MTL - Martial God of Myriad Realms-Chapter 8 Devastation

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Chapter Eight

"What's going on?" Cheng Feng frowned slightly, stepping forward quickly.

Immediately, Cheng Feng saw a 14-year-old boy with a hat and a leather whip, cursing while beating a woodcarving.

Cheng Feng looked at the woodcarving and saw that it was exactly the same as him.

It was obvious at this moment that the boy in the sable hat was obviously angry at Cheng Feng.

And this way of venting is really irritating!

"Cheng Zhang, what are you doing ..." Cheng Feng said in a low tone.

"Who?" The young Chengzhang was shocked when he heard Cheng Feng's voice, but when he saw Cheng Feng, he calmed down and said provocatively, "Cheng Feng, what am I doing?" It should be clear! "

"Cheng Zhang, after cursing your elder brother behind you, after being caught in my face, not only did you not think about repentance, but you provoked again and again, you are simply looking for a shit!" Cheng Feng said coldly.

"Just me? It's up to you?"

Cheng Zhang said in a disdainful tone: "What's so amazing about Cheng Feng? You are just a stinky kid who has hit a big luck. Now, relying on her sister to climb up the high branch of the Tiemu family, do you think it is great? It's ridiculous! "

"I tell you, Cheng Feng, no matter how tall your sister is on the tall branch you climbed into, you are in front of Cheng Zhang, and you are all slag, you can step on the broken slag!"

"Oh, I'd like to see today, how your Chengzhang crushed my dregs!" Cheng Feng said, his eyes completely cold.

Regarding this charter, Cheng Feng's previous life is very much to be seen.

Because this product is not a thing at all, relying on being the treasure of Cheng Qingtian, the third master, he bullied Cheng Feng a lot.

Especially in the previous life, after Cheng Wutian's death, he often found trouble with Cheng Feng. The reason why Cheng Qingxue ran away from home and finally committed suicide was because of this product's provocation and curse.

Therefore, since it happened, of course Cheng Feng is very willing to learn this lesson.

Moreover, while learning this product, Cheng Feng's plan can be completed, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone!

Om ~~~

Cheng Feng stepped out one step, and the vitality in the ninety-three meridians around his body was like a wild horse galloping out of the body.

Just breathing, a cold and bitter breath was condensed on Cheng Feng's fists.

"Angrily fist, Xiaolong goes to sea -----"

Cheng Feng strode forward, and the punch that contained the vigor of cold ice was blasting towards Cheng Zhang.

"I'm afraid of you, Xiaolong goes to the sea!" Cheng Zhang is a high-ranking person in martial arts, and the advancement time is much earlier than Cheng Feng. Of course, he will not be afraid, so he uses the same technique to confront Cheng Feng.

嘭 ————

However, when the two men were bombarded with double fists, the scene was unexpected.

Originally, Cheng Feng's repair was slightly weaker than Cheng Zhang, and the two people used the same moves to attack, which should be Cheng Feng's inferior position.

However, I did not expect, but instead amended to a slightly stronger constitution, which fell behind.

I saw that at the moment when Cheng Feng ’s fists were facing each other, the cold air contained in Cheng Feng ’s fists was the flesh that broke the rules in advance and poured into his body, which directly made him stiff, such as Fall into the ice cellar.

Under these circumstances, how can Cheng Zhang be able to withstand Cheng Feng's next punch?

Immediately, Cheng Feng was blown out with a punch, fell to the ground with a slam, and his body shrank into a ball and straightened.

"On this ability, shouting at me?" Cheng Feng himself didn't expect that with just one punch, Cheng Zhang was destroyed.

In fact, this is not surprising.

It should be noted that Cheng Feng has awakened the destiny Wuhun, and this destiny Wuhun is still a superb Wuhun of the top seven grades.

Although Cheng Feng did not use the power of Wuhun in this matchup, even if it was a trace, Cheng Zhang could not resist.

Cheng Zhang had a hard time with him, naturally he could only find abuse!

Poppy ...

Cheng Feng came to Cheng Zhang and lifted the Cheng Zhang that was spread on the ground.

"Scream with me, curse me, insult me ​​... go on, go on!"

The number of Cheng Feng fell, and a few big ear scrapers were drawn over, which directly caused Cheng Zhang's handsome face to swell into a pig's head.

"Cheng Feng, almost done, Cheng Zhang didn't bother you." Just as Cheng Feng learned the Cheng Zhang, a young man came out.

This young man, seventeen or eighteen years old, is very tall and looks extraordinary.

"Cheng Muyuan, this is between me and Cheng Zhang, it has nothing to do with you!"

Cheng Muyuan, the grandson of Uncle Cheng Wentian.

This person has good talents, although he has not been able to awaken the destiny Wuhun, but it is also very good. Xiuwei has now reached the peak of the human martial arts realm, and can retreat at any time to break through the martial arts realm.

"Cheng Feng, what is the relationship between you and Cheng Zhang?"

"Although Cheng Zhang was wrong, I said a few words about you, but you have already taught him. Isn't that enough? Don't you want to kill him!"

Cheng Muyuan said, turning his eyes to the lively Tiemu Dengke: "Brother-in-law, you have seen the course of things, you must persuade Xiaofeng and teach him how to be a man. Do n’t have some achievements, just look at everything! "

Cheng Muyuan's remarks can be described as poisonous, and they are all set up, making Cheng Feng an unreasonable party.

A glance at the aggressive Cheng Muyuan, and then a cold look and watching for a long time, at this moment Tiemu Dengke, who was planning to interject, Cheng Feng took the lead: "Brother, look, look at the faces of these two people. Now Cheng Home, but supported by the vein of my grandpa, especially the marriage of your sister and brother-in-law, pushed my Cheng family to the top. At this time, people like Cheng Zhang and Cheng Muyuan should be honest, The duty of supporting my grandfather is good now, but he wants to be the anti-visitor and take precedence over me? What is the reason! "

"Brother-in-law, you have to take charge of me this time, and teach this Makihara a good lesson, or else I thought my pulse was bullying, and our Ironwood family was bullying!"

Cheng Feng's remarks can be described as wonderful. They are partial and full, they are small, they are big, they are instigated, they are right and wrong ... They directly associate Cheng Wutian with the Tiemu family, and they form an equal sign.

In this way, Cheng Wentian's pulse and Cheng Qingtian's pulse were intimidated, and he was hesitant and even prevented from thinking about the marriage between Cheng Qingxue and Tiemu Dengke.

Because, Cheng Qingxue and Tiemu Dengke's marriage, although beneficial to the Cheng family, but the most advantageous is Cheng Wutian's pulse.

You know, Cheng Wutian was originally stronger than Cheng Wentian and Cheng Qingtian. Now that he has the support of the Tiemu family, isn't it necessary to completely suppress them, a big family?

Therefore, in this speech, Cheng Feng is sowing the seeds that destroyed Cheng Qingxue's engagement with Tiemu Dengke!

And this is exactly a plan that Cheng Feng had thought about before.

At present, it is not enough time to win the alliance, then the sword will go too far, and the conspiracy will be calculated. As long as it can prevent Tiemu Dengke's marriage contract, Cheng Feng has no regrets!
