MTL - Longevity Begins with Jinyiwei-Chapter 739 pros and cons

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"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty! Border emergency report!"

Accompanied by hurried shouts, several generals rushed in.

"Your Majesty, the border is urgent!"

Some generals raised their reports and knelt on the ground to make a sound.

The emperor stepped forward quickly, took the report, and the first line of words that came into view made the emperor's heart sink to the bottom in an instant.

The atmosphere in the tent also solidified at this moment, the princes were all staring at the emperor, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Outside the tent, the accompanying men and women who came after hearing the sound seemed to have been waiting outside the tent of the emperor.

The Son of Heaven was holding on to the military intelligence emergency report on the frontier, his expression changed, and he hadn't spoken for a long time.

In the last second, it was like waking up from a dream, and at this moment, it seems to have come true.

Lin Danhan jumped over the wall in a hurry, proposed and summoned the leaders of the Mongolian ministries, staged a grand banquet, slaughtered all dissidents, and forcibly annexed many troops and horses.

At present, Mongolia and Zhungar strike for peace, as if it has become a fact.

The slaughter of Lin Dan Khan seemed to be a foregone conclusion.

The pressure of splashing the sky seems to have reached the Daheng side with the armistice between the two, and with the feast of Lin Danhan.

The emperor still did not speak, the military intelligence report was slowly put down, and he walked slowly in the tent, also thinking about the gains and losses.

There is no doubt, and it is very obvious, that this Hongmen banquet has made Daheng's layout of the grasslands and northwestern Tibet almost out of control.

In the past, the three armies of Heshuote, Zhungeer, and Mongolia were fighting endlessly.

Just looking at economic and political means is enough to control the situation in the northwest and grasslands, and make huge profits from it, and it can be said that Daheng's border defense pressure in the northwest and northern Xinjiang has been greatly reduced.

The benefits are self-evident.

And now so much has changed...

The emperor's brows are wrinkled, the situation is out of control and the pressure on the border is inevitable.

But this one, obviously also profitable.

Back then, he slaughtered the gentry and landlords, and his troubles, which continue to this day, have never disappeared.

Even, even at the moment, there are still many people who risk their lives to plan a rebellion, contact foreign enemies, and collude with Bailian.

This is still the era when Daheng's national fortunes have been solidified, and when we look at the Quartet, we are already the only one who respects me.

The existence of scholars is the foundation of the rule of the Central Plains Dynasty.

But for the current Daheng, this ruling foundation has not yet occupied the most important position.

But for Mongolia, a tribal alliance composed of large and small tribes.

Large and small tribes are the lifeblood of Mongolia.

At the moment, Lin Danhan's banquet, although it allowed Mongolia to get out of the quagmire of war, also allowed Lin Danhan to temporarily control the right to speak.

However, when the Mongolian Khan was at odds with the leaders of the Mongolian ministries, the grasslands were bound to enter an unprecedented chaotic situation.

At this point, the emperor suddenly reacted.

The situation of Tianqing... How to save Tianqing?

He Lin Danhan, isn't he blooming when Daheng first established himself?

Lin Dan Khan also has a foundation. His headquarters is elite, and he is second to none in the Mongolian grasslands. After years of operation, the scale is not to be underestimated.

Next, it must be the road of coercive repression.

Just as he used military might to suppress the world after he usurped the Ming Dynasty and became independent.

In the Daheng of the year, there were strong enemies behind Jin, Liaozhen, Mongolia, and in the current Mongolia, there were strong enemies Daheng...

Obviously, under the pressure of Daheng, it is no surprise that the three major ministries of Zhungeer and Mongolia are not only the current peace talks, even if it is an alliance, it is not impossible.