MTL - Marvel: I Get the Power of the Spell To Play Superman-Chapter 60

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"Logan, you alone are no match for Magneto, join us to fight together!"

Storm persuaded.

"Fight with you guys? Join the X-Men?..."


Afterwards, everyone met Mr. Kelly who had escaped and learned about Magneto's plan.

Professor X wanted to use the brain wave booster to find Magneto, but he fell into a coma. Qin endured the pain and found the location of Magneto.

"But can we save the little rascal with just a few of us?"

Storm wondered.

"We still have a helping hand!"

Qin replied.

"A helping hand?! How can there be a helping hand?"

Logan wondered.


Qin replied.

Hearing this name, Cyclops, who had been silent beside him, instantly turned a liver color on his face.

. . . . . .

The former Jinbin Building is now the headquarters of Xiao.

"Boss, our power has expanded beyond New York City!"

Bullseye reported on his knees.


Li Ye said flatly.

This force was originally created in idleness, so Li Ye naturally didn't put his mind on it.

"It's that Spider-Man who keeps sabotaging our business!"

Bullseye said angrily.

Spiderman! Super hero! The Avengers. . . . . .

Li Ye stared at the little spider on the screen and fell into thought.

'alliance! alliance! Why don't you also create a superhero league for yourself? '

As soon as this idea came out, Li Ye jumped up instantly, startling the bullseye next to him.

"That's right, it's the League of Super Heroes!"

Li Ye shouted.

Why this world can only have the Avengers, not other superheroes!

Since there is Superman in this world, the Justice League cannot be lacking.

If not, then I'll build it myself!

"Spider-Man, you are the first!"

Li Ye smiled.

"Boss, you have a new message from a lady named Orolo, do you want to answer?"

Just as Li Ye was thinking about the future, Betty in his hand suddenly reminded him.

"Ololo? Does this chick miss me?"

([X-Men 1]'s Storm is very beautiful, I don't know about other versions.)

Li Ye smiled, and then chose to answer.


"Li Ye, we need your help! The little rascal was captured by Magneto!!"

Oroloo's anxious voice came from over there.


Chapter 77

"Damn it, why is it Lao Wan again? Didn't I tell him to drink tea and dance in the square, why did he come out and dance again! It seems that the lesson I taught him last time was not enough!"

Li Ye secretly thought.

"I'll be right there."

After Li Ye finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Little Naughty is his own little wife, so of course he has to be saved.

Turn on the system to locate the location of Little Rascal, and then teleport over there.

. . . . . .

"How about it?"

Logan asked hastily.

"He said he would be there soon, but he hung up before I told the location!"

Orolo replied.

"Hehe, I don't even know the location, so I'll be there right away? I think he just remembers the last time and doesn't want to help!"

Cyclops next to him sneered.

The **** Superman turned himself into a pig, and he was so humiliated in those three days that he got the title of "Laser Pig" ever since.

Although some time has passed, there are still students calling him this behind his back. I'm afraid this title will be with him for the rest of his life!

It's all because of that **** Superman, and Cyclops's hatred for Superman has reached its peak.

"Scott, shut up!"

Hearing that Cyclops was still fussing about this at this time, Qin said angrily.

"Qin, you..."

Cyclops froze on the spot seeing Qin showing an angry expression she had never seen before.

"Although I don't know what's going on with Superman, I'm sure he will come!"

Aurora spoke up.

"It doesn't matter, let's go first!"

Logan said impatiently.

. . . . .

Liberty Island.

Tonight, politicians from various countries will pass the mutant registration bill here, and Magneto's goal is also here.

"It's grand, isn't it?"

Magneto looked at the Statue of Liberty standing in the distance and said with emotion.

"I've seen it before!"

Little Naughty replied.

"The first time I met her was in 1949, when America was going to be a tolerant, peaceful country."

"Are you going to kill me?"

Little Naughty ignored it and asked directly.



"Because there is no tolerant country...your sacrifice means we can survive!"

Little Rascal was silent.

"Put her in the machine! Tonight, it's going to be a great day!"

Magneto ordered to Mystique.


Mystique replied.

Then put the little naughty into the machine.

"No! Li Ye... Come and save me, aren't we friends?"

The little rascal struggled desperately.

"You better get your hands off!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came over.


Magneto's minions shouted.

"Li Ye?!"

Little Naughty shouted in surprise.

The figure slowly walked out of the shadows, it was Li Ye who teleported over.

"Sorry I'm late! You're safe now!"

Li Ye comforted Little Naughty.

Then he looked at Magneto, whose face became extremely ugly.

"Old Wan, you dare to arrest my people! It seems that I didn't teach you enough lessons last time!"

"Superman, are you really going to stop my plan?"

Magneto asked sullenly.

"Aren't you talking nonsense?"

Li Ye sneered.

"Why don't you understand what I'm doing? The following people control the fate of all our mutants. As long as I turn them all into mutants, they will become people on our side. At that time, our mutants will have a The great ideals of our own country will be realized!!"

Magneto asked loudly.

Hearing this, the mutants around Magneto looked at him with admiration, as if they were followers of some kind of cult.

"That's none of my business!"

Li Ye plucked his ear, pursed his lips and said.

"You mutant traitor!!"

Magneto said angrily.

Obviously, he still stubbornly believed that Li Ye was a mutant.

"Whatever you want, I don't even bother to explain!"

Li Ye said casually.

"You retreat first, I will deal with him personally!"

Magneto said to the other mutants.

Thinking of the last time, the Superman in front of him mercilessly killed nearly a hundred of his subordinates, and he didn't dare to let his subordinates go down to die.

The mutants retreated one after another.