MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 95

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Carol listened, and looked at Bei Chen with some embarrassment. After seeing that Bei Chen did not refuse, Carol was also quietly relieved.

Seriously, Carol knew that he really liked the man Eyes.

Because she always felt that this man had an inexplicable affinity, which made her addicted to it.

But becoming one of the opponent's harem, Carol hesitated.

She can accept Bei Chen, but she can't accept that she is just one of the many women who put her right. To be honest, Bei Chen also likes the sense of success of conquering Captain Marvel.

Who is Captain Marvel?

The target is the Wonder Woman next door!

In the Marvel universe, Captain Marvel is the representative of female boxing.

As soon as he thought that he had suppressed the western women's fists under his body and conquered wantonly, Bei Chen felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

At this moment, the phone rang, and yyo Beichen, who moved Beichen, answered the phone with some displeasure.

...ask for flowers...

"Hello? Is this Mr. Beichen? Didn't we agree before that you would come forward to solve the problem in New York? Why hasn't there been any movement after so long?" Te Mipu asked cautiously.

Here, Te Meipu had a little thought, he knew that because S.H.I.E.L.D. refused, the previous proposal had been scrapped.

But Te Wupu pretended to be ignorant, the purpose was to occupy the highest point of morality, Bei Chen didn't point it out, but accompanied Te Wupu to play tricks.

So Bei Chen pretended to be surprised and asked back: "Didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. tell you? They don't agree to hand over the contained item, so the transaction can't go on."

Hearing Bei Chen's reply, he shouted emotionally, "What? What else? Nicole Fury, do you still want to be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.? I'll help you deal with this matter. I knew this **** was no good.

Do not worry! Mr. North, that **** won't be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. for long, and Fury will pay for his disrespect.

You see about New York..."

"Whenever the containment arrives, I will help you deal with it."

After Beichen finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

Hearing the busy tone coming from the phone, Trump didn't get angry, but said to the agent next to him: "Send this to the Foundation's meeting later.

Yes, in fact, the Awakening Crystal was handed over by S.H.I.E.L.D. last night.

Ever since he knew the true strength of the foundation, Fury had no intention of continuing to carry it to death, but instead devoted himself to developing the parasitic plan.

Let alone a mere containment object, as long as it can break into the Foundation, it will be fine to sell the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now Fury is already a little crazy...

Somewhere in a dark basement in Philadelphia.

Igor Vanke looked frantically at the test tube in his hand.

"I didn't expect me to come up with such a great masterpiece by chance! This must be the gift of the Broken God!" Igor Vanke looked at the potion in his hand frantically, and Beichen, who was chatting with the three girls, suddenly heard System prompt.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host, the system has detected that a new containment object has been successfully born in this world due to the influence of the Broken God, please contain it as soon as possible!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining: mechanical virus antibody × 100 (this is a special virus antibody that can be immune to mechanical viruses after injection.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the array for obtaining: Sea Mobile Mechanical Fortress x 1 (This is a steel fortress, a steel island, and a steel fortress that can move freely on the sea! The fortress is loaded with weapons that can plow the surface of a planet. )”

"Ding~ It has been detected that the world has started to generate its own content, special reward special recruitment card × 1."

... ps: I drove the car for a meeting, and then it was rectified. This matter is in the revised content. We can blame the review if we want to.

In addition, I would like to talk about my impressions. When writing this book, the pressure on the author was much greater than that of other people. After all, he opened the way and has a high chance of becoming cannon fodder. Fortunately, with the support of readers, the author has come all the way to today.

In addition, let me tell you a good news, this book can have a recommendation, mixed with the exclusive recommendation of a fan, this person is relatively unpopular, but it can be regarded as a good start.

Finally, the author is giving you a knock, thank you parents for food and clothing, and thank you for your support! superior.

Chapter 117: The Terrifying -217- Mechanized Virus!

"System, what's going on?"

Beichen asked calmly in his heart.

"Containment-217-Mechanized Virus, due to various accidental factors, he was born in the real world. The system defaults that it was summoned by the host, so he can also get rewards."

After hearing the system's answer, Beichen's eyes lit up.

There is such a good thing?

You don't need to spend anything yourself, just sit at home and lie down and get rewards?

Beichen didn't pay attention to the rewards. Compared with the rewards, he is now more concerned about the impact of the containment 217-Mechanized Virus.

Beichen remembered the introduction about 217.

217 has many names, mechanical virus, clockwork virus, gear virus.

Just by listening to these names, one can know which existence these viruses ultimately point to. If the Broken God hadn't descended, it would be absolutely impossible for such a weird virus like 217 to appear in this world.

Why do you say 217 is weird?

Because 217 is a horrible virus with 100% infectivity that cannot be cured by any means.

It can infect all organisms in the animal kingdom, and can be transmitted through physical contact or contact with bodily fluids.

This means that the lethality of this thing is absolutely world-class. It is not an exaggeration to say that the mechanized virus is the terrifying virus "397" that can destroy the entire human race! This virus can even destroy the entire animal kingdom!

After all, 217's vitality is extremely tenacious, and it can survive outside the host's body for several years, and the infection process is also very slow, and sometimes it takes several years to show symptoms.

