MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 109

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Thanos will bear a million years of loneliness and a million years of torture there, and after a million years, if he is still alive, there will be an even more terrible trial waiting for him.

It was a trial without hope.

And the end of all this made the people watching this scene silent for a while. They stared blankly at this scene. At this moment, they couldn't believe that Thanos actually got the punishment and trial that he deserved. .

I don't know how long it has passed.

Finally, many people who survived Thanos' persecution and massacre had tears in the corners of their eyes.

Those were the tears of joy when revenge was avenged.

Crying and drinking became their outlet.

People who knew them did not despise 5.0, because many people know that today Thanos was judged, how many people's hearts have been liberated, and how many people will come out of the haze.

After Thanos was judged, Tina's figure disappeared, and no one knew where she went.

But it was this brief appearance that left the universe with endless thoughts.

who is she? What kind of power does she come from, she and her other two companions are so powerful, how terrible is the **** behind her?

Some of the information that is only revealed is just to let them know that they are called saints, and the place where they exist is called the sanctuary, and they come from an unknown place.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much (づ ̄3 ̄)づ).

Chapter 189 Godhead Broken (Seeking Flower Moon


In another unknown starry sky.

The densely packed fleets that cover the sky and the sun are floating quietly.

There are so many that people can't help but shiver when they see them.

Several large battleships, and even a mothership-level battleship, were surrounded by tens of thousands of warships and spaceships of different sizes, like soldiers guarding their king.

And in the brightly lit huge command room of the mothership.

A burly figure in gray leather armor stood silently in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the vast starry sky in the distance, his eyes flashed with thought, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, several figures behind him came over.

One of them was even bigger and muscular, and said in a deep voice, "Boss, are we really not going?"

"What are you going to do?" As the leader, the boss asked back without looking back, "Are you going to die?"

The voice was low and thick, and a slight tremor could be heard in it.

It seems that his mood at this time is not quite right.

Everyone fell into silence when they heard the boss's words, and then the other person 16's eyes flickered, and he sighed: "Fortunately, we didn't rush to make a move. Thanos' promise is just a poisonous apple to us. Once we eat it, we will die without a burial place."

His words seemed to have opened up a conversation box, causing several people present to speak one after another.

"Thanos has sinister intentions, he tried to use us as a shield, so he can leave."

"This **** is indeed the notorious Thanos, a treacherous guy."

"Once we make a move, it won't be too easy for the opponent to kill us."

Hearing everyone's lingering fears, the boss turned around, showing a slightly wrinkled face, but full of majesty, and said in a deep voice: "That lunatic probably thinks that we may be able to defeat those three saints by joining forces. "

"But obviously, he underestimated the girl."

"Just that girl can kill us all, we won't accompany him to die."

His character is also strong enough, but as the leader of a party, he is not bad in both judging the situation and wisdom, so he naturally understands the danger in this.

Although the other party destroyed several fleets of the Predator, which caused the reputation of the Predator to be ruined, it was better than letting the entire Predator go to death. He would not do such a stupid thing, not to mention, after what happened today, everyone in the entire universe Knowing how terrible the Saints are, although their predators didn't do anything.

It will make many people in the universe laugh, but they will naturally understand.

It's not just him, the leaders of other factions also have a tacit understanding, without any action?

Nobody can be an idiot.

Recklessness also divides people and tasks.

Obviously, the Saint Seiya is not something they can offend at all, and when they do meet, they can still ask the other party to forgive them in the lowest posture.

"Indeed, if you really make a move, I'm afraid..." One of the subordinates had lingering fear on his face.

Judging from the frightened look on his face, he obviously imagined another ending.

So are others.

"However, if we do this, we are afraid of Ebony Maw..."

"What kind of Ebony Maw, what kind of Obsidian Five Generals, are a bunch of trash. Although there is an army under him, we predators are not easy to mess with."

shouted a belligerent fellow.

However, his clamor did not make other people pay attention to it. A bald and vicious man rolled his eyes: "Damn bastard, why don't you go and kill Ebony Maw's gang by yourself?"

The man who choked on these words was speechless, but he still insisted: "I'm alone, I'm afraid of them?"

"Who doesn't know that I am the toughest fighter among the Marauders."

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, what you said is correct." The companions responded perfunctorily.

But the ferocious man shook his head after teasing and warned: "Boss, we can't be careless, those guys are a bunch of lunatics just like Thanos, although they don't want to admit it, but the army under Ebony Throat's command didn't suffer much. , a complete huge army, our entire predators may not necessarily be able to win the war together."

This huge army is the painstaking effort of Thanos. Thanos possesses unfathomable wisdom, and the technology he has mastered allows him to apply it all to the army, whether it is cutting-edge weapons, spaceships, individual combat capabilities, or interstellar warfare. , Everything in the civilized universe.

And none of his troops are afraid of death.

They are all lunatics who are not afraid of death.

Once the war really starts, the alliance of all the factions of the entire predator, although it is not certain, is actually a sure thing to lose.

