MTL - Luoyang Brocade-Chapter 344 Hand in hand (1)

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"The emperor has not been suspicious of you!" Ling Jing gaze at Wei Yan, revealing concern in the eyes. ,

Wei Yan’s heart is hot: “No. I am very secretive about this matter. The only people who know it are Huang Gonggong and Changjie, and you are there.”

Said, and closer to some.

The two are almost physically attached. The breath of men quickly shrouded her.

He looked down at her, his eyes flashing with eagerness and anticipation. Like the stars in the sky, it’s so swaying.

Ling Jing姝 looked up at him, his body unconsciously tightened, and his pretty face was quietly white.

The humiliation that had been felt in previous lives, a scene flashed in my mind. This is the deepest scar in her heart, and the pain she never complained about.

A pair of lovers alone, a little relative is inevitable. He has been trying to endure, keep the distance, and dare not really get close to her, this gentle and considerate, she is remembered.

She hates her own involuntary reaction.

She was afraid to see disappointment and dislike in his eyes.

She wants to let go of her arms and start a new life.

Ling Jing’s lips moved gently, and the voice was almost inaudible: “Wei Yan”

Wei Yan, I am a little scared.

I am afraid that my reaction will hurt you.

Wei Yan’s gaze settled on her face, and all her fragility and fear were seen in her eyes. Her heart filled with deep pity and uncontrollable distress: “Auntie, don’t be afraid. I Just want to give it a try. I will not be disappointed if you can accept it, and I will not give up."

"You let me give it a try, okay?"

Ling Jingwei only felt that the blind man was dumb, and he only squeezed out a word: "Well."

He did not eagerly do anything, still staring at her tenderly and affectionately. For a long time, the tension in her heart retreats inexplicably.

The man in front of him, who likes her, cares for her silently, never forced her to do something reluctant. She also moved to him and wanted to go hand in hand with him for a lifetime.

He is not Luan, who is awkward in his previous life. He will never hurt her.

How could she fear his closeness!

The stiff body slowly softened, and the turbulent heartbeat was slowly subsiding.

Ling Jing姝 breathed deeply, trembled and reached out, gently touching his hand. While constantly telling myself in my heart: This is Wei Yan, this is the man I like.

At the moment when the hands touched, Ling Jingyi felt that the blood of the whole body was pouring into my mind. For a moment, my mind was almost blank.

Wei Yan did not move, only quietly looked at her with those quiet and gentle eyes. Singularly smoothed all her nervousness.

When she came back, she found that she was still standing there.

Her hand was on his hand, no nausea, no nausea and vomiting, nothing.

"Wei Yan," Ling Jing raised his lips, tears fell from the corner of his eyes, and cried and laughed: "Wei Yan! Have you seen it? My illness is already good! I can touch your hand! I will not Vomiting"

The ecstasy in Wei Yan’s heart is not weaker than Ling Jing’s.

She finally overcame the demons and actively touched him close to him.

This also means that she really opened her heart and accepted him.

"Auntie, I am very happy. This is the most happy moment of my life." Wei Yan's voice is no longer stable, showing joy and excitement.

He opened his hand and gently held her soft, long hand.

His hands were long and strong, and there was a thin shackle in his palm, with his warm body temperature, gently and resolutely wrapped her hand in the palm of his hand.

Ling Jing did not feel afraid, only endless peace of mind and joy.

The shadows and nightmares of the past have finally moved away from her life.

From this moment on, she was completely reborn.

The two just held their hands and looked at each other for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, Wei Yancai came back to God.

He held her hand in his left hand, raised his right hand, and gently wiped the tears on her eyes. While chuckling and yelling at her: "You don't want to cry any more. If you cry again, I can't stand it."

Ling Jing's excitement has also subsided, and he can't help but raise his lips: "I didn't expect that you would say sweet words."

Wei Yan’s face was right: “I never said sweet words and said things in my heart.”

"Secretly ordered!" Ling Jing wanted to stretch his face and pretend to be angry, but that sweet smile, already spread in her eyebrows, spread to the lips.

Like the warm sun in the spring, it shines through the wild flowers everywhere.

Such a glamorous, such sweet, so touching, so charming!

Which man can resist such a beautiful smile?

Wei Yan breathed for one of them, forcing himself to look away. The voice was full of helpless smiles: "Auntie, you don't smile at me like this. Otherwise, I am afraid that I can't control myself. Will make a move against you."

Even when he was in love, he was trying to control himself, lest she hurt her star and a half.

Ling Jingzhen somehow, he rushed out and said: "How can it be offensive if you are in love?"

When the words were exported, they reacted to what they said. The cheeks suddenly became red.

How can she say this!

This is simply encouraging him in disguise!

Wei Yan has already looked at Huo Ran, the pair of warm and indifferent eyes, full of surprises and jumps, and the uncontrollable instigation: "Auntie, I did not hear it wrong! You really allow me to get close you?"

It’s a fool!

It’s been this time, and I’m still humbly asking this question!

Shouldn't you close your eyes and kiss you?

Ling Jing’s face was red, and he would not say more than half a word, only slightly removed his gaze. The face is full of blush, such as the dawn of the morning, the endless beauty is beautiful.

Fortunately, Wei Yan is not stupid, and has not let go of this good opportunity. He stretched his arm and carefully and gently took her into her arms. Then, bow her head and kiss her cheeks on her forehead, like a butterfly falling on the flower.

The cautious move seems to hold the unique treasures of the world.

Ling Jing has long closed his eyes with shame.

His chest is warm and wide, snuggling in his arms, only feels very secure.

His lips finally fell on her lips.

First, the four lips are attached, then the gentle sucking and temptation. After being aware of her acceptance, he indulged himself and thoroughly penetrated into her lips.

The lips and tongues are intertwined and smashed.

Exchange each other's rapid breathing.

The two hearts are jumping fast across each other's chests. Gradually, it is already impossible to tell who is breathing and who is in the heartbeat.