MTL - Manga Guidebook-Chapter 155 Comic exhibition and hair knife, bad taste

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The comic exhibition can sell the doujinshi that he sells in it, and Chen Zijun suddenly remembered the side story he drew before.

These are the two stories I drew when I serialized "Your Lie in April". I drew it with my own interest at the time. Both stories were about the Four Lies. The post-world is full of chapters of hair-knife, which can abuse a wave of people.

The other one is another thread. Miyamoto Xun does not have a world of death. It is considered a candy. Chen Zijun feels that these two articles can be used as doujinshi for sale at the comic exhibition.

Not for any lofty reason, just to satisfy my own bad taste. Watching the fans being abused by the plot, Chen Zijun also felt that his interest was a little inhuman.

Chen Zijun rummaged through the box and finally found the two extra chapters he had drawn before. Next, he just had to find a printing house to print them.

"Are you also selling doujinshi?" Lu Ziyun asked unexpectedly.

"Well, yes, it's the day after tomorrow. I don't know if I can drive it out."

After a brief look, Lu Ziyun's face was full of surprise: "You are making a knife and making candy, are you sure you won't be chased by fans and chopped with a knife? I read the report two days ago, a light novel author because he posted The knife was chased by a certain fan for three streets, and the physical way changed the ending."

Chen Zijun was a little uncomfortable, "Really or not? Well, I didn't reveal the address, don't be afraid, I'm here with the fans 1VS1SOLO heads-up, you can help me when the time comes."

"I don't think I'm alone." Lu Ziyun smiled darkly: "Don't worry, I'll give you a stick when the time comes."

Just as Chen Zijun wanted to say thank you, he heard her next sentence.

"Then I started a live broadcast and called it 'Fans vs. the Evil Haired Swordsman'. It would definitely be popular, so that I might become an Internet celebrity and become an instant hit."

"It's a devil's idea."

"I'm saving money to travel the world until I graduate from college? Going to see the Grand Canyon in western Arizona, or going to Hawaii to sell small magazines would be nice, super cool."

Chen Zijun: "..."

I was speechless.

"Let's get back to business."

Lu Ziyun said: "The printing is simply to be done by me. There are people I know. The speed of typesetting is very fast. It can help you out. How many copies do you want."

"Then I'll leave it to you. As for how many copies, I don't know how many copies you have printed."

"I have printed more than four hundred copies."

"So much?" Chen Zijun was surprised.

"Don't look down on me, I am very famous in the fandom, and it can be said that I can sell it in an instant. As for you, it will be the same as 200 copies. After all, it is not affordable for the printing factory to have less. Of course, if you sell it You will pay if you don’t, but it will not affect your worth.”

Chen Zijun nodded: "It's up to you to decide, then each will have two hundred copies."


After making a decision, Lu Ziyun quickly contacted him, and Chen Zijun didn't pay any attention. He just stepped up the speed of painting. After all, he wanted to free up the time of the day after tomorrow, and the drawing needs to be completed in advance.

That night, Lu Ziyun handed over the sample to Chen Zijun, which looked very beautiful and was worth a lot at first glance.

"Because it is expedited, the cost is higher."

Chen Zijun opened it and commented: "It's okay, the layout is not bad, that's it."

Soon, on the afternoon of the next day, Lu Ziyun brought back the 200 copies that Chen Zijun had handed over, and even rented a van for magazines, which stored Chen Zijun's and Lu Ziyun's doujinshi.

On this day, Chen Zijun was also very curious about Lu Ziyun's painting magazines. What should I say? Very 18-ban, but very good-looking.

Afterwards, the two set off in a rented van.

This is indeed a bi-annual comic exhibition in Jingchuan City. It is also a very big event in the whole circle. Many fans from all over the world gather here and use tickets to enter. Chen Zijun is simply Grandma Liu. Like the Grand View Garden, you have to stop and look at everything.

"Next, we're going to the booth I rented. Don't go shopping for now. Put your things away first, and I'll leave you some time to shop." Lu Ziyun was not the first to look at it, and he led Chen Zijun to find him. 's stall.

"Xiao Zi, come here." A girl dressed in Ali shook her arms and shouted.

Lu Ziyun was a little surprised: "Xiaoxi, can't you tell? Why did you come here?"

Fang Xi smiled and said, "There was something at home, but it was resolved. I came here with someone from our society. This is..."

What she asked was Chen Zijun standing aside

Lu Ziyun introduced: "Oh, this is my friend, Chen Zijun."

"Hello, my name is Fang Xi. I'm Lu Ziyun's junior high school classmate and a good friend. Please give me more advice." Fang Xi smiled and stretched out his hand.

Chen Zijun stretched out his hand and shook her: "My name is Chen Zijun, please give me more advice."

"This is the doujinshi you want to sell, is it all yours, Xiaozi?" Fang Xi looked at so many doujinshi in surprise after shaking hands.

"There are still 400 books by Chen to receive cash] Follow the vx public account [Book Friends Base and you can also receive cash!

"So many?" Fang Xi was surprised when he heard the words: "Is he a big boss in this circle? Why are so many printed."

"No, it's not, it's my first time participating in this event."

"That's too much. It's not as easy as you imagined, and the people who are not particularly famous and usually buy it are not as many as you think."

Chen Zijun smiled, but did not speak.

"By the way, this is for you." Fang Xi handed a form to Chen Zijun.

"This is the area map of Comic-Con, you can look at this when you want to go shopping."

"Thank you." Chen Zijun took it.

"Come on, come and give me a copy of your doujinshi, and it's counted as my support for your cause."

Lu Ziyun naturally wouldn't be too polite, and immediately took a copy from his own and Chen Zijun's to her: "Chenghui, one hundred and twenty yuan."

After paying the money, Fang Xi said, "I'll go back to our club first. There are still things to do. I'll come to you when I'm done. I still have a lot to say to you, Xiao Zi."

"go Go."

After she left, Chen Zijun helped Lu Ziyun put down the doujinshi and put up a portable sun umbrella.


Nishikawa This is a club established by Nishikawa High School. It has gathered a large number of people who like it. Today, as the largest comic exhibition in Jingchuan, they naturally come one after another.

"It's a little hot today."

"Yeah, but your cos is too bad. Are you... the heroine of "Dragon Under the Abyss"?"

"Yeah, but you're too bad."

At this moment, a man dressed in an armor looked at the couple in front of him and said, "Mei Xiu, and Song Zhen, who are you two cos?"

"I don't know, we are the cosplayers Arima Gongsheng and Miyazono Kaoru. We are both loyal fans? I saw a lot of people COS this work just now? You don't know." Mei Xiu said with a smile. , his head shape has changed to that of Mr. Arima. He is not short-sighted with long-frame glasses, while his girlfriend Song Zhen has a golden wig and holds a violin in his hand.

As long as you like April's work, you can recognize it at a glance.