MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 426 relation

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  Chapter 426 Relationship

  Luke rushed to Yuelai Yuehao restaurant with doubts.

  As soon as he walked to the door, a voice sounded in Luke's head, 【Adventure Card has been activated and used. 】

  Hearing this voice, Luke was basically sure that this restaurant had something to do with the case.

   Louise, who was traveling with her, asked, "Consultant Li, why did you come to this restaurant suddenly?"

  Luke said, "The food on the table is likely to have been eaten by the deceased, and there are no Cantonese restaurants around the deceased's home.

  Most Cantonese restaurants in New York City are concentrated in Chinatown.

  I have Chinese descent and am familiar with Huaguo Restaurant, so just follow me. "

  Louis nodded. Last time Luke found the murderer with just a set of shoe prints, she admired Luke very much and had a little more expectation for Luke's ability.

   I hope Luke can also bring surprises this time.

  The two entered the restaurant one after the other, Luke sat in a seat he was familiar with, and the waiter came over with the menu, "Ma'am, sir, what do you want to eat?"

  Luke took the menu and asked, "Can you order takeaway here?"

   "No, our store does not open takeaway, but we can take it away."

   "Why is there no delivery service?"

   "I don't know either, it's the boss's decision."

   "Can you call your boss?"

  The waiter knew Luke and knew that he had eaten in the store twice, so he nodded and went to the counter to find the proprietress.

   After a while, the proprietress came over. She was wearing a long black dress, with a plump figure and a scent on her body, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

   "The food in your restaurant is delicious.

   But I can't find it in the delivery app. "

  The proprietress said, "Our restaurant does not have takeaway service."

   "Why? I'm sure there are many people like me who want to order takeout from your restaurant."

   "Thank you for your endorsement.

  Our store doesn’t order takeaway, it’s not that we don’t want to serve everyone, it’s just that we are too busy during holidays.

  One more thing, our restaurant has very strict requirements on the dishes. Take hot dishes as an example, they are the best when they are just out of the pan.

  During the delivery process, it will affect the taste of the dishes and reduce the customer's impression of the restaurant.

  Many customers eat well in the store, but after ordering takeaway, they are not satisfied with the food, thinking that the ingredients of our takeaway dishes are not good.

  I don’t know how other restaurants do it, but our restaurant uses the same ingredients, just because the taste of the dishes will be reduced during transportation.

  So, we canceled takeout. "

  The proprietress added, "Of course, if the guests eat well and pack when they leave, we won't restrict them.

   What would you like to eat today? I'll take your order. "

  Luke glanced at the menu, "Roast squab, steamed grouper, boiled chicken, boiled cabbage heart, claypot rice."

   "What would you like to drink?"

   "I don't need it for now, let's order these first."

   "Okay." The proprietress left with light steps.

   Louise asked, "Do you know her?"

   “I have eaten at this restaurant before.”

  Louis asked, "Do you think the deceased came to this restaurant to pack the food and take it home to eat?"

  Luke was a little surprised, "Do you understand Chinese?"

  Louis gestured with her right hand, "A little bit."

"I'll find out in a while." After Luke finished speaking, he felt something was wrong again. Since this restaurant can't order takeout, it means that the deceased probably visited the store, so why didn't he eat in the store, but took it away? Woolen cloth?

   "Louise, ask someone to check the background of this restaurant."

   "You suspect there is something wrong with this restaurant?"

   "It's hard to say now." Luke couldn't be sure whether the deceased came to the restaurant by accident or had other purposes.

   "OK." Louise responded and went out to make a phone call.

   A few minutes later, Louise returned to the restaurant again and gave Luke an OK sign.

   And the first dish, roast squab, is already on the table.

  Louis frowned slightly, "Oh, it smells so good.

   But I'm not sure I want to eat this cute little thing. "

   Luke laughed, "There is a shadow, can't eat it?"

   "No, I'm just not used to eating such cute animals.

