MTL - Marine’s Thunder God of One Piece-Chapter 880 On the importance of having a good teacher

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Chapter 880: The Thunder of the Navy, Chapter 880-On the Importance of a Good Teacher

The Black Charcoal snake really thinks that way, whether it is Kado or Ron, as long as the situation allows, he can stand on either side.

But he didn't know that Ron didn't believe him from the beginning.

This is not a question of trust, but simply the question of whether or not to believe.

"You ... what are you talking about? How can I not understand?"

The black charcoal snake smiled stiffly, trying to make the final struggle.

"Now Kedo and Orik are not there. The country of peace is only me and not your opponent. What good is it for me to lie to you?"

"No no no, General Black Charcoal, I know you better than you think."

Ron shook his head, his mouth cocked: "You are a businessman, and what a businessman likes the most is to take risks!"

"This is a preference based on the question of the principle of profitability. I don't believe you can't see the gap between following the rebellion of Caddo and Orik and following the navy."

"You ask me what's the benefit? Is it unknown? One is that you can survive now, and the other is that you can survive in the future and continue to be your native emperor."

The black charcoal serpent was cold and sweaty for a moment, and Ron was all right.

"So from the beginning I did n’t think you were really surrendering, but just wanted to hear your chips and set out some information ... but since you have begun to act stupidly against your businessmen's rules on this principle, Everyone, there is no talking. "

"Damn! Are you lying to me?"

The black charcoal serpent suddenly lost his soul, remembering what he had just said.

Kaido's troops were stationed and Orik hid a secret. Even if Ron didn't really join hands with him, the two kinds of information that were told would be enough for Orik and Kaido to kill him!

No, maybe you can't wait for Orek and Caddo to do anything, and you will be killed now!


"Dirty? It's as clean as you are."

Ron sneered back, and disappeared into the darkness again.

"The fifth ..."


The black charcoal snake felt that one of his heads had become unresponsive. The rest of his head looked up, and the blue arc flickered from the void, once again cutting off his skull.

Ron used facts to prove that he hadn't believed him from the beginning. This covert and violent attack was not easy to do.

Now he has only three heads left!

Ron's faint voice came from all directions: "It's another one. What's the sense of this kind of division of the body? I'm not a psychopath ... It's better that you go back. Everyone has a quick decision. How?"

"How a fart!"

The black charcoal snake was very angry, and he was too aggrieved in this battle, and was crushed by Ron IQ from the beginning.

Now that I have reached the point of life and death, let alone the opponent not to suffer heavy damage, and even the face has not appeared a few times, the whole process is relaxed and comfortable.

"Don't be too happy, it's not over yet!"

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Suddenly, the crisp sword rang through the surrounding space, and the remaining three heads opened their mouths, and spit out a long knife that glowed with cold light from his throat, and drew it in his mouth.

And more than that, the black charcoal snake pulled back the sabre from the nightgown with two hands, two in his hands and three with his tail.


Click, click ...

In the sound of metal friction, eight sharp blades are aligned from all angles to the front, and an extremely powerful sword air rises into the sky, seeming to tear the entire dark space.

As a general of the country of peace, even the existence of the light moon clan status, the sword of the black charcoal snake is only strong.

Erdao Liu is the best swordsman in the form of others, while in semi-beastly form, he is adept at Badao.

But ... what's the use?

Ron frowned, and said, "You can't find where I am. What's the point of your sword?"

In this regard, the black charcoal snake remained silent, and he was not sure if this was Ron's rehearsal.

For a moment of silence, he slowly pulled the sharp blades around his body. Under Ron's frightened eyes, countless substantive chops broke out violently in all directions, and the power was amazing.

"This is ... Hailou Stone ?!"

Ron looked at the scene in amazement, leaving white marks on the areas where sword qi chopped, like a brush, sweeping across the dark canvas.

And its roots come from those blades!

They are not ordinary weapons. The one-sided sword blade is made of sea floor stone!

Hailou Stone can be built to such an extent that craftsmen can only be found in the country of peace.

The power of the three-phase fusion can assimilate all matter, nothing more than a matter of time, but only one kind of substance is not in this range, and that is the sea floor stone that can interfere with the wavelength of the devil's fruit!

It cannot interfere with the existence of thunder and lightning itself. It is like an iceberg made by barley. It does not melt when you throw a piece of sea floor stone, but it can make the dense fruit in the space awaken.

The power of these eroded spaces comes from the fruit of the thunder, which is a direct extension of the latter.

And thunder and lightning continue to be a derivative of these forces.

The black charcoal snake is eliminated from the root with sea floor stones, not to mention breaking the black prison thunderland, at least it can grab a living space for itself!


"Hidden Hailou Stone weapon in your throat, are you not afraid to pierce your throat?"

Ron's face was solemn, his teeth whitening.

Now ... some of it!

"Sure enough, I guess!"

