MTL - Lord of the Abyss-Chapter 348 Collective lottery (300 monthly tickets plus updates)

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  Chapter 348 Collective Lucky Draw (300 monthly tickets plus updates)

  Everyone came to the koi pond and saw the lively and lovely koi. They saw red or golden koi swimming happily in the koi pond.

  Every time they swim to a place, it will make the place extremely bright. The koi, which represents good luck, makes everyone's heart moved.

  [Qianshan Muxue] After seeing the koi, she was very happy: "It's actually a koi! If I can let them bless me, then I can get whatever I want!"

[Blue Enchantress] also nodded: "I heard that there is a koi pond in the territory of the empress, and there are golden dragons in it. Although there are not many koi in it, it also represents endless luck. "

   "I didn't expect that we also have the treatment of feeding koi, Mu Xue, we need to feed koi with bait, so that they will recognize us."

  With the reminder of [Blue Enchantress], others will understand how to operate. Generally speaking, it is to "trick" with delicious food, no, it is to build a good relationship with the koi.

   In this way, the koi will bless each other, making their luck soaring, which is somewhat similar to auspicious blessings.

  【Zhu Family’s Sixth】Immediately took out a precious fruit in his hand: "This is an orange-quality red jade fruit, which can enhance all attributes. It is also a good spiritual fruit. You should try it."

  As a result, after throwing this red fruit into the koi pond, two koi came over to eat it, and they ate half of the red jade fruit at once.

  One of the koi seemed to think that the fruit tasted good, so it flicked its tail gently and gave [Zhu's sixth child] a blessing.

  With the blessings in place, [Zhu Family’s Sixth Brother] immediately lifted his spirits: "I just got lucky blessings? Then let me give out a big prize! It’s best to get the designated hero organization summoning card!"

  【Zhu Family Sixth】opened his lottery carousel, and there were a lot of epic items on it. Due to too many types, it was really too difficult to get the items he needed.

  Before [Zhu’s sixth son] didn’t have much hope, now that he has auspicious blessings, he thinks he might give it a try.

  Seeing [Zhu's sixth son] 'making a wish' before drawing a lottery, Wu Feng was speechless: "This is a koi pond, not a wishing pond, so don't get your hopes up too much."

   "I let you accept blessings, just to make them luckier, and don't get things that you can't use at all."

   "However, within our alliance, the drawn items can be exchanged. If everyone draws, they can always draw useful things."

  [Zhu’s sixth son] nodded. When he started drawing the lottery, other people were paying attention to him, wanting to see what he would draw.

  Result [Zhu Family’s Sixth] After clicking the extraction, the super large turntable began to rotate rapidly, and the item pointed by the pointer was constantly changing. As the speed slowed down, the item pointed to by the pointer was gradually determined.

   Finally, when the turntable stops rotating, an item card is locked by the pointer, which is a random hero summoning card.

   "Well, although it is not a designated hero organization summoning card, this random hero summoning card is also good, at least it can summon epic heroes."

   "Combined with the characteristics of our alliance's unparalleled generals, then I can also have mythical heroes!"

  【Zhu Family’s Sixth】Happy face, what he wants most is to designate a hero organization summoning card, so that he can designate a hero organization to summon.

   In this way, if a mythical hero is added, the corresponding hero organization can directly take off!

  It's a pity that his luck value is not high enough to achieve what he wants, and the result is a random hero summoning card, and the heroes summoned will be random.

   A group of people encouraged [Zhu Family's Sixth Brother] to use this random hero summoning card while the luck value is relatively high now.

  [King of the Four Seas] directly hooked up with [Zhu's sixth son]: "Old Zhu, why don't you just use this random hero summoning card!"

   "If you don't play a knight hero, if I play a knight hero at that time, I can change it with you! After all, my dragon blood knight is already a knight."

  With [King of the Four Seas], [Zhu Family’s Sixth] also thinks it makes sense, his talent is most suitable for knight heroes and arms.

  【Zhu Family’s Sixth】Naturally, he wanted to draw knight heroes the most. Originally, if there was a designated summon card, he would designate to summon generals from the Three Kingdoms.

  In that case, there will almost certainly be a cavalier, and when the time comes to match his talent, it will be the rhythm of take-off.

  Random summon cards are too uncertain nowadays. Although mage heroes and shooter heroes are drawn, they are also very powerful, but they lack some talent blessings.

  But if you can communicate with other people, everyone can find a hero that suits you.

