MTL - Marvel Call of the Game-Chapter 404 cannibal angel

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Lu Fa enjoyed talking about the demons at the neon side.

Then the Super Seminary quickly started to act.

As the crisis approached, Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang and Zhao Xin were naturally approached.

Ge Xiaolun was abducted by Ajie with Du Qiangwei and joined the Super Seminary. Although Du Qiangwei felt very annoyed, she had to cooperate with Ajie.

In fact, even if they don't do this, as long as they find Ge Xiaolun's parents, they can still let Ge Xiaolun join the Super Theological Seminary. After all, Ge Xiaolun's father is from a military family, and he is from a military family.

In this case, the follow-up will not make Ge Xiaolun have such a strong resistance. He just feels that he has been cheated. He clearly agreed to sleep with beautiful women, but when he came, he was beaten by Du Qiangwei and thrown out of the dormitory.

Under such circumstances, Ge Xiaolun certainly resisted.

If it was through his father, Ge Xiaolun's resistance might also be there. After all, when people grow up, they will be somewhat resistant to their parents' arrangements, but at least it will not be that serious.

Did Lufa not know if they didn't want to do this, or didn't expect to do it?

No way, I think that just an ordinary person can think of starting from this aspect to prevent Ge Xiaolun from getting emotional. You are a group of people, and Yanhuang is standing behind you. Are things so rough?

Do you see how resistant Ge Xiaolun is?

The second time we met, because I couldn't live with Qiangwei, I wanted to run away. Even during training, I kept staring at others, so I didn't train well.

Finally, the situation got a little better, and the battle of Tianhe was very cowardly. The key point is to let it be cowardly, and want to drag others to run together.

"However, I abducted Su Xiaoli, and the monkey didn't even come to the door?"

Lufa looked at Su Xiaoli who was posing in front of him in a strange way.

Monkey King in the original plot has been watching Su Xiaoli's live broadcast, and he seems to be the top brother in the list, but Su Xiaoli has not broadcast live for so many days, and the monkey still doesn't seem to respond.

Either he learned about the existence of Lufa from Ducao, or Sun Wukong doesn't care about Su Xiaoli, but only cares about the fighting goblin?

Lu Fa, who was expecting the monkey to come and beat him up, had to watch Di Leina's training of the Xiongbing Company in boredom.

"It's a pity that the story of Di Leina and the bathtub traveling together is missing. Although it is unbelievable for a female emperor to use such a crude wooden barrel, how can I come to a big bathtub like an angel?"

Lufa looked at Di Leina's appearance with tsk-tsk, and it became a lot more normal. Then when she came out, she first gave everyone a warning, including the assembly of the black armor one by one.

Angel Yan and Angel chased them and watched them, and soon they also asked people from the Super Seminary to meet, because Queen Keisha asked them to find Morgana's whereabouts.

And there are demons on the Neon side, obviously Morgana has come to the earth. In this case, Angel Yan needs to ask the opinion of the Earth Super Seminary, which is a necessary procedure for the angel to implement justice.

"I thought you had returned to the Ares civilization with a beautiful female warrior?"

When Lufa didn't hide herself, Angelyan realized that Lufa was watching her, so she led the angel to chase them to the door.

"Do you want to know our coordinates so much?"

Lufa laughed, and then said.

"No way, who made you behave so special, not only we care, but more civilizations will notice you in the future."

Angel Yan sat opposite Lufa, looking at Su Xiaoli and the others beside Lufa, his eyes became more inexplicably complicated.

For an old goblin like her who has been around for more than 7,000 years, her eyes are no longer the window to her soul, and Lufa will not judge what she is thinking just by looking at her eyes.

Angel Chasing and Angel Mo Yin showed amazed expressions, and looked at Lu Fa with bright eyes.

The angels are all members of the Appearance Association. In the original plot, the angel Zhixin even said after seeing the true face of Karl, the **** of death.

You look so good-looking, you don't look like a bad guy, why do you have such an evil nickname as Reaper?

Then Karl, the **** of death, asked why you all think death is evil.

You must know that it is Karl, the **** of death. How can the angelic civilization not know how many evil things Karl, the **** of death, has done?

Just like this, Angel Zhixin still thinks that he doesn't look like a bad guy.

Of course, it can also be said that Angel Zhixin has little experience and is still young. Although he is several hundred years old, if he has been studying and studying all the time, a few hundred years old is not too much.

At the very least, Angel Yan has lived for thousands of years, and his level of knowledge and knowledge is not as good as that of Angel Zhixin.

Lu Fa's appearance is the beauty of the prosperous age, and it is normal for Angel Chase and Angel Mo Yin to be fascinated by staring at him.

The angel's attention aroused by his prosperous beauty has the effect that Angel Yan can't help but come to the door after discovering him.

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Maybe the reason is to explore the Ares civilization, but the truth, only Angel Yan knows.

"The devil has already appeared on the earth. I will give you a piece of advice. If you leave now, there is still time."

Angel Yan looked at Lufa's face and said.

"King, who are they?"

Li Feifei and the others came over and were a little surprised to see the wings behind Angel Yan. Is this an angel?

Well, they have all seen the demon queen Morgana before, it seems that it is not surprising to see an angel.

Just seeing these angels staring at their king, both Li Feifei and Su Xiaoli felt very uncomfortable. Where did the angels come from, wanting to attack their king?

"Angel civilization, the strongest civilization of God at present."

Lufa calmly educated his subordinates.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer, there is no need to leave in a hurry before Holy Kaisa and your angel's high-level guardian angel come."

Lufa shook his head and said to Angel Yan.

"Whatever you want, Morgana and her demon army are not as easy to talk to as we are, if you are involved in that time."

Angel Yan didn't insist, and looked at Li Feifei and Su Xiaoli amusedly, she naturally knew what they were thinking, and she also admitted that Lufa was really good-looking and charming, but it wouldn't make her lose her mind and want to pursue him.

Of course, the whole universe knows that angels pursue true love. If it is just an ordinary male god, Angel Yan might not mind taking the initiative.

However, Lufa is the main **** of civilization, and her identity is not simple. If she has any ideas, she can only look at the meaning of the holy Kaisha.

"Thank you for your concern, but we are still very strong."

Lufa said with a smile.

"The armor on them is the confidence of your Ares civilization?"

Angel Yan asked curiously.