MTL - Magneto of Hyuga-Chapter 120

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"It looks like the shot has already started over there."

"This kind of movement, I don't know if it's Madara or Zero. It's time, and I have to act on my side."

He looked back at Xiao Nan behind him.

"Xiao Nan, you stay here to meet us, and I'll deal with that Hyuga Satoru."

"Well, be careful."

Xiao Nan warned.

"Don't worry, cricket is a magnetic ninja, and it is impossible to turn up any waves in front of the power of the gods."

Tiandao Payne's voice was indifferent.

Whoosh whoosh!

The six figures disappeared in place.

Sungai tribe.

The atmosphere was a little depressing.

Under the darkness of night, the empty clan land had a trace of loneliness.

"Is this the clan of the Hyuga clan?"

Tiandao Payne glanced around.

"It seems a little different from other places in Konoha Village, and it's developing too fast."

The six Penns entered the Hyuga clan just like that, and while searching around, they walked forward.

"Strange, why can't see a single figure."

Tiandao Payne frowned.

In the darkness of the night, in the tallest buildings in the clan, a large number of Hinata ninjas were lined up with sniper rifles, their eyes were already open, and they were waiting.

"Are those guys the enemies Satoru-sama mentioned to be repelled?"

"It looks like we haven't found us yet."

"Get ready and wait for the enemy to come into firing range."

"Yes! Captain!"

In the thick night, Tiandao Payne may not have thought that, unknowingly, hundreds of sniper rifles have been aimed at them at the same time.

Step by step...

They have gradually entered the ambush range of the Hinata ninja.

"Where is that Hyuga Satoru hiding?"

"Did you find out that we deliberately avoided showing up after we arrived? It seems that some movement will be made to force him to show up."

Tiandao Payne was about to make a move when he heard sharp roars in the silent night.



Bang! Bang! Bang!

In almost a short moment, I saw a large number of gun barrels drilled out of the night in the surrounding tall buildings, and dense blue light erupted from the muzzle.

"Ridiculous! How dare you lay an ambush in front of the gods?"

Hungry Ghost Road took the lead, rushed to the front, and suddenly raised his hand to absorb Chakra.

The blue light flashed, and the expected picture of ninjutsu being absorbed did not appear.

clang clang!

Hungry ghosts were beaten into a sieve.

"Cuso!! Isn't this ninjutsu???"

The rest of the Paynes wanted to dodge, but it was too late, and they were pierced one after another.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

In a hurry, Tiandao Payne used repulsion to bounce the bullet.

He looked back, and in just a short moment, two Paynes were directly destroyed.

As for the first hungry ghost who jumped out to absorb Chakra, there was only a pile of meat residue left.

Tiandao Payne was very angry.

Grandma drops! Playing asshole, right?

After seeing the tragic situation of the few Payne, the Hinata ninja who was ambushed on the high-rise building was also blinded for a while.

Didn't Master Wu say that you should never underestimate them?

How is it so weak? In the first round of shooting, several were scrapped?

And it seems a little silly...

Who would take the initiative to rush up and hit the bullet? ? ?

Chapter 146 The Birth of the Old Sixth

"Cuso! Did you make an ambush ahead of time?

Tiandao Payne was obviously **** off by this shameless tactic.

The anger is full of anger, and the indifference of the past has long been lost.

The **** way summoned the head of the king of hell, eating the hungry ghost way with only the residue left, and chewing continuously.

Upstairs, preparations for the second round of shooting have already begun.

"Don't give them a chance to rest! Prepare to..."


Bang bang bang!

A large number of blue light erupted from the night again.

"Damn, do you want to use the same move a second time?"

Tiandao Payne roared, his palm suddenly raised.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

The terrifying repulsion that erupted in an instant seemed to distort the air, and the speed of the bullets dropped sharply, gradually stagnating in the air in front of him.

clang clang...

The kinetic energy of the bullet was exhausted, and it continuously fell to the ground, making a dense metal crash sound.

"What kind of technique is this? The previous one was the same, and even bullets could be deflected..."

"Don't care about him, it's over!"

"Change the formation and prepare for the third round of shooting!"

After finding that a single round of shooting didn't work, the well-trained Hinata ninja began to change formations.

Originally, the muzzles that fired at the same time were lined up in an entire formation. After the teammates in front finished shooting, the next person followed closely, and another round of shooting.

The retreating Hinata Ninja began to quickly reload and continued to line up in the back queue.

With this reciprocation, the projectiles of the sniper rifle almost never stopped pouring out, and rounds of bullets rained in an instant.

Although the density of a single attack has been reduced, the advantage is that the continuous attack time is long and it can continue to attack.

In particular, it can restrain Payne's ability to have a cooling time!

"Damn! These insidious guys!"

Tiandao Payne is numb.

Is there such an operation?

His Shen Luo Tianzheng has a 5-second cooldown. Even if he can block all attacks in an instant, the 5-second neutral block is enough for him to drink a pot.

The sniper rifle that Hyuga Ninja is equipped with is far less powerful in a single round than Hyuga Satoru himself.

But it's better in numbers.

Payne was suppressed for a while.

Like a drowning dog, run over by bullets and jumped up and down the alley.

Fortunately, Payne is made of corpses. Unless he suffers fatal injuries from immobility, he will not be scrapped.

If it was an ordinary ninja, in such a situation, it would already be able to lie down.

On the tallest building, Hyuga Satoru smiled with satisfaction.

This batch of Hyuga troops who have been training for a long time has finally come to the fore.

For this result, he is still very satisfied.

Of course, it was mainly due to the gap in intelligence, as well as the wonderful combination of sniper rifles and white eyes, that caused Payne to suffer heavy losses for a while.

If both parties knew each other's intelligence in advance, there would be no unexpected effect, and there would be no way to obtain such a big result.

After all, it was Payne, who had killed half of Konoha in the original book, after being toyed with by the Sixth Army for a while, he started to counterattack angrily.


The animal's palm suddenly slapped on the ground, and the huge three-headed hellhound suddenly appeared in the clan's land under the night, crushing several houses.

Fortunately, Hyuga Satoru had already transferred all the clansmen in advance, otherwise the surrounding residents would have suffered heavy casualties.

That huge body, and the characteristics of being immortal, blocked a lot of bullets the moment it appeared.

After getting a chance to breathe.

Asura Road immediately raised his palm, the mechanism turned, and a large number of rocket launchers rushed towards the high-rise buildings.

In the rear, Hell Road summoned Yan Luotou and seized the opportunity to resurrect the few Payne who had been beaten into flesh.

Hyuga Satoru rolled his eyes helplessly.

Why is the style of this battlefield so strange?

Not to mention the sniper rifle, how did the rockets of Shura Road come about?

The ability of the reincarnation eye?

Or is the ninja world technology tree crooked again?

He knew that he couldn't watch it any longer. If Payne was allowed to defeat them one by one, today's new batch of Sixth Forces would be explained here.

What's more, he didn't want to put the battlefield in the clan's land.

Rebuilding is expensive!

Those fast-flying rockets suddenly turned a corner in the air, as if being controlled by a big hand, and flew straight back to Shura Road.


Shura Road did not react, and was directly engulfed by his own attack.

"Didn't someone tell you not to use metal in my presence?"

Hyuga Satoru floated high in the sky and rolled his eyes at Shura Dao, who had turned into a scum.

"It's really you!"

Tiandao Payne glared at Hyuga Satoru in the air, without any hesitation, he started to attack directly.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

A huge attraction suddenly came, pulling Hyuga Satoru's body to fall.