  [Zhu Family Sixth] summoned in front of everyone. After this item was used, a tall man appeared in front of [Zhu Family Sixth].

  He is wearing a robe that is very different from the armor, riding on a **** horse, with endless coercion on his body!

  After seeing his name, not only [the sixth child of the Zhu family], but also the other members of the alliance who were from the Dragon Kingdom, all exclaimed: "I'm 豮艸芔茻! It's Temujin! Genghis Khan!"

   "Damn it! Old Liuer, your **** character exploded! You actually summoned Genghis Khan!"

  Zhu Biyu, Lao Piao and Iron Straight Man couldn’t help but swear, the main reason is that the heroes summoned by [Zhu Family’s Sixth] are so frightening.

   It turned out to be Genghis Khan, the fierce man. This is the big brother of the Mongolian knight who trained the whip of God. He is not only a super cavalier, but also a generation of emperors.

   Just looking at his attributes, everyone began to salivate. The God Whip cavalry he trained were all cavalry archers, who could use mobility and range to suppress an absolute part of the enemy.

  The ability to run while fighting is enough to kite many enemies to death.

  【Zhu Family’s Sixth】I didn’t expect that I would actually get an epic-level cavalry general, and this was a boss with his own Mongol Empire hero organization.

Excitedly, he immediately gave Temujin his title of unparalleled **** general, which made him evolve into a mythical hero. Genghis Khan became the suffix of Tian Khan, and the heroic organization of the Mongol Empire also became Demonized Mongolia. empire.

  Even Temujin's sweaty BMW under his crotch has turned into an eternal nightmare. The whole hero's temperament has changed, and Temujin has become more domineering.

  In the future, the God Whip cavalry he trains will all be nightmare beasts as mounts!

   "I've been satisfied all my life! Boss, I'll hit you wherever you ask me to point out! When the time comes, I'll definitely help you **** that big brother to death!"

  [Zhu’s sixth child] was incoherent with excitement, he suddenly had a mythical hero, which directly increased his territory score by 200,000!

  If the cavalry is trained as the whip of God, the territory score will continue to soar!

   "Okay, when the time comes, prepare me the God's Whip cavalry and expand the territory for me! Now our alliance only monopolizes 2 regions, which is far from enough!"

   "If you have Temujin, you can launch a unification war and take down your own area first!"

  Wu Feng gave instructions, [Zhu family's sixth son] nodded excitedly, he can't wait to try Temujin's power now.

  But the other members of the alliance haven't drawn a lottery yet, and he is also curious about what other people can get.

  【Hongchen·Yuyan】who just joined in saw this scene the whole time, and she was also deeply shocked, but she saw how 【Zhu Family Sixth】acquired a mythical hero.

   I didn't expect that it would be so easy to get a mythical hero in the Supreme Alliance.

   No wonder my mother asked Brother Sihai to urge her to join the Supreme Alliance, a god-level alliance, and the benefits it brings are too great.

  【Hong Chen·Yu Yan】Silently looking at the two characteristics of the Supreme Alliance, if she makes good use of these two characteristics, her combat power can be multiplied by 10 times in an instant!

  At this time [Qianshan Muxue] and the others started to feed the koi carp in a similar manner. Just now [Zhu’s sixth son] just used orange spiritual fruit, and it had such a good effect.

Others also began to search for their own fortunes, [Qianshan Muxue] took out a spirit grass that was still twisting: "This is the legendary Nine Cordyceps, I hope the koi will give me good luck. "

  [Qianshan Muxue] After finishing speaking, he threw the nine-worm fungus into the koi pond, and the nine-worm fungus that fell into the water immediately seemed to become a living thing, writhing in the koi pond and trying to swim away.

   But several koi had been eyeing it for a long time. In the first time, 5 koi surrounded it and ate up the nine caterpillar fungus.

  These koi immediately blessed [Qianshan Muxue], and the luck value of [Qianshan Muxue] should have increased more than [Zhu's sixth son].

  With blessings, [Qianshan Muxue] conducted a lottery draw. When the pointer finally stopped, [Qianshan Muxue] actually drew an epic defensive tower!

   That is an epic defense tower of ice elements, called the Frost Era Tower. Such a defense tower can turn 1/10 of the area into the Frost Era! The power is infinite!

  With [Qianshan Muxue] and [Zhu Family’s Sixth] as examples, others took out their best spiritual plants and spiritual fruits to feed them.

  Among them [Steel Straight Man Black and Thick] even took out a legendary star stone: "Forget it, I don't have any spiritual plants, only this treasure of heaven and earth."

