MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 51

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"I can't say it! I can only say that even now he has the ability to drag Asgard to be buried with him, oh! By the way, that guy may not necessarily die, after all, even I don't know how many he has. Life."

Listen to people's advice and have a full meal.

Odin, who has lived for thousands of years, has the greatest advantage of being persuaded.

"I see!"

Odin nodded, and then the Rainbow Bridge fell, and Odin disappeared into the room. Looking at Odin who left, Gu Yi shook his head: "This guy is still as rude as before!"

In the future timeline, her old friend is very miserable, either killed by a large lizard, or killed by a piece of pizza, anyway, there are all kinds of strange ways to die.

It can be said that in all the timelines, the majestic god-king was really abused by Beichen.

As an old friend, Gu Yi kindly reminded him.

As for whether Odin listens or not, that is a matter for others.


Regrouping, Fury mobilized an army of 20,000, commanded the army remotely, and marched towards the camp of the frost giant.

As a steady director.

Fury still attaches great importance to his own life. It is enough to experience such things as leading troops to fight when he was young. Now it is more comfortable to blow the air conditioner in the office.

In the frost giant camp.

After completing the prophecy, the high priest fell down on the altar with a gloomy face due to excessive consumption.

Seeing the High Priest like this, Lau Fei ran over worriedly, hugged the High Priest and asked, "How is it? Are you sure where the thief who took the Frost Box is?"

"He's in the skies over this continent, but I haven't found the Frost Box.

And... I predicted the fall of the frost giants, king! Go back to Jotunheim!

I predicted..."


Lau Fei's right hand, which was supporting the high priest's neck, directly cut off the high priest's cervical spine.

The high priest who still wanted to persuade couldn't confidently look at Lau Fei who had hurt the killer to him.

"I am the High Priest of the Frost Giant Clan, and I am your uncle!"

"Uncle, you talk too much! We have no turning back now." Lau Fei leaned into the high priest's ear and whispered.

After putting down the high priest, Lau Fei looked up at the sky with deep eyes.

"So you are hiding in the air? It's a pity that the space passage is too narrow. If I bring the Frost Dragon over, I can lead someone to catch you down, but it's okay, I can also do space magic!"

"Report! Wang, that group of S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel are here again. This time they have sent their ground troops and are charging towards us!"

"How dare you take the initiative to come to the door?"

Laufey was also surprised.

How dare a group of frail humans charge against the Frost Giants who are several times stronger than them?

Is this sending you to death?

"Integrate the army! Let's teach those soft-boned humans an unforgettable lesson!"

Laufey ordered directly.

In this way, the land war between the frost giant and the army of the beautiful country kicked off.

Due to the problem of the arctic climate, the army of the beautiful country is mostly infantry, with only one tank company, let alone the air force.

The Frost Giant's combat method is also very simple, that is, to charge without thinking.

The Frost Giants rushed to a place less than 2,000 meters away from the U.S. military, and encountered a wave of artillery baptism.

Due to the snowstorm, the long-range artillery was out of action, but the short-range bazooka and tank shells were still available.

Under the heat and fire weapons of humans, the frost giants suffered the first wave of losses.

Most of the densely packed frost giants were killed on the spot, and only a small number were scratched by shrapnel and lost the battle.

These frost giants who were killed in advance were generally ordinary frost giants whose height was less than three meters.

Some high-level frost giants know how to use the power of blood to condense frost armor on the surface of their bodies, which can well buffer the damage caused by artillery.

The distance of 2 kilometers is actually not far to the frost giant, it only takes a few seconds.

Soon, the frost giant rushed to a place less than 200 meters away from the US military.

The few rows of soldiers charging at the front directly emptied the rifle magazines in their hands, hoping to block the charge of the frost giant.

But it's useless.

Although the Frost Giant's physical fitness is extremely strong, and the skin of the body is also particularly hard, although the bullets can cause some damage to the Frost Giants, that's all. No more half an inch.

Realizing that bullets can hurt themselves, the frost giants belatedly picked up the shields on their backs and stood in front of them.

The distance of 200 meters was instantly crossed by the frost giant.

After the two sides fought hand-to-hand, a one-sided massacre began.

After seeing the scene of the two armies fighting together, Beichen in the flying fortress just shook his head.

"How stupid does this person have to be to fight a frost giant?"

Oh! It was forced to melee!

That's fine.

Lau Fei, who was standing at the back of the army, was closing his eyes to feel the feedback from the blizzard.

He didn't pay attention to the war on the ground, after all, it was a war without any suspense.

At this moment, Lau Fei is looking for Beichen in the sky.

For Laufey, apart from the Frost Box, nothing else was important, including the Frost Warriors and the so-called enemies he brought over.

"Got you!"

Lau Fei looked up at the sky not far away and sneered.

The ice blue light flickered away.

