MTL - Marvel Call of the Game-Chapter 399 armor

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The so-called De Nuo 3 is nothing more than a celestial-level supercomputer comparable to Huaye's Tiangong.

Even because he didn't have enough energy, he didn't dare to ask Di Leina to replenish his energy, so De Nuo No. 3's performance was so stretched.

Most of its capabilities and computing power can’t be used, so it’s no wonder it doesn’t collapse.

Even so, Deno Civilization and Super Seminary are still proud of most god-level civilizations, and only Super God Civilization can surpass them.

It is normal for Ducao to feel that it is difficult and tricky for a super-god civilization that is not restricted by Deno No. 3 to appear suddenly.

As for Lufa, after he left, he helped Rui Mengmeng and the others to awaken their super genes.

"Wang, after awakening the super gene, can we all become Little Superman?"

Su Xiaoli asked curiously.

"Rui Mengmeng's super gene has the greatest bonus to physical fitness, and she is the one who is most likely to become a little Superman. At that time, let alone bullets, you will not be afraid of shells. Li Feifei is a little weaker, and your super gene is the worst. "

Lu Fa straightforwardly stated the shortcomings of everyone's super genes.

"Wang, then you should give us an upgrade, right?"

Li Feifei quickly asked, she had heard that the policewoman Qilin was a generation of super genetic warriors, the first generation sounded very old, she and Rui Mengmeng were both the second generation, there should be more advanced ones, right?

"The algebra of super genes actually refers to the different batches of super genes developed by each civilization, and does not specifically refer to combat effectiveness. For example, the super genes of the Kamigawa civilization are very functional, and the super genes of the Deno civilization are compared. Equilibrium, the super genes of the Lieyang civilization are biased towards stellar energy drive, etc., each has its own characteristics."

Lufa corrected their wrong thinking.

"What about our Ares civilization?"

Su Xiaoli asked quickly, it sounds like other civilizations are very powerful.

"Our Ares civilization is good at armor. Its defense is high enough, it can fly, and its attack is strong enough."

Lufa casually put on a black and silver armor for Rui Mengmeng, making Rui Mengmeng look heroic immediately.

In fact, this set of armor is a cross-dressing version of her skin Dawnbringer, but it looks very similar to the style of the armored warrior.

"I feel power!"

Rui Mengmeng was very surprised to swing the big sword in her hand, and it looked effortless.

Their own super genes have been activated by Di Leina, and the armor they are wearing now is equivalent to strengthening their combat effectiveness.

"As long as you perform well, you can be upgraded."

Lufa said to them.

"We will do well!"

Su Xiaoli quickly said that she naturally also put on a set of Ares armor. After feeling the soaring power in her body, Su Xiaoli felt that she could kill her former self with one punch.

No one will ever say she is a useless vase again.

"Su Xiaoli, your battle fairy gene comes with dark energy drive technology, and this armor can strengthen your dark energy drive. Simply put, when you use dark energy attacks, the power will be stronger and the speed will be faster. It will also save effort!"

Lufa looked at Su Xiaoli whose figure was more attractive under the background of the armor and said.

Then there is Li Feifei, is it difficult for her to feel that she is holding a rapier that is good for straight stabs?

"Li Feifei, this set of armor you are using is called Blade Waltz, which allows you to perform a sword technique like flashing teleportation."

Lufa looked at Li Feifei and said with emotion.

Yuan Plan·Huo, the sword girl's skin, is also one of Lufa's favorite skins, not to mention the blade waltz.

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"Blade waltz?"

Li Feifei likes this name.

"Go, the king will take you to a fight."

Then Lufa said.

It took a while for them to get used to the armor on them, and then Lufa saw Morgana.

Several days have passed since Qilin was attacked by Taotie, and Morgana reappeared at this time, apparently having negotiated with Karl, the **** of death, and began to revive her demon army.

Can Lufa tolerate this?

Wouldn't it be good for you to go to places like Huo Huo Bangzi Country and Neon Country? You have to engage in Huangcun?

So he was obliged to go.

In fact, it's just that Lufa can't stay idle, even if he spends all day with several beauties, but Lufa has just finished spending time with Marvel, so he doesn't have that idea for the time being.

So I'm going to do something!


A coquettishly dressed woman caught everyone's attention, and then she looked at a man.

"Ato, I finally found you, Ato."

Morgana walked over and hugged the man's face with both hands, the man immediately became at a loss, he never thought that he would have such a beautiful blessing.

But he is an honest man, so naturally he wouldn't take advantage of it, and quickly said that Morgana recognized the wrong person.

It's just that Morgana has already started injecting Ato's dark plane information and demon genes into his body at this time.

"Demon girl, let go of that man!"

Suddenly, a violent drink appeared, startling Morgana.

Before she could react, she felt a pain in her body, as if an ordinary person had been hit **** the back of the head with a stick, and Morgana shut down on the spot.

She didn't recover until she flew out and smashed a house.

"Damn, which **** grandson sneaked up on this queen!"

Morgana was furious, shook off the ruins on her body, and then flew out.

"Is she the Devil Queen Morgana?"

Su Xiaoli and the others were very surprised when they saw Morgana, who was full of ghostly talismans and a pair of mechanical bat wings behind her.

You must know that they knew how cruel the demon civilization is through listening in, and then their king brought them to fight Morgana.

It is said that the Ares civilization is going to revive its prestige today, and the demon queen Morgana will be used for the surgery!

Su Xiaoli and the others couldn't persuade them, what if they couldn't beat Morgana, wouldn't they want to rush to the street together?

The boat you just boarded won't sink right away, right?

"Who are you?"

Morgana was startled when she saw Lufa, and then asked a question.

Because her Devil One just now couldn't detect the existence of Lufa, but Su Xiaoli and the others had nothing to hide, so Morgana thought it was Su Xiaoli and the others who came to sneak attack her, the Demon Queen.

Until she saw Lufa and realized that her Devil One hadn't spotted him, she immediately knew that this thing was not easy.

Seeing Morgana's attitude as if facing a big enemy, Shura armor appeared on Lufa's body.

"What is this?"

Morgana was a little surprised to see Lufa actually put on a piece of armor. Are you so afraid of death?

Then in the blink of an eye, Lufa appeared in front of her.