MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 45

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"Uh... as you call it, this trick is called a baboon kick!"

Laughing and complaining, he continuously fired spider silk to bind Ah Fu's body. Seeing that the other party finally gave up his struggle, Peter looked at the stone in his hand.

"Hey... There's still a picture of a pig engraved on this stone."

"It is one of the 12 spells, the Pig Charm, which gives the bearer the ability to fire lasers from the eyes."

The sudden sound startled Peter, grabbed the spell, and hurriedly looked at the location where the sound came from.

Leaning against the wall, Loki held his top hat in one hand and turned around with a smile.

"It's you!"

Peter exclaimed, recognizing the other's identity.

"Oh hoo... You seem to know me? But I'm sure it's the first day I see you."

Loki pretended to frown, trying to deduce Spider-Man's intelligence.

"Looking at your reaction, it doesn't look like you've known me for a long time. Did you accidentally see me somewhere today?"

[Mood value from Peter Parker +677]

"By the way, I heard on the way here that Spider-Man is haunting near the Chrysanthemum Downstairs in Chinatown. You don't happen to be among those guests, right?"

Peter Parker shook his head repeatedly, denying it.

"Oh, you are really there."

As if to confirm something, Loki clapped his hands.

[Mood value from Peter Parker +681]

"..." I feel... being tricked.

"Well, actually you don't need to worry about anything, I'm not interested in your real identity."

Seeing that Peter didn't speak, Loki continued to speak.

"The so-called 12 talismans are a set of talismans constructed on the basis of the oriental zodiac."

Each spell represents a different power.

Just like the pig charm in your hand, it can make the eyes emit lasers. It is said that when all 12 charms are collected, the dragon named the Lord will break the seal and bring disaster..."

"Disaster? What disaster?"

As a superhero in New York, he is still sensitive to the word disaster.

But Loki didn't give him the answer, but raised his hand and threw him a black card.

"In a few days, I'll probably hold a solo concert in New York."

This is the ticket for the concert, I hope you can attend it on time. "

"Are you still a singer?"

Holding this card, Peter looked left and right, and felt extremely strange.

On the black card, Loki's concert was written crookedly in big hot gold characters, and there were only 3 small letters on the back. The combination was called VIP.

I'm sorry, even with his aesthetics, the design of this card is really unflattering.

"Where? Where will it be held?"

For this question, Loki did not answer, but smiled mysteriously, making him look forward to it.

He turned around, took out a few cards and threw them on Fu, and said lazily to the corner on one side.

"Come out, you guys send him back, say hello to Wallon for me by the way, and welcome him to New York for my solo concert."

Spider-Man didn't know why, and the next moment his eyes were rounded.

[Mood value from Peter Parker +699]

A group of ninjas in black are slowly emerging from the shadows in that corner.

These ninjas silently walked out of the shadows without saying a word, erected Fu's body, turned around and disappeared into the shadows with the card, and simply disappeared.

"This is... Mr. Loki?"

Startled, Peter turned his head to ask, only to find that Loki had also disappeared.


A leaf fell silently to the ground.

[Mood value from Peter Parker +717]

"…"Jingle Bell.

Pulling out his phone, it was Harry Osborn.

"Hey, Peter, where have you been? Why can't I find you anywhere?"

"Ah... Harry? I'm sorry, someone fainted just now, I took him to the hospital, and I'll go back right now."

With a random lie, Peter Parker tried to change the subject.

"By the way, what's the result of the cooking competition?"

Now that Loki is with him, I'm afraid...

Sure enough, as he thought, Harry muttered angrily.

"Oh, don't mention it, I don't know what happened to the chef named Loki?"

Before the results of the game came out, the others disappeared.

The organizer searched for a long time and couldn't find anyone. In view of this, the champion of the first God of Cookery Competition was naturally won by Liu Angxing, who came downstairs! "

"Oh... what a pity!"

Harry couldn't stop fuming, he really liked that 21st century **** screaming tofu.

"Alright, alright, Harry."