Now, they violated the original agreement with Ebony Throat. Thanos was tried under the eyes of the whole universe and exiled in another unknown dimension world. Ebony Throat will not say whether he will find a way to rescue Thanos, Revenge on the Saints, but at least the Marauders will most likely usher in Ebonmaw's wrath.

This point is indeed tricky, and even the rest of the people look dignified.

However, the boss waved his hand, with a nonchalant expression on his face: "Believe me, those lunatics are more willing to think about how to save Thanos than us."

"Also, with Thanos being tried, it's uncertain whether the brutal and tyrannical army under his 790 will submit to the Ebony Maw."

What kind of person is Thanos?

He is an overlord, a person who does whatever means for the purpose, so his will is always the most concentrated, he does not need other thoughts, this practice has also continued to the army under his command, he is a very strong majestic People, he is impressed by the five generals of Obsidian, which can be said to be charisma and strength.

But the army is pure power. With his supreme and powerful strength, he was worshiped by those almost inhuman lunatics, and he fought desperately for Thanos.

Thanos is a **** in the hearts of the lunatic army, the supreme god.

An irresistible god.

However, this God is judged and discarded by people today in the coldest, almost humiliating way.

His majesty in the hearts of that group of madmen was broken, what would be the result?

Of course, it will fall into chaos, and then there will be backlash.

What they worship is strength, an invincible king full of cruelty and blood, and Thanos whose godhood has been broken, so it is naturally not worth them to follow.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you guys for your support, thank you so much!).

Chapter 190 The Cruel Reality

The crown was shattered, and the figure on the throne naturally did not have the qualifications to become the king.

This is the harsh reality.

This is also the biggest disadvantage of Thanos's rule of the army in this way. When his divine crown is still there, the combat effectiveness of the army of madmen ranks at the top of the universe. Once something happens, these army of madmen will completely disintegrate Backlash.

It might even turn around and swarm Thanos to pieces.

Thanos is like this, let alone those guys from Ebony Throat, they can't deal with that army at all.

He could only leave dimly with only a small number of remnants.

And in this period, there are quite a few people who want their lives, and the leader who has figured this out has no scruples.

If you want to trouble him, you have to be able to survive and talk.

And the guys at Ebony Maw have to hope that the predators won't make trouble. After all, the technology left by Thanos is coveted even by the big forces, and they are said to be space pirates who make a living by robbery.

Hearing what the boss said, the subordinates suddenly realized.

"It really is the boss, so it is like this."

"If you say that, then we have nothing to do?"

"Without Thanos, the guys at Ebony Maw would be a bunch of trash."

"That's right, but boss, since that's the case, shouldn't we..."

One of his subordinates immediately thought carefully, and stared at the group of Ebony Throat,

Or legacy property.

When the rest of the people heard this, their eyes immediately lit up, and their greedy desires had already risen.

The boss rubbed his chin: "Yes, yes, but first discuss it with those guys. We are not the only ones who are targeting, there must be more people. We have to join them to bite down a piece of meat together."

"Boss, there's no need for that, let's go find Ebony Maw now, and kill them."

One of the men was a little reluctant.

After all, such a piece of meat can only eat a small piece for no reason, who can bear the gap.

However, the boss didn’t take it seriously. Although he was reluctant to part with it, the most important thing for him to be the boss was to know how to choose. He said in a deep voice: “In this case, if you eat alone, you will end up with a dead end. The eyes facing Ebony Throat , not just one or two, but countless."

"There are still many big forces. Our looters faction alone is not enough to compete with those big forces. Only by uniting can we take a piece."

"Otherwise, we won't even have soup."

The boss scolded, and everyone calmed down a little.

The boss ignored the grumbling and reluctant subordinates. He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the vast starry sky, with a strange light in his eyes.

"Ebony Throat, Thanos, it's not that we don't want to help you this time, it's that the so-called gods don't want to help you."

You know, Ebony Maw and Thanos' hole cards have never been them.

Except for them, those people contacted the so-called God's residence in the City of Omniscience.

They should be Thanos' back-hands.

And he, and even the entire predator are just picking up cheap, if the gods don't make a move, how can the predators compete with a **** who can destroy the planet at will?

Heh, Ebony Maw and Thanos miscalculated one thing from beginning to end.

That is they never impress the gods.

Time and age, ease and peace are the greatest weapons of a warrior of corruption.

God is no exception.

When they saw the birth of a new and powerful God's Mansion, and the existence of an unknown and mysterious goddess, those cowardly guys would only shrink back and tremble in the corner.

The boss lit a cigarette and exhaled disdainfully.

"What gods are they, just a bunch of cowardly babies."


"What **** is so cowardly?"

In the starry sky, in the extremely luxurious Golden Tourist Record-7=~2 spaceship, Quill leaned on the sofa with a big record##&3~4 expressing his point of view carelessly.

Beside him are Rocket and Gamora.

Drax and Groot are putting on a snacking contest.

Bart and Tina were sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee leisurely, and Alfred was standing not far away with his arms folded, wondering what he was thinking.

The two Thor brothers sat opposite Quill, and they didn't care about Quill's insulting words. Guys a lesson.