This also means that the incubation period of this virus is very long, and it is still a lethal virus.

It is even more difficult to prevent it, and the danger may even be more terrifying than those zombie viruses in movies.

After all, the incubation period of the zombie virus is very short, and people can discover it quickly, but the incubation period of 217 is very long, and it is almost irreversible when it is discovered.

Containment-217-The Mechanized Virus also alters the biochemical properties of the infected person's organic tissue, causing the organic matter to reorganize and transform into an "organometallic".

The virus is theoretically divided into three periods.

The primary symptoms of animals infected with Containment-217 early on are progressive lethargy, and a general lack of emotional response.

The initial mechanized virus infection is completely impossible to detect, which is one of the reasons for the horror of this virus.

After the virus enters the middle stage, the infected person will experience pain. After all, some organs of the body will become mechanical structures, and the tearing and pulling sensation can be felt.

The final stage is the superficial mechanization of the body, and then complete death.

It's not some mechanical ascension, but death!

Thinking of this, Bei Chen's scalp began to tingle.

Who the **** made this thing?

Most importantly, where is the source of this virus now?

Since the containment was generated by the world itself, it took a few days for the system's containment location map to locate 217. But a few days later, the virus had already spread, so what's the use of locating the source of the virus?

"This is really difficult!"

Beichen sighed silently in his heart.

You can tell the difference between cutting leeks once and cutting them twice.

"We must quickly find the source of the virus!"

After Beichen finished speaking, he turned his attention to the three girls.

"Natasha, wait a moment and remember to call back Skye, the wind girl, I have something to look for him!"

Beichen said.

Skye, that crazy woman, likes to run around the world. While looking for the shelter, she is looking for her own life experience. People who run around like this should be the most susceptible to virus infection.

Natasha nodded without asking what was the matter.

At this time, the agent in charge of transporting the alien awakening crystal came to the door.

"Hello! I'm looking for Mr. Beichen, the president of the foundation."

The agent said politely.

There is no way to be rude, this time the superior has issued a death order, even if S.H.I.E.L.D. is sacrificed, the Foundation must be invited to take action.

So he didn't dare to be too arrogant. After all, if something went wrong in his part of the plan, it would not be as simple as being dismissed.

The old butler looked curiously at the box in the opponent's hand.

"please wait a moment!"

Soon, the old butler left and returned.

"Just give me the things, my young master said he knew."

After hearing this, the agent quickly passed the box in his hand to the old housekeeper.

"Master, this is something from the agent outside."

Looking at the familiar black box, Natasha jumped up from the sofa nervously.

"Isn't this a ticking time bomb or something?"

While Natasha was speaking, she pushed Carol to the front.

Carol and Beichen are probably the only ones in the room capable of carrying the bomb. "Don't worry, it's not a bomb! The officials and S.H.I.E.L.D. are not stupid. They can't offend the Foundation at this juncture. What you want!" Countess Valentina glanced at the box calmly, and then explained.

Countess Valentina, who is both a high-level SHIELD and a high-level Hydra, knows exactly what is inside the box.

After hearing this, Bei Chen took the box and put it directly into the containment space.

"Ding~Congratulations to the host for successfully containing: Containment-MC-162-Inhuman Awakening Crystal.\""Ding~Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining: Inhuman Awakening Ability (The host can help people with alien blood awaken superpowers.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining: petrification ability (the host can turn flesh and blood creatures into stones by touching them with their hands.

"Ding~Analyze the host to gain favorability promotion card x 1."

Well, a decent reward.

Since the containment itself is not very powerful, the rewards obtained are also a bit hip.

This can only be said to be a matter of the quality of the contained items, not a matter of luck.

Gaining so many abilities by housing an awakening crystal can already be said to be a stroke of luck.

Looking at Bei Chen with a smile on his face, Countess Valentina next to her sneered and said, "It seems that the beautiful country has bowed its head."

"As long as they have other options, they will not bow to me, but the problem is that they have no choice."

Bei Chen smiled casually.

Carol next to him saw this scene, but his mood was not very beautiful.

You must know that Carroll was a beautiful national air force before, and he can definitely stand the test in terms of patriotism.

Now seeing Countess Valentina mocking her motherland so unscrupulously, how could Carol be in a good mood?

Countess Valentina, who understands people's hearts, also saw that something was wrong with Carol, so she comforted him softly: "If you mind, you shouldn't leave Earth, if you really love your Country, I can help you!"

"How can you help me?"

Carol looked at Countess Valentina in confusion.

Countess Valentina smiled and suggested: "Why don't you go into politics? Or...

You find someone you trust to go into politics, and then help him become president? Become the master behind the scenes of this country, so that you can transform your country without any scruples."

Hearing this, Carol shook his head bitterly.

"Let's forget it! I just hope that Beichen can take action to stop all this. I beg you!"

Carol looked at Beichen with deep eyes.

As a woman with a strong heart, Carol also knew that she was not the material to be a politician, so she chose to ask Beichen for help.

"No problem, I'll help you solve it."

As a man of integrity, he is still willing to abide by the rules of taking money to do things.

Beichen directly used teleportation to come to the place where the four-handed Hulk and the 682 master were fighting.

Open up the aura of happiness.

The strongest persuader is online!