MTL - Martial Arts Murdering Nine Heavens-Chapter 702 Eradication

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The crowd nodded and all walked towards the live channel. After sending everyone into the space channel, Ye Yang suddenly stopped.

The elder erupted for a moment and asked, "What?"

"This passage of time and space must be destroyed. The Teng snake family is not a real lineage, but a branch. If this channel exists, if the ancestors of the Teng snake family find this place, they will be in trouble," Ye Yang said with a solemn face.

Ye Yang thoroughly searched the situation of the Teng snake family through searching for the soul, and told the whole story in its original form, which surprised the elders.

I didn't expect that the Teng snake family was just a small branch. If Ye Yang reasoned that they were coming from the future to seize the essence of the dragon elephant, everything would make sense.

"No, if they really knew the history, they should know that you exist, how could they come to die?" The elders wondered.

Ye Yang shook his head and said, "History can be changed, otherwise they won't come over, let alone people who don't belong to this world. There should be no record of me in the history of the dragon elephant family."

There was no concealment from the elder Ye Yang. In order to dispel their doubts about Jiu Xuan, Ye Yang told them his own life.

"After you say that, it's really possible." The three elders thought for a moment, nodded, and Ye Yang's reasoning was indeed highly credible.

"But if they really come from the future, then even if we destroy the space-time channel, they can still find our plane coordinates," said the elder.

"Anyway, even if they find the coordinates of the plane? Space-time channels want to build, they need countless energy, they want to connect our dragon elephant ancestors, it also takes a long time.

Hum, when we grow up, if they dare to come, we dare to kill, and in a hurry, we will kill their ancestors and kill them all, "Ye Yang coldly hummed.

The elders and the three elders looked at each other and saw a touch of appreciation in each other's eyes. Ye Yang's boldness, but attentiveness and decisive character were really admirable.

"But this space passage is a bit troublesome and must be destroyed here, but once damaged, it cannot return to our ancestral land of dragon elephants," the elder reminded.

This space-time channel is very abnormal, just like a light beam from a flashlight. It cannot be destroyed at the end. It can only be started from the source, otherwise the dragon elephant family would have destroyed the space-time channel.

"Leave this to me, grandpa and grandpa three, you go first, I'll be right away"

When they heard Ye Yang say this, they didn't ask much anymore. Since Ye Yang said that it could be done, it was absolutely possible, and they didn't worry about it.

When the two old men left, Ye Yang looked at the altar and groaned a bit. He took out a ball with a diameter of one hundred feet, took out a quasi-sanitary steel fork, and cut it gently in the middle of the altar.

Produced by Cai Lao, absolutely fine, the sturdy altar was actually in front of a steel fork, just like cutting tofu, and cut a large hole effortlessly.

When digging the hole, Ye Yang was very careful, because the runes on the altar are numerous, Ye Yang must avoid some fluctuating runes, in case the runes are destroyed, causing the passage of time and space to close, Ye Yang has no place to cry go with.

Although Ye Yang stayed behind, leaving Xiaoyao beside him, even Xiaoyao could break the space and shuttle between different planes.

However, although I know how many planes are isolated from here, Xiaoyao's shuttle is like chasing a headless fly, I'm afraid I don't want to go back for a lifetime.

When the pit was dug cautiously, Ye Yang was already sweating nervously, and it was really uncomfortable.

Put the ball carefully into the pit, take out an ordinary steel fork, and depict a fire system pattern on it.

However, this fire system pattern left a broken connection point in the last stroke.

After gently placing it on the ball, take out a steel fork, hang a long snake tendon on the head, and hang it high.

After carefully checking the orientation, he tied one end of the snake tendon to a distant stone pillar, stretched out his hand, and a large pile of dry firewood appeared under the snake tendon, all of which are special products from his own small world.

The dry firewood was only one foot above the snake's tendon. Ye Yang reached out and ejected a Mars, which landed on the dry firewood. Without looking at the results, he directly entered the space-time channel.

When Ye Yang's drop of Mars fell on dried vegetables, a dozen square feet of dried wood immediately lit a blazing flame.

Dozens of feet high flames kept burning the snake tendon. At first, the snake tendon was nothing. After not enough for a while, the snake tendon became black and became crispy.

"Click it"

The long snake tendon was finally burned out after half an hour, and the steel fork that fell in the middle of the sky fell freely, directly on the other steel fork.

The position of the landing point is exactly at the two joints of the rune. With the effect of force, the two points are linked.


As those two points were linked, the rune on the entire steel fork was activated, and the cold steel fork became fiery red for a moment, as if burning.

The ball, which had been stationary, was affected by the high temperature, and a line of spheres appeared, which became brighter and brighter.


