MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 6

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The bald leader's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he also felt that what his subordinates said made sense.

"Command down! Let all the great freedom fighters assemble, let's go to the hole of that dude and guard, don't give the enemy a chance to attack one by one."

After the bald leader finished speaking, he led a group of people to surround the cave where Stark was.

two hours ago...

After boarding the plane, Coulson immediately contacted the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

And directly bypassed other people, and directly contacted Director Nick Fury.

After reporting the information here to his chief, Coulson also secretly sent the surveillance video he saw in the base to Fury.

"Director, this is the high-definition video I took with the newly developed contact lens camera in the Bureau. It has all the images of that containment-307 preying on it."

Under May's cover, Coulson delivered the information perfectly.

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters.

Fury frowned watching the video on the screen.

It was a purple plant that looked very mysterious. This kind of ivy looked quite harmless. It had neither sharp teeth nor sharp thorns.

But soon, Fury saw the horror of this plant.

Under the attack of this weird plant code-named Containment-307, a fully armed spy team was wiped out in less than 10 minutes, and this is even counting the time that this weird plant digested the spy team.

The most incredible thing is that this thing is not afraid of fire. Although it is not immune to the level, it is already very incredible.

From Coulson's report, he learned that this mysterious foundation, like S.H.I.E.L.D., is an organization dedicated to containing anomalies.

Let alone whether the other party is legal or not, just talk about the other party's functions, which has already conflicted with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Whether it is from a private stand or from the position of the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury does not allow such an organization to exist.

Fury, who has always wanted to keep everything under control, has already begun to think about how to deal with the Foundation.

Containment-307-Carnivorous ivy?

Why does this thing look like a biological weapon?

It wouldn't be made by some research laboratory, and after the foundation received the news, it went to pick peaches on purpose, right?

This kind of routine, they SHIELD is too familiar.

Once it is detected that any laboratory has developed some black technology, or is developing some black technology, their S.H.I.E.L.D. will choose to stand still at the very beginning.

When things are about to succeed, S.H.I.E.L.D. will jump out to finish, and take the research materials and results for themselves by the way.

The Foundation's so-called containment is simply a replica of their S.H.I.E.L.D.

The difference is that their S.H.I.E.L.D. is more legal.

"This time, Coulson really caught a big fish, contained anomalies, 307? Very good! Once I know your headquarters, your achievements will be mine!"

Fury couldn't help laughing.

The growth of S.H.I.E.L.D. was built on the fact that S.H.I.E.L.D. swallowed the behemoth Hydra from the very beginning.

Now there is another organization that can be compared with Hydra. If S.H.I.E.L.D. can incorporate or even digest it, then S.H.I.E.L.D. will have a chance to become the real shield of the earth, not the current shield of the beautiful country.

But before that, I have to get that **** out.

Thinking this way, Fury picked up the phone next to him and contacted the S.H.I.E.L.D. sub-base in the Middle East.

As a huge organization with bases all over the world, the most chaotic place in the Middle East is naturally no exception.

Every move of Coulson and Mei was not hidden from Beichen.

Because from the very beginning, Bei Chen's purpose was to hope that Coulson would pass the news of Tony Stark back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 11: The Incomprehensible Foundation Spirit!

Because only in this way can S.H.I.E.L.D. send someone to save Tony.

After all, the Foundation currently only has a hundred or so people on duty, and Bei Chen couldn't bear to let these people sacrifice to save that playboy.

Since you can't let your own people go to rescue, you can only let people from SHIELD go.

Just let people from S.H.I.E.L.D. go to explore the way. If the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. are targeted by Containment-307 after rescuing Tony, then let the people from the Foundation go to respond and contain Containment-307 by the way .

It would be even better if people from S.H.I.E.L.D. encountered Containment-307 in advance. With S.H.I.E.L.D. as a bait, the Foundation's losses could be reduced, and Containment-307 located in advance.

Anyway, regardless of whether S.H.I.E.L.D. can successfully rescue Tony, Beichen will not lose money, and it is simply a profit.

As long as S.H.I.E.L.D. sent someone to act, it would have fallen into the trap.

In the command room, Bei Chen issued an inexplicable order in front of Natasha.

"Give 9547 an order to get there as late as possible."

Natasha looked at Bei Chen suspiciously.

Didn't it mean that the more things Containment-307 eats, the scarier it is? Why delay on purpose?

Beichen said flickeringly: "Only when Containment-307 is full and grown up, will he have nowhere to hide."

Natasha nodded thoughtfully after hearing this, and gained a new understanding of the Foundation's ruthlessness.

But Natasha didn't feel sorry for the group of terrorists, she just felt sorry that Tony's **** might be dying.

As for poor?

Before Tony Stark became Iron Man, he was simply a person who hated dogs, and Natasha naturally would not feel pity for such a person.

