MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 15 【015】Paid interview

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  Chapter 15 [015] Paid Interview

Zhang Yang really didn't want to cause trouble, but the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind kept blowing, and he didn't know how much Han Yongtai had suffered last time, so he was so resolute, but he must not let them continue to quarrel, otherwise Zhou Fan's temper would really be in the classroom If Han Yongtai was hit in the house, there would be a big trouble.

  He glanced up at Han Yongtai with a serious and puzzled expression: "Did you wipe your mouth?"

Han Yongtai was able to enter the second middle school, and his grades are naturally not bad. When he was in junior high school, one of his poems was selected into the children's edition of the national "Poetry" magazine, and he got the nickname of "talented scholar", so he had a great interest in poetry. Hobbies, weekdays also in turn self-proclaimed.

He came here this time to "look for a beating", and he was quite proud in his heart. He felt that he was already invincible when he came here, and he had the demeanor of a Confucian general who planned and then acted, but only now did he realize that For a while, it was difficult to understand the meaning and intention of the other party's question, and he froze for a moment, "What?"

  Zhang Yang leaned back, looked a little disgusted, and slapped his hands with pure kindness on his face, "If you forget, go and wipe it quickly, and rinse your mouth by the way, otherwise it will be too late after class."

Someone in the classroom was already laughing out loud. Seeing that Han Yongtai was still a little confused, Zhou Fan laughed louder and more cheerfully, and said loudly, "That's right! Oh, I just went to the toilet to eat a good meal, why didn't I just wipe my mouth and ran over here?" Well, look, you smoked everyone..."

Now I understand what I still don't understand. Although the two parties are not confrontational, their popularity in the class is not bad. Therefore, the students who are on the sidelines did not deliberately target Han Yongtai, but the laughter will be contagious, especially in the classroom. Li, it's okay when you don't understand, but once you understand, one laugh will lead to the second and third, and the laughter quickly becomes a ball.

  It was only then that Han Yongtai realized that he was a talented scholar, a Confucian general, good at making decisions before making moves, but he didn't know how to quarrel, and it seemed that he might lose in the quarrel, his face flushed.

The first time is the most difficult for a person to do anything. After a fight, it is much easier to swing his fist for the second time. What's more, Han Yongtai was about to swing his fist immediately when he was facing the person he fought last time. Fist, but a flash of clarity flashed in my mind in an instant, and I endured it again.

  Let’s not talk about the consequences, in a real fight, even if Zhang Yang is disabled and can’t join the battle, he can’t beat Zhou Fan.

   Earn from being beaten, but lose from fighting each other!

Zhou Fan saw that he still wanted to make a move, so he immediately stepped forward, but he knew how to take care of the girls, so he stood in front of Lin Yiran and Liu Chan, and took advantage of his height to stare at Han Yongtai's eyes, "Go up!" You don’t have a long memory for being beaten the first time, do you?”

   "What do you want to do?"

  Wang Jinxiao in the front row stood up and said loudly: "Han Yongtai! Zhou Fan! You two dare to try it in the classroom? I will report to the teacher immediately, and you will both have to be warned!"

Wang Jinxiao is the class monitor, the so-called spies among the students, the little padded jacket of the teacher, although there are not many complaints, but it is not uncommon. He is not malicious, but he is upright. Yes, you should tell the teacher what you know, you should tell the teacher to know, this is your responsibility as the monitor.

  —The only time this guy’s grades dropped sharply was in the first monthly exam of this semester. He fell directly from the top ten in the grade to outside the hundred.

The topic of the essay was "overtaking on curves". Everyone explained and discussed in various ways, but this guy made a long speech with the core argument of "overtaking on curves is illegal", popularizing the dangers of overtaking on curves. I went down and criticized him by name during the commentary.

Wang Jinxiao is the squad leader, and everyone has heard about his family. He said this, but Han Yongtai breathed a sigh of relief, and there happened to be a step down the donkey. Seeing that Zhou Fan had also lost his aura just now, they glared at each other. Each took a step back.

Wang Jinxiao usually doesn't talk much, but now he opened his mouth to take care of things. After the situation was stopped, he didn't stop. Instead, he turned his head to look at Zhang Yang, and said righteously: "Zhang Yang, our priority now is to study. No matter how much you like Lin Yiran, you shouldn't confess to her before graduation, it will not only affect you, but also affect her, if you really like her, you can go to university to pursue her openly."

  No one thought that Lin Yiran blushed instantly when he turned around and mentioned this matter.

   Zhang Yang was shameless and wanted to refute "I have always been aboveboard", but before he could say it, Wang Jinxiao said again: "Fortunately, Lin still rejected you."

   Zhang Yang almost vomited blood.

  Others in the classroom let out another burst of laughter, even Zhou Fan and Liu Chan, the buddies, laughed so hard that Wang Jinshu burst into tears, grabbed her brother's arm and said hahaha: "Brother, you laughed to death..."

