MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 2841 Explosive power

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Biquge, update the latest chapter of Valkyrie the fastest!

"Don't worry, I won't be able to beat each other by then."

Cheng Feng said lightly: "But it wants to threaten me, but it is impossible."

"Okay, then I'm relieved."

Mingli Buddha nodded.

Immediately no more questions, together with others, began to encircle the monsters and true demons that entered the universe.

After half a day, almost all the monsters sneaking into the universe were cleared.

But in the demon battlefield, the supreme true demon also endured to the extreme.

It found that with its current strength, unable to break through the super-defense array, it finally chose to leave.

But at this moment.

Om ~~~

Cheng Feng's body raised a fifth Guanghua.

This is a sign of transcendence, and it is a sign of reaching fifth-class transcendence!

"Fifth Heavy Mystery?"

"The emperor Cheng Feng's cultivation has reached the fifth-class detachment!"

Mingli Buddha and others noticed behind the scenes, their eyes brightened.

As for Cheng Feng, he just opened his eyes.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, how do you feel now?"

Mingli Buddha stepped forward and asked.

"My accumulation has not been exhausted and I can continue to break through."

Cheng Feng groaned a little and said, "However, this will take some time, and we will do it slowly later."

"As for now, I have solved this Supreme Realm first!"

After the words came to an end, Cheng Feng grabbed the Devil Sword, stepped in, and had already entered the battlefield of sealing magic.

The super defensive array of this magic battlefield has defensive effects only on the demons.

Therefore, Cheng Feng can pass freely.

As soon as he entered the demon battlefield, the Supreme Real Demon was aware of it.

The first time he turned, a pair of bloodthirsty eyes locked on him.

"Damn man, you dare to come in."

The supreme true demon stared at Cheng Feng, and said intently, "This case will tear you into pieces!"

Whispered, the supreme true demon flashed, fast as lightning, and killed Cheng Feng.

"Mr. Cheng Feng, you must be careful."

Outside the sealed battlefield, Su Lao from the first family reminded loudly: "I remember from the family history that this demon is called the Five Elements True Demon, and it has five demon heads: Fire Demon, Water Demon, Earth Demon, Wood Demon, and Golden Demon The talent power of both is offensive and defensive, and it is very difficult to deal with. "

"If you are not careful, you may die!"

"The Five Elements?"

Upon hearing this, Cheng Feng's brow was raised: "No wonder your offense, defense, and vitality are powerful."

"It's a pity that you met me today and you are destined to escape!"

As soon as the voice fell, one person swaggered and killed together.

This time, Cheng Fengxiu skyrocketed and reached fifth-class detachment, not only his own strength surged.

The use of the power of the sky world has also risen several steps.

Therefore, this one-on-one confrontation is no longer a one-sided scene, but is divided equally, with equal fanfare.

Boom boom boom boom ~~~

Because the speed of the fierce fighting between the two sides was too fast, the outside world could not see the real fighting picture at all.

I only heard a series of thunderous thunders, and in the demon battlefield, a monster with a mighty strength was torn up by the force of terror!

"His ~~~"

"Mr. Cheng Feng's strength is too strong, it looks like a fierce beast, and he is fiercely confronted with that extreme real demon!"

"The problem is, it seems that Cheng Feng is only a fifth-class detachment, which is not reasonable!"

"It should be noted that the first son Xiu has reached the seventh level of transcendence, and he is far from being the opponent of the supreme true demon!"

Looking at the killing scene in the demon battlefield, everyone present was stunned.

It's just amazing.

Cheng Fengming was only five-level transcendence, but the strength he showed was even stronger than the seventh-level transcendence giant!

"Hahaha ~~~"

At this moment, Huo Shao-long laughed loudly: "First, in our sky universe, finally there is a peerless genius who can overpower you."

"The thought of Brother Cheng Feng being more arrogant than you, I feel happy!"

Huo Shao, who was badly injured in the fighting just now, is being healed.

They saw the battle pictures in the demon battlefield, but their performances were different.

Huo Shao, Ba Haoyue, and others were admired with regret.

As for the first Qian Kun, there is a trace of dissatisfaction in admiration.

"Cheng Feng is really strong."

He stared at the battlefield and whispered, "But martial arts haven't come to an end."

"The first time I took the first step, he was one step ahead. In the end, who will be the first to reach the top of martial arts?

In the sky universe, everyone's thoughts fluctuated.

In the demon battlefield, there is no selfishness.

The two men in the fighting were all very focused, and each move was deduced in their minds many times.

An improper response may make you lose your advantage and lose.

Boom boom boom boom ~~~

The battle was overwhelming.

I don't know how long it took, one person and one demon have fought each other and don't know how many moves.

Both sides have seen blood on their bodies, but still haven't been able to tell the difference.

Even at the end, the two left the edge of the sealed battlefield and headed deeper into the sealed battlefield.

Gradually, the trail of both sides was lost.

In the sky universe, even if there is an extreme power who is proficient in pupillary surgery, it is impossible to observe the battle picture by pupillary surgery.

All I know is that the fighting between the two sides is fierce and endless!

That's it, a day has passed.

The fighting continues.

Two days passed.

The battle continues!

Three days, five days, ten days ...

Bang ~~~

Finally, when a deafening roar rang through, all battle fluctuations disappeared.

At the same time, a tyrannical breath quickly faded.

Foretelling that in the battlefield of demon magic, the peak battle was divided.

"The battle is over!"

"Master Cheng Feng's decisive battle with the Supreme Real Demon had a victory!"

"But who won?"

"Mr. Cheng Feng must be. Didn't you feel that there was a spirit of vigor and vitality in the depths of the magic battlefield?"

Outside the sky universe, everyone has been watching this peak battle.

Therefore, as soon as the battle was over, the crowds heatedly debated.

Most people think that the winner is Cheng Feng.

However, some people believe that the supreme real devil has won.

As for the mighty righteousness deep in the demon battlefield, it was deliberately imitated by the supreme true demon.

The purpose is very obvious, is to lure the strong man into the investigation situation, so as to harvest life!

"Whether the winner is Cheng Feng, you will know when you go in."

At the time when everyone's thoughts were ups and downs, the first sky suddenly flew up in the air and fell into the magic battlefield.

Almost immediately following the first Qiankun, Huo Shao, Ba Haoyue, and the middle-aged man in the Heavenly Burial Divine Court also flew into the sealed battlefield.

These four people can be called the strongest warriors in the sky beyond Cheng Feng.

They were previously severely damaged by the Supreme Realm, and are now restored. This time rushing into the demon battlefield is not only to investigate the situation of the decisive parties, but also to respond to Cheng Feng.