Suddenly burst, the force of terror directly destroyed everything within 100,000 miles, and the entire altar was blown into powder.

Ye Yang was running in the space passageway, and suddenly felt a shock in the whole passageway, could not help but be shocked, did it explode? How could it be so fast? He hasn't run out of the channel yet.

Looking back, Ye Yang was so scared that his face was green, and the space-time channel behind him began to collapse rapidly, like a monster's mouth, swallowing at him.

"Well, the calculation is wrong"

Ye Yang yelled, the wings of thunder appeared behind him, stepped on the thunder, and ran quickly.


The ancestral land of the dragon elephant family, all of them gathered together, looking at the mouth of the space-time passage, can not help but anxious.

"Ye Yang, why don't you come back?" The elders frowned slightly.


Suddenly there was a loud bang, the entire space channel burst, and horrifying air waves rolled in, making everyone's face greatly changed.

"Oops, Ye Yang didn't show up." The elder could not help but change his face.

The passage of time and space burst, but Ye Yang's shadow was not seen, and everyone's face was extremely ugly for a while.


Suddenly the space exploded, and a huge mile-long shadow broke the space and appeared in front of everyone.

They recognized that it was Xun Peng's body, just about to cheer, and suddenly found something wrong, because the huge figure smashed at them, everyone screamed, and hurried away.


The ground exploded, and Heng Peng's huge figure hit the ground, rolling all the way, and the ground was delineated by hundreds of thousands of miles.

It wasn't until a large mountain was bumped into a fan powder that Xun Peng's figure stopped, a slightly embarrassed figure slowly emerged.

"Ye Yang" people cheered.

That man was Ye Yang. Seeing that he was about to reach the end, he was still overtaken by the crumbling space behind him. When he was extremely critical, Xiao Yan showed his body and rushed out with Ye Yang.

However, they were still extremely embarrassed by the horrible power of space, but both were physically strong. Although embarrassed, they were not injured.

Xiao Yan became the size of a fist again, and flew to Ye Yang's shoulder. Ye Yang laughed, "You are still reliable."

At this time, the elders all greeted them, and a cheer broke out in the audience. The battle ended perfectly, and the dragon elephant family finally suffered a shame for hundreds of millions of years.

It was the white-haired boy in front of him who turned Qiankun on his own. Many dragon elephant disciples had tears in his eyes. The years of humiliation were finally washed away.

"We have won"

Looking at the crowd, Ye Yang took a deep breath and shouted Jiuxiao loudly, resounding through the ages.


Both the disciples of the Dragon Elephant family and the Celestial Guards held up their fists and burst out a roar, venting the excitement in their hearts.

The celebration of the Dragon Elephant family lasted for seven days and seven nights, and even the people recovered by Ye Yang were invited to come in.

This move impressed them. In the dragon elephant family, they could not feel a trace of hostility, and looked at the horrible strong men without any trace of pride.

In particular, Ye Yang, Ao Wuming, Meng Fei, and others indulged in laughter, drank in large bowls, and ate meat in large mouths.

Seven days later, Ye Yang summoned all those who turned in. At this time, he also fulfilled his promise and told them the basic situation of the fairyland. Whoever wants to leave will immediately send them away.

What surprised Ye Yang, however, was that none of them had left, and they all expressed their willingness to stay.

After all, they are not stupid, no matter where there is no strong backer, it is impossible to mix.

Especially the people here are mostly immortal realms. It is estimated that even a spray can't be turned over and they are drowned.

Ye Yang smiled slightly after trying to understand the reason. He didn't say anything. He gave them all to Cai Lao's management. Later they were Cai Lao's subordinates.

After all, even if it is a caster, it still needs some miscellaneous. Although there are hundreds of thousands of people, although it is a huge amount, it is also a very difficult task to face this mountain of materials and hundreds of thousands of treasures that need to be returned to the furnace. Therefore, they stayed and just resolved Ye Yang's shortage of staff.

The elder left Cai Feng a valley with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles, and used it as a valley of castors. Anyway, the land of dragons is vast and boundless, and there is no shortage of places.

After Cai Feng got this place, he immediately started to work, and commanded all of them to return all the ore and weapons plundered by the Teng snake family. This is a huge project. Castor Valley became the busiest land of the dragon elephant. The place.

After arranging Cai Feng and others, after the elders took care of Ye Yang, they started the retreat. Because they fought against the ancestor of Teng snake, he and the three elders benefited a lot, and the bottleneck was loosened.

After the elder retreat, almost all the people who participated in the war also followed the retreat, but Ye Yang was free and went straight to the residences of the women.