Bei Chen, who was admiring the massacre in the command room at the moment, stopped suddenly, then turned and looked behind him.

"Warning! Unknown enemy invades!"

"Warning! Unknown enemy invades!"

A deafening siren sounded in the air fortress.

Seeing Lao Fei walking out of the shadows, Bei Chen was a little surprised, but not too surprised.

Bei Chen sighed regretfully, "You shouldn't have come."

Lao Fei looked at Bei Chen frantically: "But I'm still here! Hand over the Frost Box, and I'll spare you!"

"Why don't you understand?"

"I don't let you come, I want to protect you!"

After Bei Chen finished speaking, his pupils turned ice blue, and he lifted his right hand slightly, and the absolute zero cold air surged towards Lao Fei.

Bei Chen, who would strike at the slightest disagreement, caught Lao Fei by surprise.

He didn't expect that the other party would be so ignorant of martial arts, and directly strike without even talking.

"how is this possible?"

Lau Fei looked at the cold air in horror.

That's right! I was definitely not mistaken, this is the power of the Frost Box.

How did this guy control the Frost Box? Does this guy also have the blood of the Frost Giant?

That's not right either! Everyone in the Ice Acid Giant can use the power of the Frost Box, but it is impossible to directly control it.

This subversive scene made Lau Fei terrified to the extreme.

Now he believed why the other party sighed so much.

If this guy in front of him really has mastered the Frost Box thoroughly, then he is really courting death by coming here alone!

The Frost Box is not only the treasure of the Frost Giants, but it is also the celestial object of the Frost Giants!

"Wait for me!"

Laufey wanted to beg for mercy in order to delay time.

But just when Lau Fei spoke, the icy chill had already covered him.

...ask for flowers...

In this way, the power of the Frost Giant King Laufey in the Frost Box was frozen into an ice sculpture.

The king of the frost giants was frozen into an ice sculpture, just like the blind man was blinded by Teemo, it was too stalking.

Thinking of this, Bei Chen couldn't help but chuckled.

Then he found Lau Fei in front of him and put him into the containment space.

[Ding~ Congratulations on the successful containment of Speed: Containment-MC-166-King of Frost Giants! 】

[Ding~ Congratulations to the host for gaining the power of extreme cold (when the host is in Jotunheim, the power will be greatly improved.)]

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for gaining ice control and weather control (only surpassing cold weather). 】

[Ding ~ Congratulations to the host for gaining primary control of the law of ice (the power of the rules, the personality is higher than the magic of ice.)]

Listening to the notification from the system, Beichen sighed flatteredly: "As expected of being the king of the frost giants, it really didn't disappoint!"

It was an accident that Lau Fei suddenly broke into the Flying Fortress, and Bei Chen never thought that Lau Fei would actually possess such abilities similar to teleportation and sensing.

To be honest, he didn't like the surprise.

But the harvest brought by this accident made Bei Chen very satisfied.

Especially the power of extreme cold! This thing is the same as the power of Asgard. As long as it is in Jotunheim, it is basically equivalent to an invincible buff (slinging a single target below the universe level).

"Having said that, the Nine Realms have special powers that belong to the world, such as the power of Asgard, such as the power of Jotunheim, but why doesn't the Atrium have them?"

Bei Chen thought suspiciously.

Hurrying over, Tony, who felt an extremely cold temperature just after opening the command room, asked in a daze, "Is the battle over?"

"Yes! It's just an accidental guest who broke in accidentally, and now it's settled.

Seeing that Ben Beichen was fine, Tony couldn't help asking: "Are we really not going to support the people below? The army of the beautiful country has been crushed and is now being slaughtered by those aliens." Beichen sneered strangely: "It's normal." isn't it? Take a full 20,000 people as pawns to test the enemy. I suspect that the high-level executives of your beautiful country are full of shit. "

People in the beautiful country don't take their own soldiers seriously, so why should an outsider intervene? Isn't this making yourself uncomfortable?

Tony is also aware of this, so he never seriously persuaded Beichen to help Asgard...

Odin, who returned to Asgard from the earth, had just returned to his own place when he received bad news.

Loki's body is missing, and it's still unknown who stole Loki's body?

After hearing the news, Odin's face was gloomy.

Although he often uses Loki, his feelings for Loki are also real.

Now that his son's body has been stolen, where will he put the face of the majestic King of Asgard?

Odin asked, "Do you know who did it?"

"I don't know, the other party is a master of illusion, I can't see him with my eyes."

Heimdall shook his head.

Back to an hour ago...

MC4862 Universe. …

"Hahaha! I finally found the body of Loki's mutant who just died and whose body has been repaired!"

Loki shouted excitedly with a dark book in front of him.

This is a world where the god-slayer Geer slaughtered randomly. Most of the gods in the 4862 universe were slaughtered, and only a small group of gods survived.

Rocky is one of this small group of survivors.