Natasha, who has an occupational disease of an agent, took the opportunity to ask: "Boss? I happen to be free now, can you introduce me to the Foundation?"

Bei Chen listened and nodded.

He originally wanted to poach the corner of S.H.I.E.L.D., and now he just took the opportunity to fool this glamorous top agent.

Aboard a Foundation armed transport.

The C-level armed members of the Foundation are checking their armed equipment.

"Cryojet is working fine!"

"The Freeze Grenade is working fine!"

"The self-exposure system is operating normally!"

"Colson, Mei, this is your equipment, you have 10 minutes to change it!"

9547 rudely threw the two boxes of equipment to the two of them.

"Wait! I can understand cryo-throwers and freeze grenades, but what the **** is this self-destruct device? It's not human rights at all!"

Coulson frowned, pointing to the clothes in the box and said dissatisfied.

This is the first time he has seen organized self-exposure devices distributed to combat members in an aboveboard manner.

The most ridiculous thing is that the combatants around seem to be accustomed to this and don't care at all.

What kind of terrible brainwashing ability is this?

Facing Coulson's questioning, 9547 frowned in dissatisfaction.

He couldn't understand why the wise and mighty president stuffed this rotten person into his team?

Questioning their superiors during the containment operation, and not obeying orders, how did such a person get into the Foundation?

9547, who was already hot-tempered, pulled out a parachute backpack from the chair.

9547 scolded with a black face: "If you have any dissatisfaction or doubts, you can leave now, and then you can report Lao Tzu to the Moral Ethics Committee, but now! You can either get out or obey my orders!"

Looking at the parachute in his hand, Coulson's face turned blue and then pale.

What the **** is going on in this world?

I am not afraid of power, but I am still wrong?

Also, what the **** are those disdainful eyes around?

Don't you know that there is something wrong with the equipment that this **** gave you?

This is a self-destruct device!

Wearing this thing means that your lives are not in your own hands, but in the hands of the Foundation!

"Do you know the meaning of those who go to die? We are all brave to die! We are the last line of defense for mankind, and we are not afraid of sacrifice! Even if it is death, we must choose the most valuable time!" On Ersen's chest, he said in a cold tone.


Looking at the ashen-faced Coulson, Mei on both sides gently pulled Coulson.

Coulson came back to realize that he was an undercover agent, and put on the equipment issued by 9547 with a bitter face.

At the same time, he kept talking about human rights and freedom.

"May! This foundation is terrible, it is ten thousand times more terrifying than those so-called freedom fighter organizations! Look at the blind fanaticism on their faces.

If Bei Chen let them attack the White House, these people would probably not frown, and even think that they are heroic and die for all mankind! "

Coulson softly confides his fears and worries to Mei next to him.

Mei could only comfort softly beside him: "That's why we have to lurk down, try to find their headquarters, and then wipe them all out. According to the information I know now, this organization is definitely no less than the Hydra back then." , and even more terrifying!".

Chapter 12: Containment that can destroy the world-307?

Coulson listened and nodded solemnly.

As if he was about to die heroically, he picked up the clothes in the box.

The Ten Rings camp, in the cave where Stark was held.

Tony, who was knocking on the steel armor, looked worriedly at the figures coming and going outside the door and asked, "Ethan, what's the matter? Why is there so much noise outside?"

Ethan replied excitedly: "It seems that someone invaded the camp and said they came to rescue you."

"He came to save me? Impossible! If he really came to save me, the movement outside could not be so small."

Tony said proudly.

Tony is quite confident about his status as a beautiful country.

If he and the president can only save one of them, the military will probably save themselves without hesitation.

If it was really people from the military outside who came to save him, those terrorists outside alone would not be able to last so long.

"Then should we knock on the armor? There are so many people outside, we are easily exposed."

Ethan asked worriedly.

Tony put down the hammer in his hand and said, "Stop first, there are many people outside, it would be bad if you find out."

Just when the two decided to stop their movements, there were bursts of screams outside.

"Ah! What the **** is this!"

"Monster! This is a monster!"

"The great freedom fighters fear nothing!"


"Quick! Wake up..."

Hearing the chaotic screams outside, Tony and Ethan looked at each other, then tacitly picked up the hammer next to them, and locked the door into the cave.

Whether it is an enemy or a friend outside is still uncertain, the best way is to prevent the other party from breaking in.

"It's too late! Let's activate the Iron Armor first."

At this moment, Tony didn't care about the intact mask, so he directly chose to activate the steel armor in a haste.

And outside, it has fallen into dead silence at this moment.

The bald leader chose to bring everyone together.

This move is like packing everyone up and giving it to Containment-307 to eat, it's so beautiful that it makes one's scalp tingle.