   "If you don't eat, then I will suffer!"

   As he said that, the straight man of steel threw the star stone into it. After Wu Feng saw it, he could only say that this guy was too stupid to feed the stone to the koi!

  Does your koi eat stones?

  The result was beyond Wu Feng's expectations. After the Star Stone fell into the koi pond, the red koi were really not interested, but a golden koi swam over.

  After seeing the Star Stone, it was not picky eaters, and swallowed the Star Stone in one gulp, and gave [Steel Straight Man Black and Thick] a blessing.

  Wu Feng then reminded [Steel straight man black and thick]: "Straight man, you are really lucky, the golden koi blesses you, this is much better than the red koi!"

  Hearing Wu Feng's words, [Steel Straight Man Black and Thick] was overjoyed. He never thought that he would be so lucky.

  I thought that koi would not eat stones, but the golden koi has a better digestion ability, and it can eat any treasure you have.

  The blessing effect of one golden koi is equivalent to that of several red koi, so [Steel Straight Man Black and Thick] decided to draw a lottery.

  This time his luck was really against the sky, and in the end he won a Liangyi Formation Tower!

   With the Liangyi formation tower as the core, [Steel Straight Man, Black and Thick] can start to build a formation tower cluster, and he can make up a big formation by building a point formation tower casually.

  As the lord of Gou Daoliu, [Steel Straight Man, Black and Thick] knows how powerful the formation tower is. It can be said that after getting the Liangyi formation tower, he will be able to cultivate deeply on the formation tower.

   When [Steel Straight Man, Black and Thick] was drawing the Liangyi Formation Tower, the other alliance members also completed feeding and drawing.

  They have all kinds of luck bonuses, the things they draw are not bad, and they have exchanged with each other, and they all get what they want.

  With some manipulations, the Supreme Alliance's territory score increased by 1.8 million! Now the total score of the entire territory has reached 9.6 million, which is not far from the score of 10 million.

  Now there is still Wu Feng who has not drawn a lottery, and everyone's eyes are focused on Wu Feng, he smiled slightly: "Why are you looking at me like this, I am the lord of the territory, and my feeding method is different from yours."

  Wu Feng came to the koi pond. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed more than a dozen orange bosses spawned from the demon lair, and threw them all into the koi pond.

   This is like the process of feeding. Immediately, the koi will gather around and frantically grab the bait. Every orange boss is a great tonic!

   Seeing Wu Feng's feeding method, the others were stunned: "Boss, so this is your feeding method! This is too exaggerated."

   "Directly use the orange boss as bait, you are the God of Heaven!"

  [The sixth child of the Zhu family] With this calculation, the boss can feed the orange boss at any time, which is equivalent to the orange spiritual fruit.

   Once a wave comes down, the koi can be fed happily. 2 golden koi and 18 red koi all surrounded Wu Feng and blessed him.

  Wu Feng's lucky attribute is definitely off the charts. What they don't know is that Wu Feng also has the blessing of the golden lotus of luck! The luck golden lotus is more powerful than the blessing of a single koi.

  So he also started his own lottery draw, and as the pointer locked on the target item, [Zhu Family Sixth] exclaimed again: "It's actually a designated hero organization summoning card! Boss, you are really YYDS!"

  [Zhu Family’s Sixth Brother] wanted to designate a summon card but didn’t get one, but Wu Feng drew it out with a random draw, which is outrageous!

   Wu Feng got the designated hero organization summoning card, he didn't rush to use it, but put it into the heart of greed first.

  He had previously drawn a Territory Item Evolution Card, which could evolve the Territory Item.

  At that time, Wu Feng hesitated, whether to evolve the heart of sin, greed, or the heart of abyss. Now considering the role of the heart of greed is greater, he decisively evolved the heart of greed!

Greedy Heart (Level 10): Epic-level territory props, which can be activated after being placed in the Lord's Heart. The level of the building where the Lord's Heart is located is increased by 2 levels, the health and defense of the Lord's Heart are increased by 500%, and the output is increased. 200%. The heart of greed will give the lord 5% interest of the existing magic crystal every day, but the heart of greed will devour half of the interest.

  Prop level: Level 10, which can increase the output of territorial resources (mine veins, land plots) by an additional 200%. The number of magic crystals swallowed by the heart of greed reaches the standard, the heart of greed will be upgraded, and the output of the territory will be increased. When the heart of greed reaches level 10, the evolution task of the heart of greed will be opened.