  The last time I saw it was in the square, it symbolizes peace, I don't think it should appear on the dining table. "Louis shook her head and pushed the roast pigeon to Luke's side.

   Not long after, the second dish came, boiled cabbage heart.

  The third course, steamed grouper.

  The fourth course, boiled chicken.

   Finally, claypot rice.

  After several dishes were served, Louise recalled the leftovers on the table at the scene of the crime, "These dishes you ordered were eaten by the deceased before his death."

   "Yes." Luke ate a piece of white-cut chicken, which was very tender and delicious. The only thing that made Luke feel a little uncomfortable was the bloodshot on the bone.

  Louis asked, "Do other restaurants have these dishes? Or is it just this restaurant."

   "Other Cantonese restaurants must have these dishes, but I don't know if they have so many." Luke urged, "Hurry up and pack the rest."

  Louis understood what Luke meant, and started eating too.

  The food is almost finished, Luke waved, "Waiter, pack here."

   Soon, a waitress came over with a lunch box and asked, "Sir, which dish needs to be packed?"

   "Let me do it." Luke took the packing box from her, held it in his hand for observation, and then handed it to Louise, "Bring your boss over here."

  The waiter was a little embarrassed, why did he call the boss again, "Sir, what's the problem?"

   Luke smiled, "It has nothing to do with you, just talk to your boss about something."

  The waiter left.

  Luke looked at Louise, "How is it?"

  Louis had a look of joy on her face, "The dishes and packing boxes are the same as those found at the crime scene. The deceased probably visited this restaurant."

   "Sir, what else can you do with me?" The proprietress came over with a hint of doubt on her face.

  Louis took out a photo of Zhou Tiancheng and asked, "Do you know him?"

  The proprietress was stunned for a moment, picked up the photo, looked at it, nodded, "Yes.

  A few days ago, he came to our place for dinner. "

   "What did he order?"

   "I don't remember exactly."

   "Did he eat here, or packed?"

   "It seems to be packed." After the proprietress finished speaking, she looked at the two of them with some vigilance, and her eyes fell on Luke, "Are you here to find someone again?

  Why do you always come to my restaurant to find someone? "

  Luke didn't answer, but changed the subject, "When did he come?"

   "I don't remember exactly, it was probably January 24th or 25th."

   "Who did he come with?"

   "It seems to be a person."

   "How was he at the time?"

  The proprietress shook her head, "I see too many customers every day, and it is impossible to pay attention to the emotions of each customer.

   And, I respect you, and I respect other guests.

   I have said enough, I hope you understand. "

  Louis took out her ID card from her pocket, "Fobole.

  Ma'am, we are investigating a homicide and we understand that the victim must have visited your restaurant before he died.

  We need to know what happened to him. "

   "Murder!" The proprietress' face changed slightly, "How could this happen?"

  Louis said, "It's not a good thing, but it happened, and that's what we're here for."

  The proprietress said helplessly, "But I really only know this.

  He just packed meals in the store. "

  Louis looked at the top corner of the restaurant, "We want to check the surveillance."

  The proprietress asked back, "Do you have a search warrant?"

  Louis shrugged, "We don't now.

   But if you need it, we will apply, but that may affect your business. "

  The proprietress kept a straight face, "Are you threatening me? Do you think I don't understand the law?"

   "NO, I'm just telling the truth.

  If we come with a search warrant, the search must be more careful, and there will be more movement.

   At that time, it may affect customers' dining. Louise made her tone as cordial as possible, "I hope you don't misunderstand, this is just a kind reminder." "

  The proprietress thought for a while and nodded, "OK, as long as you don't affect the business of the store, you can check the surveillance, but you are not allowed to take it away."


  The proprietress joked, "I hope that when I call 911, you will be as dedicated as you are today."

  Luke said, "Hey, don't say that.

  Although we are very dedicated, I hope you will never use us. "

   "You are right, I take back what I just said." The proprietress showed a wry smile, and led the two to the cashier, "The monitoring is here, you can see for yourself."