Maybe they had something important to do, so they left in a hurry and forgot to contact the organizer. "

With a smile on the surface, he rubbed the black card with his right hand, but he was very worried.

After a few words, the two hung up the phone.

Looking for a public phone booth near the downstairs to call the police, Peter hung the vulture in a prominent position and jumped to Chinatown.

S.H.I.E.L.D., Delta Wing Building.


"Come in…"

"Director Fury."

Pushing open the door, Coulson walked in hurriedly.

"Our guys were in Chinatown and found Loki's trail!"

[Mood value from Nick Fury +643]


With a flash of light in his eyes, Nick Fury put down the document in his hand.

He posed and made a listening gesture.

"At 10 o'clock this morning, in Chinatown, Chrysanthemum went downstairs and held a God of Cookery competition."

Someone saw Loki as a contestant in the final cooking showdown..."

Chrysanthemum downstairs?

The food there is really good. Recently, I can often hear some people's voices full of praise.

The young chef Liu Angxing is known as a supernova in the cooking world and is very popular among New Yorkers.

But why did Loki appear in that place?

Chapter 56 Deadpool fell to the ground with a plop, like a fish that lost its dream.

"We also thought it was strange, so after the competition, we specifically contacted several judges at the scene. After a detailed discussion, we were surprised to find that Loki really went to the competition."

But... he seems to have something to leave in the middle, and he didn't stick to the end. "

"As the investigation continues, in Citibank surveillance video, we find that Loki was inside the bank and had a brief fight with the robbers..."

"I don't think he's going to be chivalrous."

With a raised eyebrow, Director Furui quickly made a judgment.

Coulson nodded and agreed: "Yes, Director. We carefully checked the surveillance footage and found that Loki gave the robber 2 items before leaving."

One of them is a green balloon deer, which is not surprising.

But another octagonal stone, which S.H.I.E.L.D. intelligence analysts suspected, was likely a magic item. "

Magic item?

Shaking his legs subconsciously, Nick Fury thought of his painful experience again.

It's been two days since the cast on his leg was removed, and he doesn't want to do it again!

"Now, is that piece of magic item recovered?"

Furui's face showed no likes and dislikes, but subconsciously tapped the table with his fingers, which was a sign that he was lost in thought.

"Take it by Spider-Man."

Spreading his hands, Coulson asked.

"Director, do you need us to negotiate with Spider-Man to retrieve that suspected magic item?"

After a moment of silence, Fury shook his head slowly.

"not needed for now."

He has always had an Avengers plan in his heart, and Spider-Man is one of his more optimistic candidates.

Before the plan is implemented, there is no need to entangle with the other party because of a magical item that seems to be of little use.

Anyway... SHIELD has the ability to take it at any time, so let the other party keep it for the time being.

"Right, one more thing."

Coulson patted his head and suddenly remembered something.

"Mr. Tony Stark was rescued from Afghanistan by Constantine and the others."

As soon as he came back, Tony Stark announced on the spot that he would close all weapons research and development departments. He heard that his uncle Obadiah had a great conflict with him about this...

It's going crazy outside now, and the stock price of Stark Industries has been falling continuously... Director, you didn't buy it, did you? "

"..." With a dark face, Nick Fury said in his heart.

Before, I secretly sent someone to buy some stocks of Stark Industries. I wanted to use this to make a lot of money, but I didn't expect Tony to be tricked and let him get caught directly.

Now, Furui's heart is bleeding!

Touching his wallet, Coulson also wanted to cry without tears.

Who would have thought that after a trip to Afghanistan, Tony would be a knife to his company the first time he came back.

This Nima is a ruthless man!

Time came to night, in Tony Stark's sea view villa.

"Tony, this thing on your chest is really cool, why don't you put one on for me too?"

No matter when and where, Deadpool's sand sculpture style never fades.

He knocked on the Ark reactor on Tony's chest, and saliva of envy flowed out.

Smoking a cigarette and sitting lazily on the sofa on one side, Constantine teased.