In situ, the black charcoal serpent face rejoices.

He couldn't understand the fruit awakening of Superman and Nature. As an animal, he could only numb his claws.

But he knows that Hailou Stone is the nemesis of all the power of the demon fruit. Cutting fruit cannot cut Hailou Stone, and soft fruits cannot soften Hailou Stone. In this case, the Department of Nature is no exception!

Watching the surrounding darkness be cut off by the blade little by little, the black charcoal snake speeded up, forming a sword gas tornado, and burst out.

Huh! !!

From the outside, the huge black ball covering a few kilometers suddenly shot a bright white light from it, like an iron ball was dug into the center, exposing the stars in the sky.

Countless air poured in under the pressure of air, and the black charcoal snake took a greedy breath and sneered.

"I should thank you Canglong. It is the sea floor stone that you sprinkled around you reminding me that this space is not indestructible!"

As we all know, Hailou Stone is not a light source and does not emit light by itself.

However, just now, Ron's whole sea floor stone powder emits phosphorescence, highlighting his existence.


Of course, it was because the awakening force that was in there contacted Hailou Stone and was erased, but the greater awakening force quickly replenished and filled the gap with the discharge response.

"I have seen your moves!"

Eight heads were missing five and eight tails were missing two. The black charcoal snake stood fiercely and solemnly in the only light under the dark package around it, with a smile on its face.

Pop, pop, pop ...

The crisp applause sounded, and the black charcoal snake turned back, looking at Ron walking out of the darkness, and clenched his weapon.

"Yes, it's not as stupid as I think, black charcoal snake."

"Mr. Zefa said that the first prerequisite for combat training is not only to learn to be beaten without blinking, but also to learn to observe and summarize, and to be flexible ... You have done a good job of this."

"I want to become stronger through fighting. This is the basis of the foundation that must be learned ... purely for strength and physique, iron running is faster than fighting."

"Huh! Want to delay me and shut me up again?"

Hearing the words, the black charcoal snake sneered, wielding a sword to create a shocking sword.


A deep ditch appeared on the ground, looking at the torn black jail. He said, "I'm afraid you don't have that chance. It is undoubtedly simpler to destroy than to create."

Ron shrugged, glancing at the area where his opponent's sword gas swept.

"No, I just want to tell you what my second lesson is."

The black charcoal snake frowned, and had an ominous hunch inside.


"self suspect!"

Ron smiled lightly: "Responsiveness can only deal with problems that occur at a certain point in the entire battle, and if you want to control the timeline of the entire battle, you must learn to constantly doubt yourself."

"Think about whether your walk is a deliberate gap revealed by the other party; doubt whether you should do this; if you do, what might happen ..."

"That's enough! When the old man went out to fight and smashed his name, you didn't know where to feed!"

Without waiting for Ron to finish, the black charcoal snake interrupted: "Your conspiracy is useless, Canglong!"

"I will cut you ... into pieces!"

However, Ron was not angry, just looked at him with great regret.

"I haven't talked about the third and fourth lessons. Why are you so anxious to find death? Are you really willing to die?"


The black charcoal snake was angry and sneered: "Aren't you very clear and don't cut my head off, is it nothing to me?"

"Now between me and the heyday, there is no difference except the abilities that come with my head!"

"I see ~ ~ Ok ..."

Ron sighed helplessly, shook his head, and then looked cold, as if looking at an ant, indifferent and indifferent.

"Then die!"

Grains of pink light rushed out of the black jail, spraying the liquid with a pungent smell along the way, in the extremely large center of the black jail in the cross section, they were like the real stars, dotted in the dark night.

But noticing what it was, the charcoal snake suddenly tightened.

"Fried ... dynamite rocks !!!"

"The third lesson is called intelligence and preparation. The fourth lesson is layout and calculation. The final fifth lesson is actual combat training. The above four basic courses are used to calculate the combat level, determine the specific direction, and implement it."

Ron put his head in the black jail, lit it with the scattered thunderbolt, and took a deep breath.

"You should find a teacher, Black Charcoal."

Huh! !! !!

Rumble! !! !!

Hundreds of kilograms of explosive rock exploded neatly, and the scene was shocking.

The forest on the spot disappeared instantly, the air wave hit the flower capital far in the sky, and even directly smashed the city wall, flattening all the buildings on the streets over a kilometer in length.

The horrific explosion shook through the sky, and with the horrified gaze of the people in the country of harmony, the towering high mountain where Yutian City was located made a loud noise, and the whole mountain collapsed to reveal a gap.

Ron floated above ten thousand meters, and the wind blew the cloak of justice behind him.

Looking at the bright moon, he spit out a ring of smoke and followed what he just said.

"In this way, you know how stupid it is to pierce the black jail yourself ... these little things, more than you want to escape and touch the air."


Set a small goal, such as 1 second Remember: book guest

Pirate's Navy Thor