  Louis started to operate the computer and clicked on the surveillance video playback.

  Luke also stood by to check.

Louise clicked on the video on January 24. At about 8:00 p.m. on January 24, an Asian man walked into the restaurant. The man was wearing gray casual clothes and a baseball cap. Cap off.

   "It's Zhou Tiancheng." Louise's tone was a little excited.

   Zhou Tiancheng found a table and sat down. The waiter at the side came over and handed over the menu. Zhou Tiancheng said a few words to the waiter, then turned to look at the female boss at the cash register.

  The waitress went to the cash register and said a few words to the boss.

   Not long after, the female boss walked up to Zhou Tiancheng, the two exchanged a few words, and the female boss returned to the cashier again.

  After that, Zhou Tiancheng left the restaurant with the packed food.

  Louis pressed the space bar, and the video paused, "What did the two of them say? Why do I feel that the proprietress looks a little strange after seeing Zhou Tiancheng."

  Luke patted her on the shoulder, "Let me do it."

  Louise moved aside, Luke sat down to operate the computer, found other surveillance cameras at the same time, watched from different angles, and found a camera that could observe the facial expressions of the two.

  After some operations, Luke analyzed the conversation between the two using lip language.

  The female boss, "Why are you here?"

  Zhou Tiancheng smiled and said, "Don't be so indifferent, I've always been thinking about you.

  You are prettier than I remember. "

   "The person in your memory is dead, my surname is Lin now, don't disturb my life anymore."

   "What about Zhou Ning, I want to meet her."

   "Our lives have finally calmed down, and I will not let you meet."

   "When did you become so cold?"

   "It's all thanks to you." After the female boss finished speaking, she turned and left.

   Seeing Luke keep replaying the face video, Louise guessed, "You can lip language?"

  Luke nodded, "The two of them know each other, and they are probably a couple or a husband and wife relationship."

  Louis recalled, "I remember that Zhou Tiancheng did get married once, but he was divorced a few years ago.

  The identity of his ex-wife has been kept very low-key, and the Malay police have not found too many clues. They only know that his ex-wife is called Chen Yue, who is also a Malay, and the current whereabouts cannot be determined. "

  Luke has also seen the information of Zhou Tiancheng's ex-wife, and also saw a photo of her when she was young, but the photo is very blurry, and the appearance of the current female boss is very different, and she may have had plastic surgery.

  Luke and Louise left the cashier and walked over to the lady boss.

  The female boss turned her head to look at the two, "Are you watching the surveillance?"

   Luke asked, "Ma'am, what's your name?"

   "Lin Xi."

   "Have you known Zhou Tiancheng before?"

"do not know."

   "Has he been to the restaurant before?"


  Luke reminded, "Ms. Lin, I hope you can think it over before you talk about it, and don't try to deceive Agent Fobole."

  The female boss's expression changed slightly, and she asked, "Sir, what's your name?"

   "My surname is Li, and I'm Fobo Le's criminal investigation consultant. You can call me Consultant Li."

  The female boss was silent for a moment, "Consultant Li, can I talk to you alone?"

   Luke said, "In this situation, it is better to have other agents present.

  Also, don't take chances any more. Since Fobole is following you, even if you don't tell us, we can still find out your identity. "

   "Okay, come with me." The proprietress took the two of them to the private room on the inside, and sighed, "It's been so many years, and that **** is still tossing me."

  Louis asked, "Ma'am, what's your name? I said my real name."

  The female boss glanced at Louise, "Chen Yue."

"you are Malay?"


   "What is your relationship with Zhou Tiancheng?"

   " my ex-husband."

   "Why are you two getting divorced?"

  “After we got married, his business grew bigger and bigger, and he spent less and less time at home.

  There are many women around him, and every time he goes home, he wears a different scent of perfume.

   I had enough and left him.

  He doesn't need me anymore.