  Upgrade to level 11, you need to devour 100 million magic crystals and complete the evolution task of Greedy Heart (requiring Greedy Heart to copy 5 different legendary items).

   Comes with Greedy Benefits, Greedy Gift Pack, Endless Greedy, and Greedy Copy Ability.

  Greedy benefits: [Click to view specific attributes].

  Greedy Gift Pack: [Click to view specific attributes].

Endless Greed: The Heart of Greed will absorb the ownerless things scattered in the endless abyss, and 10 rare items can be randomly generated every day (currently the highest legendary quality item), and the corresponding items can be obtained by paying enough magic crystals (the Heart of Greed will will devour the paid magic crystal).

Greedy Copy: Heart of Greed can copy 12 items of perfect quality every day, 2 legendary items every day, and 1 epic item every 7 days. Depending on the quality of the item, different magic crystals are required for copying (perfect The minimum quality is 300,000 magic crystals, the minimum legendary quality is 1 million magic crystals, and the epic quality is 20 million magic crystals), the greedy heart will devour the paid magic crystals.

  Remarks: True warriors dare not look directly at the greedy heart of human beings. Greed will devour all reason.

  After the evolution of Greedy Heart, its abilities have been fully improved in all aspects, and its daily copyable orange items have reached 12 pieces.

  If Greedy Heart can complete the level 10 upgrade task to upgrade to level 11, then the number of copies can be increased.

   In addition, it can copy 2 legendary items per day, and 1 epic item every 7. The copying ability of Greedy Heart is stronger than the copying skill of [Qianshan Muxue]!

  Greedy Heart can now copy epic items, Wu Feng feels that the designated hero summoning card is very useful to him at present.

  So Wu Feng immediately sent this epic designated summon card into Greedy Heart, and used it to copy the second designated summon card!

  One double yolk egg can make 【King of the Four Seas】and【Zhu Family Sixth】drool with envy! This is able to summon two epic heroes at once!

"Don't envy me, if you can be as handsome as me, you can also have this kind of strength." Wu Feng's words are simply murderous. [King of the Four Seas] said that he is a man who has been called a handsome man by several good sisters , don't I know that being handsome can only be eaten as soft food!

  Wu Feng talked and laughed, and used the designated hero summoning card on the spot. After thinking about it, he chose to summon the heroes of the Three Kingdoms.

   If you want to use the specified summon card, you should concentrate on using it on Wushuang Three Kingdoms. Let its organizational power break through 100 layers as soon as possible, and then it will be able to activate a new fetter effect.

Following Wu Feng's call, a general wearing black armor and exuding a tyrannical aura appeared in front of Wu Feng. He held Fang Tian's painted halberd and rode a red rabbit horse on his crotch. The wood is really bad.

   Demon Lu Bu!

  【Tianpeng Marshal】: "I'm here! What did I see again? Lu Bu has come out! The number one general in the Three Kingdoms! Brother Feng is about to take off!"

  The old prostitute also stared wide-eyed: "Is this Lu Bu? This is too handsome and domineering! Niubi, Brother Feng!"

  Wu Feng not only got the designated summoning card, but also used it to get the number one military general of the Three Kingdoms. This luck is beyond words.

  Lu Bu's combat strength is indeed the number one in the Three Kingdoms of Wushuang. Just looking at the talent of ghosts and gods he possesses makes one's scalp numb.

  Other generals of the Three Kingdoms are Wushuang Luanwu, only Lu Bu is Wushuang of ghosts and gods, and his talents and abilities seem to be stronger.

  Wu Feng even had the urge to use the remaining number of unparalleled generals on Lu Bu? But after thinking about it, Wu Feng didn't act in a hurry.

   Lu Bu is indeed the strongest among epic heroes, but he has better choices.

  After Lu Bu appeared, he jumped off the red rabbit horse and walked up to Wu Feng. He half knelt down and said, "Bu has been wandering for half his life, and he only regrets not meeting the Ming Lord. If you don't give up, Lu Bu is willing to worship as a foster father!"

   Seeing the tall and mighty Lu Bu willing to worship him as foster father, Wu Feng felt itchy in his heart, but he didn't agree. What's more, everyone knows what happened to Dong Zhuo.

   Let the **** slaves of the three families worship him as a righteous father, isn't this courting death!

  But Zhu Biyu and the old prostitute didn't expect that this hero is more shameless than himself, and he also wants to worship Brother Feng as his adoptive father. What kind of cloth are you?

