MTL - Low Dimensional Game-v2 Chapter 360 : firing at the gods

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"So! Now!"

"It's our turn!"

The three gods of civilization standing on the projection of the capital of God are now turned into three huge gods, and they are wrapped in a huge floating city like the mainland. Frank’s hair, which is blessed by the power of civilized slate, flutters and floats. .

Above the sky, the true **** that reveals part of the gods and the three gods of the main world, which are guided by the capital of the gods, confront each other. This is the first real battle of the gods since the birth of the world of the gods. .

Frank's **** of wisdom and civilization holds the slate of civilization, as if holding the torch to lead the whole civilization and the times, the three great light and shadows challenge the true God above the Scorpio.

"Even if it is a true God, I will shoot you down the Star Gods!"

Frank unfolded his hands, and his pupils were full of self-confidence and publicity. They were full of pride and enthusiasm, and faced tremendous pressure and burdens, as if they had fully inspired their inner enthusiasm and boldness.

"come on!"

"With the will of civilization, with the will of all beings, with the will of the three gods!"

"I ordered - fire at the gods!"

The huge floating city **** capital rotates upwards, and colorful ribbons flow from the depths of the world into the capital of the gods. The enormous power of the gods gathers together and condenses into a beam of light that transcends the limit, spurting from the capital of God. .

The violent explosions and shocks ignited a layer of ripples in the sky. The **** entangled like the flowing light, and slammed toward the night dominated by Louis. The night's master was hurriedly hurriedly holding the artifact of the night god's candle. However, the light melted the candle of the artifact night **** and rushed into the body of the night master.

The shadows of the huge gods on the top of the sky are violently twisted, and the night here seems to have become unstable. The mourning sound of Louis Bickto, who dominates the night, is passed through the stars of the gods.

"How can I lose, I have never lost, I have never lost!"

"Even the weakest mortal period, I have not lost, how can I become a true God, how can it fail!"

"This is impossible! This is impossible!"

The great body of the gods, struggling to completely visit the main world through the wall of the plane, but at the moment the power of the enormous rules, the bond of death and death, to prevent his complete world, from the punishment and **** of the contract of the gods, Finally arrived.

Moreover, it was hit by the main artillery of the Capital of God. At this moment, the gods that dominated the night could not be maintained, and they continued to fade and dissipate, as if they would disappear from the sky.

"How could I be defeated by a few demigods, this is impossible!"

"You guys, dirty guys who steal theocracy, I want to kill you and kill you!"

The boundary above the sky is like a film. Under the struggle of the night, the pressure is constantly changing, but there is no fragmentation.

"How can I lose?"

Just after saying this, I saw that the body of the night was completely cracked and dissipated, and turned into a beautiful halo that dissipated in the wall of the plane. For a moment, the entire Holma Kingdom and the exotic, all the statues of the night dominated. There was a crack, and the priests of the night gods felt the power weakly weakened, and an incomparable sorrow and fear came from the bottom of my heart.

"The great master of the night, the master of the night, what is this happening?" The new Pope's Pope fell to the temple of the night, watching the statue of the fallen night, the moment, the moment Become overwhelmed.

"We lost contact with the gods!"

"God! What a horror!"

"I seem to hear that the gods are crying and crying!"

The entire Kingdom of Holima became flustered, and the vast group of clergy and believers all cried and squatted on the streets like headless ants.

The gods in the world of stars are also whispering at the moment.

"The night dominates Louis. There is not a lot of time this time. I am afraid that it is not so easy to recover. The power from the capital of God and the revenge of the gods' contract are enough to make him sleep for a hundred years. Even if he wakes up, the power may be greatly weakened!"

"The gods will not die, even if they are killed like this, they will still resurrect from the prayers of the kingdom of God and believers!"

"Civilized slate, the sovereignty of creation, this new civilization of the three gods..."

"The three goddesses of light, sun, and death still have no movements. It is the oldest god, so calm!"

Jonathan, the master of the storm, felt the tremendous will of the world to strip his power a little, forcing him to leave the main world, returning to the star kingdom, destroying and violating the **** contract, and going back hundreds of years. I am afraid that it will limit his power and can not go out of the kingdom of God. At this moment, the gods are once again transferred. The great gods of the three gods of civilization look at the Lord of the Storm, Jonathan Lord of the Storm feels for a moment It was not good, the huge gods and shadows dispersed, the huge star **** country that was close to the main world, once again entered the world of stars, almost escaped from the main world, disappeared and concealed in the stars.

The three gods standing on the great capital of God, facing each other at the moment, showed joy, excitement and excitement in their eyes. At this moment, this area, which originally belonged to the corner of the light, actually saw the light of the sun coming in a little bit. Illuminated on them.

The vast continent that was originally shattered, under the power of this light and the world, was restored a little bit and restored to its original state.

"We have succeeded!" Alva said incredulously!

"Really successful!" Wilbert also felt a bit like a dream, as if the three people in Holma met at the moment, as if they were close at hand, at that time three not too reliable is just full of blood. The ideal youth has really done what they never thought of.

"Of course, we are the protagonists of this era!" Frank haha ​​laughed.

After saying this, Frank looked at the sky, his face smiled and sighed, and he was very happy, but he felt very complicated.

"But it’s time to leave, brothers!"

Alva nodded: "The three gods of civilization should be promoted to their kingdom! Our time and story are over, and the future should be written by young people and heroes of the future."

Wilbert said: "No, our story is far from over!"

The gods of the gods of the vast creator project a little bit of dissipation, and the three gods of civilization were promoted to the stars of their country under the guidance of the kingdom of God.

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