  Lin still couldn't help laughing, but tried his best to hold back.

  Wang Jinxiao didn't think there was anything funny, glanced at his sister with some dissatisfaction, and continued: "Otherwise, both of you may have to delay your studies."

   After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Han Yongtai who was also smiling and still trying to maintain his demeanor.

  Han Yongtai immediately had the feeling of being aimed at the gun, and it soon came true.

   "Han Yongtai, even if there is something wrong with Zhang Yang, it's his private matter. I don't know how you know about it, but you should either persuade him or stand by. You shouldn't spread his private affairs everywhere!"

"Zhang Yang can't help himself, and it's understandable to be wrong, but if you are so deliberate, even if you have old grievances, using such means is disgraceful. If you don't correct it in time, it is very likely that you will develop xinxing and moral problems, which are very serious. of!"

  In the public, such words are simply a slap in the face.

  Han Yongtai's face turned blue and turned red and turned pale. Standing there, he felt that it was wrong to walk or stand, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Wang Jinxiao looked at his face, and said again: "We are not friends, but we are classmates. I don't want to see you develop in the wrong direction. Honest words are harsh, and there are things that make you unhappy. If you want to bear grudges, you can bear grudges. But I hope you can turn your resentment into motivation. If you want to vent your anger, use your grades and future to prove yourself. Isn’t that better? You have good grades and a bright future, so don’t let your heart affect your future development.”

   There was no sound in the classroom, and Wang Jinxiao ignored everyone's expressions and moods. After speaking, he just sat down and continued to read the book calmly.

  The class bell rang at the right time, Zhou Fan, Liu Chan and others returned to their seats quickly, and Han Yongtai also walked back to his seat with a gloomy face.

   Zhang Yang looked at Wang Jinxiao's back, somewhat surprised and pleasantly surprised in his heart. He didn't expect that there are such people in modern society, maybe a little pedantic, maybe a little old-fashioned, a little... but not annoying.

   But this also has something to do with his open-mindedness. You can see that Han Yongtai obviously doesn't have such a broad-mindedness.

  Wang Jinxiao may not have malicious intentions, and there is a high probability that he has good intentions, but after being disturbed by him, the relationship between Zhang Yang and Lin Yiran, which had gradually begun to recover, suddenly became a little awkward.

  When Hou Xianying walked into the classroom, Lin was still as crystal clear as jade, her ears were still red, and she looked really cute. Zhang Yang didn't want to continue being embarrassed like this, so he found a very clumsy reason and borrowed an eraser from her.

  Lin still pushed him over calmly.

  After Zhang Yang took it, he realized that he was using a pen, so he took out a pencil, wrote the words "I'm so smart", admired it, erased it with an eraser, and returned it.

The four classes this morning are Mathematics, English, History and Poetry and Calligraphy. Zhang Yang is most looking forward to the fourth class, because Fu Quanyi is also their teacher of Poetry and Calligraphy. Do well in poetry class.

  The first two classes passed quickly. After the second class, just as the Chinese-born British teacher walked out of the classroom, a sweet-looking girl sneaked out half of her body from the front door of the classroom.

  She glanced quickly around the classroom in Class Two, and soon saw Lin Yiran, and then used her positioning to lock onto Zhang Yang next to her, and walked over.

The girl is wearing a school uniform suit with a pure white shirt and a black pleated skirt. She is petite, but her proportions are very good, and she is also very material. When she walks, her skirt flutters and her two white legs are scattered. She is very moving and quickly attracted the attention of many students. .

Wang Jinxiao just followed the teacher to the office, and the seat was vacant, so the girl sat down directly in his seat, facing Lin Yiran and Zhang Yang, showing a sweet and lovely smile, and said, "Is Lin Yiran? Hello , It's really beautiful."

  Lin still raised his head and looked at her with some doubts. Before he could speak, the girl looked at Zhang Yang.

"Are you Zhang Yang? Hello, let me introduce myself. I'm Li Qinghe, the vice president of Yashe. If I bother you, can I take up a moment of your time? I want to conduct an exclusive interview with you on behalf of "Gossip" magazine. Don't worry, The time is short, and it will definitely be done before class, okay?"

   Zhang Yang was a little confused, but Yashe knew it. It was one of the two major literary clubs in the school, and "Gossip" was their weekly magazine. The question was why did they interview themselves?

  He quickly realized the possible reason, shook his head and said: "I'm honored, but I'm sorry, I have to review and don't have time for an interview."

  Li Qinghe stagnated for a while, but he was completely unaffected. He immediately showed a sweet and lovely smile, "I won't disturb you for too long, just ten minutes, okay?"

  Zhang Yang continued to shake his head, "I'm sorry, the exam is about to take place, these ten minutes may also affect my bright and great future, every inch of time is worth every inch of gold..."

   "I can pay."

  Li Qinghe interrupted him, and immediately continued: "One hundred yuan! Every minute!"

  (end of this chapter)