MTL - Love Rival Romance System-Chapter 33 misunderstanding

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I grabbed the hand that Qin Xu wanted to put the carrots to the side and let Qin Xu not move. Qin Xu turned his head and looked at his warning, and even more distressed himself, so unpalatable!

Because Qin Xu felt that he was owed to Jiang Yang, he was very hard to hold back, took a breath, took the hero to the heart of the righteousness, ate a bite of carrots, and even ate a few mouthfuls of rice, sweet and sour pork to suppress the strange mouth. taste.

Half eaten, Qin Xu heard Jiang Ma say **** round, do not picky eaters, you see your brother, usually do not eat fungus today also eat a few pieces is not.

Picky eat this is really not a child's patent, just like Jiang Dad is so calm and serious in his forties, not to frown when he sees the eggplant, just forced by his wife's pressure, they have to eat one or two.

When Qin Xu heard it, the bitter face suddenly brightened up, as if he had heard the excellent news, put on the gesture of a host, and actively took a few black fungus and threw it into the Jiang Yang bowl. Said: "Qin Xu loves this."

Jiang Yang looks stiff. "Are you mistaken?"

Qin Xu looked calm: "How come, you said before that you can eat a bucket in one go."

Jiang Ma said: "This way? Then you eat more, these are bought in our hometown, very refreshing. If you like, take some back and let your parents also taste."

As a result, there are a lot of black lacquered things in Jiang Yang’s bowl, and he doesn’t like it at all. But what else can he say? I can only say thank you, and pretend to eat it like it!

Qin Xu sat ate with carrots and smiled. How can I make me suffer alone?

After eating, Jiang Yang felt that it was really inconvenient to stay at home. I thought I had to talk to my parents and go back to Qin. Put Qin Xu to the side and simply discuss how to let him cooperate, let him speak first.

When Jiang Ma listened to his classmates and borrowed money, he couldn't help but frown. "I was troubled by people last night. How can I go again, even if I write homework, can I not do it at home?"

Jiang Yang quickly said: "No trouble, but also group work, must be discussed together."

Jiang Ma looked at Qin Xu and said, "How to write for so long, is it a game? If you write your homework in the afternoon, you can't finish it."

Qin Xu has no face: "We didn't play the game."

Jiang Ma doesn't believe, "Then you are so active in people's homes? I think you can't see me, I said."

Jiang Yang saw his mother's attitude was tough, and his heart was anxious. He subconsciously refuted: "I really don't, Mom!"

Just as soon as he said it, Jiang Yang thought about it, and met Jiang’s strange eyes. He pretended to be awkward and said with a scalp: "Sorry, I shouted wrong. Usually my mother taught me this way, no. Be careful..."

On the other hand, Qin Xu looked at him like that, could not help but sneak a secret smile. Don't think that Jiang Yang didn't see it. He immediately glanced at him without paying attention to Jiang, let him converge, and quickly said what to save.

I know that Qin Xu is a guy who doesn’t speak well. He didn’t stop at the opening, but he went straight to the cemetery.

Qin Xu did not integrate into Jiang Yang’s son’s role, and he did not have much politeness in his speech. He said: “It’s really no trouble to go to Qin Xu’s home. His parents are on a business trip, not at home.”

"not at home?"

Jiang Ma was surprised to ask such a sentence, Jiang Yang to help the amount, the heart shouted.

Sure enough, the next second Jiang said, "In this case, then Qin Xu, you just stay in our house for one night, don't bother to run around."

Jiang Yang looked at the pity of her own mother's eyes, and she was in a complicated mood. She knew that she had definitely supplemented all kinds of strange things. She felt that Qin Xu was a poor and helpless person in the dark house, trying to make Jiang Yang Going to live in his house is also because of loneliness, wanting a friend to be a partner...

God knows that Jiang Yang wants to catch Jiang Ma’s shoulder and wake her up.

Ms. Jiang, who said that she was strong, Jiang Yang had to give up, and he followed Qin Xu back to the room to write homework.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Yang saw Qin Xu secretly snickering and said that your mother is so good.

Not to mention okay, when I talked about it, Jiang Yang was on fire. If this guy didn’t say the wrong thing, how could he go to this point? If he accidentally did not cover up, what was wrong, what should he explain? . There is a pig teammate who is unrestrained and free to love. I am really tired and want to blow up his dog!

Thinking in my heart, Jiang Yang really moved so much. He said that he would rush over and slam the collar and start playing. Of course, Qin Xu is not a vegetarian. It is not a fuel-efficient lamp. In addition to the initial shackles, he quickly reacted and made a neat return.

Both of them thought about turning over and overwhelming each other, and slowly evolved into a roll of land, like a little tiger biting a bite. The mouth was not sharp enough, although the momentum was not as strong as the adult male, but it was also hidden. The prototype, biting the other side will not easily loosen, stubborn and victorious, slightly naive and also has the strength that can not be ignored.

The noise they made is not big, but if they pass, they will still hear something. Jiang Yuan’s room was closest to them. She happened to be looking for Jiang Yang. She heard strange movements like a collision. Some doubts, she knocked on the door, but the door was just hidden and not completely closed.

Jiang Yuan opened the door and saw his brother was struggling on the ground. His classmate "Qin Xu" sat on his waist, holding his shoulder in one hand and tearing the collar in the other. Such a scene that is difficult to describe, so that Jiang Yuan is completely forced, the shocked expression package is lost.

"What are you doing?!"

The author has something to say: this civilization is late into v, the next chapter is the school spent the horse scene, Xu Ge and Xiao Yang Yang three views broken and reorganized la la la ~ double claws and ten support, subscription can get a small Yang Yang [Axe Brother blows up: What? ! 】

The update will be after 12 o'clock tomorrow night, and there will be a fat chapter on Saturday morning. After that, you will need to put a clip and move the update to Monday night. The plan is:

At 12 o'clock on Friday night, Wan Erfeizhang;

Double on Monday night.

Love Mu Meng, Demi Mouth! By the way, I want to collect the author, the new pit is in advance, oh~