open mountain road construction now, and even issued a document to let the Heshuo special department cooperate.

The rough road slowly turned into a smooth road, and in exchange, the northwest frontier army of Daheng advanced step by step.

The name is support, but in fact, it is already stationed in the name of support.

Following the path opened up, Daheng's business trips are endless, which greatly enriches Heshuo's confidence and at the same time makes it more and more difficult for the Heshuo department to resist Daheng.

Of course, for the elites of the Pegatron special department, it is still difficult to understand Daheng's strategy of economic hegemony, but the strategy of military hegemony is reflected in the garrisoned troops.

However, for Heshuote, it is already difficult to resist everything in Daheng when there are strong enemies outside.

From the Daheng Emperor to the northwest, the vassal kingdoms must worship.

As early as when the emperor first entered Shaanxi, the Great Khan of Heshuo obediently led the dignitaries into the northwest border, waiting for the arrival of the emperor.