  Instead of hurting each other, it is better for each other to be safe. "

   "Have you two been in touch?"

   "NO, we haven't been in touch for a long time, and this is the first time we've met in the past few years.

  When I first saw him, I was also a little surprised and thought I was wrong. "

   "Have you met at another time, in another place?"


   "Then why did he come to you?"

"I don't know either."

   "Do you have any children with him?"

  Chen Yue bit her lip, "Yes, we have a daughter.

   Please don't tell anyone, I don't want to have any contact with him right now.

  I don't want my daughter to have anything to do with him either.

  He is unworthy. "

   "Why did he go back to New York?"

   "Don't know, and I don't care."

  Luke said, "He is wanted by the Malay police."

  Chen Yue smiled, "Why am I not surprised at all.

  Is the Malay police looking for me? "


   "Then it has nothing to do with me."

   "Things are not as simple as you think. Now many people are looking for him, and you may also be implicated."

  “When did New York State change the law, and it has already started to implement continuous sitting, how come I don’t know.

   Besides, we have been divorced for many years.

   Now there is no difference from a stranger. "

   "New York State doesn't have a law about sitting together, but gangsters don't care that much.

   You should know Zhou Tiancheng's net worth better than us.

  He is a piece of fat now, and many gangs are looking for him.

  If you can't find him, you may be targeting your mother and daughter.

   You should know the consequences. "

  Chen Yue's face was gloomy, her nose slightly opened, "I've traveled more than 10,000 kilometers to New York, why is he still refusing to let me go.

  I have completely separated from him.

not related. "

  Luke reminded, "We believe this, but the gang will not believe it."

  Chen Yue looked at Luke for help, "What should I do?

   What can I do to avoid being implicated by him, I want to protect my daughter. "

   "It's very simple, assist the police to find him.

   It is better to live in another city. "

   "God, we've had a hard time settling down, and now we're leaving because of his presence.

   What about my restaurant? What about my daughter's school and life?

   Our lives were ruined by him. "

   Luke thought deeply, "How could Zhou Tiancheng find you? Has he always had your address?"

  “I came to the United States with a different identity. Without his arrangement… I couldn’t have done it at all.

  As long as he wants to find us, it is not difficult.

  We have been in New York for four or five years, and he hasn't been here once. I thought he forgot about us.

  I thought I could live again.

  It turned out to be a dream..."

   Luke asked, "Can you reach him?"

  Chen Yue glanced at Luke, "I don't know."

   "Help us contact him. The best way to solve this matter is to find him."

  Chen Yue took a deep breath, "I have a request or a request."

"you say."

   "You must keep my daughter safe.

   Don't let that bastard's **** affect her. "

   "Then you may have to leave Chinatown for a while."

  Chen Yue gritted her teeth and said, "We want to change to a new identity, an identity without blemishes, I hope to separate from him completely this time.

   Don't let his **** affect me anymore. "

  Luke nodded, "Where is your daughter?"

   "Still in school."

   "You arrange the restaurant, we will take you to pick her up."

   "Nothing to arrange, nothing more important than my daughter.

let's go. "

  Chen Yue put on her coat and led Luke and the two of them out of the restaurant in a hurry without even telling the clerk. She looked more anxious than anyone else.

   At this time, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and Chinatown was still full of people and tourists.

  Suddenly, a man wearing a gray peaked cap caught Luke's attention in the crowd.

   This man is wearing a pocket in his right hand. He is of medium build and plainly dressed. He looks a bit inconspicuous, but his eyes are cold and sharp.

  He suddenly had a bad feeling.

  The next moment, the man in the gray peaked cap took out a black pistol from his pocket and shot forward.


  Luke hurriedly pushed Chen Yue away, took out his pistol, and shouted instinctively,


   This is a stress response to danger, and it is not so easy to change.

   There is no broken chapter!

   There is no broken chapter!

   The two chapters were released together, and there is the next chapter.



  (end of this chapter)