  Oh, I remember, this sentence was originally used by Lu Bu. It turns out that the Lord has come, so you can be happy.

  Wu Feng thought for a while, and then said: "You can call me the lord! The Fang Tian painted halberd in your hand is not very powerful, next time I will replace it with an epic hero weapon!"

  The current Wu Feng is well versed in the skill of painting cakes. As soon as Lu Bu came, Wu Feng first drew a big cake for him.

   But Lu Bu is still very simple now, he bowed his head and bowed: "Thank you, my lord, Bu Ding will go through fire and water, and he will die!"

  Wu Feng nodded, Lu Bu is the number one general in the Three Kingdoms, and now he is in the form of Demon Lu Bu, his basic combat power is absolutely guaranteed!

   And Lu Bu is only the hero summoned by the first designated summon card, but Wu Feng still has a second designated summon card!

  Wu Feng also thought about saving this summoning card to wait for Greedy Heart to cool down before copying it again, but considering that the cooldown time for Greedy Heart to copy epic items is a full 7 days.

  It is obviously too wasteful to keep the designated summon card in your hand for 7 days. If you summon it early, 7 days are enough to train an epic hero to the second level.

   Tier 2 Epic Heroes are several times stronger than when they were first summoned, so Wu Feng chose to continue summoning them!

  Following Wu Feng's summoning, another epic-level hero of the Three Kingdoms was summoned. This time, it was a middle-aged Confucian scholar waving a lupine.

  Seeing this classic shape, Wu Feng's eyes lit up: "There is Lu Bu in the front, and Zhuge in the back. I am so lucky!"

  That's right, the epic hero Wu Feng summoned for the second time was none other than the demon Zhuge Liang! The number one counselor of the Three Kingdoms is also one of the strongest mages.

  Wu Feng looked at the two lucky golden lotuses in the koi pond, Lu Bu and Zhuge Liang, which can be described as a ceiling of one martial arts and one literary work.

   Summoning both of them within one day, Wu Feng felt like he could wake up laughing from a dream!

  Zhuge Liang's fan is pure black, and his lips are even a little black. In addition to being refined, he also has a domineering air.

   This is also the origin of the prefix of his magic word. After seeing Wu Feng, Zhuge Liang smiled and cupped his fists: "Liang, meet the lord!"

  Facing Zhuge Liang, Wu Feng was full of energy. He asked Zhuge Liang to change his address: "I am not Liu Bei, you should call me Prime Minister!"

  Zhuge Liang didn't care about the title either, he nodded: "See you, Prime Minister, when Liang comes out of the mountain today, it's time for the lord to make a Longzhong pair!"

   "Looking at the lord's territory today, there are many phenomena, and there are countless heroes gathered here, all of which are influenced by one factor. I think the lord only needs to grow with peace of mind, and he can rule the world!"

  Zhuge Liang pointed at something, his feather fan lightly swept over his chest, it seemed that Zhuge had already seen Wu Feng's talent as a lord.

  As a top strategist, Zhuge Liang immediately decided that Wu Feng's lord talent is the most suitable for development. As long as he develops steadily without being disrupted, then as long as Wu Feng develops, any enemy can be defeated in one fell swoop!

  Wu Feng smiled indifferently, and nodded: "Then do as the military adviser said, we accumulate food widely, become king slowly, and just concentrate on developing!"

  Hearing Wu Feng's words, [the sixth child of the Zhu family] couldn't help but say, "Hey, boss, what you said is not the strategy my family's national teacher told my father!"

  Wu Feng smiled in his heart, as long as it is a high-level developmental talent, this sentence is applicable!

  Because the developmental talent can make the lord's development speed very fast, maintaining one's own development speed is more important than going to fight everywhere.

  Wu Feng's talent is like this, as long as he collects a lot of resources every day, and draws a lottery wave after wave, then his territory can expand at a rapid speed.

  So as soon as Zhuge came, he saw that Wu Feng's territory was the most suitable for quiet development. His strategic vision was absolutely nothing to say.

   After all, this is a top strategist who can see the situation in the world at home. He is not only the ceiling of the mage, but also a think tank who can advise Wu Feng.

  The red queen is an artificial intelligence, which can efficiently dispatch all resources in the territory, but she can only analyze the situation, and cannot give the most strategic advice.

  With Zhuge Liang, it is different. Wu Feng can listen to Zhuge Liang's advice on some matters, and he has a think tank to help him in many things.

  In general, Lu Bu and Zhuge Liang are the top epic heroes.

  He decided to invest a lot of money in the training of the two of them. Now, send the two of them to the Devil's Canyon for training, and raise the level first!

  At this time, as Wu Feng and others completed the lottery draw, everyone's territory ratings skyrocketed, so Wu Feng simply took them around the territory.

  So the members of the alliance saw the Earth Vein Spiritual Pond, saw the Baicao Garden where a large number of spiritual plants were about to mature, and finally they came to the Prophet's Library.

   Seeing this kind of legendary special building, [Jianghu Laotie], [King of the Four Seas] and others who have never seen it before are secretly dumbfounded.

  [Hongchen·Yuyan] also immediately recognized the Prophet's Library: "This is the Prophet's Library, where lords, heroes, and troops can learn skills."

   "We should be able to learn legendary lord skills in it!"

Hearing the introduction of [Hongchen·Yuyan], [Jianghu Laotie] and [King of the World] immediately looked at Wu Feng: "Boss, can we really learn legendary lord skills here? As a reserve, do we have This permission?"

  Wu Feng nodded: "From now on, this library of prophets will be the welfare of the members of the alliance. You can come and learn if you collect enough magic crystals."

   "The first-order legendary lord skill requires 5 million magic crystals, and heroes can also learn the corresponding skills."

  After Wu Feng agreed, [Jianghu Laotie] and [King of the World] rushed in immediately. They naturally have 5 million magic crystals, and they can't wait to learn the legendary lord skills.

  The lord's skills at this level are enough to boost their strength!

  Wu Feng is also looking at the price of learning lord skills after being promoted to the second level, because the higher the level, the greater the cost of learning skills.

  Wu Feng is in the second stage, to learn the second legendary lord skill, he needs 30 million magic crystals, and the other allies also need the same price.

  They haven't rushed to the second level yet, and they may need to find a way to make money after they are promoted to the second level, but they only need to gather enough magic crystals before they are promoted to the third level.

   "The Prophet's Library is only a legendary library, and the upper limit is the legendary skill. Then I still have time, and I can find a way to evolve the Prophet's Library to an epic level before the third level."

   "At that time, I will be able to learn epic lord skills! Then I won't waste the lord skill quota."

  Wu Feng thought of this, so he was not in a hurry to learn skills. Epic-level skills are much stronger than legendary-level skills. Wu Feng would rather wait for a while.

  While Wu Feng was tinkering with the price of skill learning, [Jianghu Veteran] and [King of the World] had already learned new skills.

  They all walked out excitedly, but [King of the World] saw that [Hongchen·Yuyan] was still waiting outside, so he directly traded it to [Hongchen·Yuyan] three million magic crystals.

   "Sister Yuyan, this is the magic crystal that your brother and I support you. You should also learn a legendary skill, so that our alliance can reach a total score of 10 million."

  [Hongchen·Yuyan] took the magic crystal of [King of the Four Seas] a little embarrassedly, she nodded: "Brother Four Seas, I will return it to you in the future."

  [The King of the Four Seas] waved his hand, and [Hongchen·Yuyan] ran into the depths of the Prophet's library. He didn't intend to let [Hongchen·Yuyan] pay back the money.

   Otherwise, if my father knows that he wants his sister to pay back the money, he will definitely be beaten to death.

   "Boss, the skills I acquired this time are very effective!" [Jianghu Veteran] showed off his skills.

  Rapid Expansion: Legendary lord skill, you can get a certain number of plots according to your own territory score every day, the higher the territory score, the more plots you have.

  [Jianghu Veteran] The randomly obtained lord skills are very suitable for him. Perhaps this is because he was very lucky after feeding the koi, so that he could obtain the perfect matching skills.

   With this skill, [Jianghu Laotie] can quickly acquire a large number of plots and expand outward.

   Wu Feng was able to expand so quickly because he had the skill of looting houses, and he could quickly obtain land through killing, thus occupying land like crazy.

  Without land, even if the land is laid, it will not be stable. This skill of [Jiang Hu Lao Tie] can still provide a lot of land.

  【King of the Four Seas】The skill drawn is called Heroic Spirit Calling. It can summon heroes from a designated hero organization once a day, and it has a chance to summon heroes within the legendary level.

  This skill is completely based on character. As members of the hero organization, the lowest is a purple hero, so this skill is equivalent to a guaranteed purple hero, the highest legendary hero.

  [King of the Four Seas] immediately made a decision: "I must find a way to take good care of the koi, and feed a wave of koi every day!"

  (end of this chapter)

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