MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 63

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Feminine: "…"

Colson: "…"

Grant Ward: "…"

Da Wenxi: "…"

[Emotion value from the female witch +777]

[From Phil Coulson's emotional value +755]

[Mood value from Grant Ward +763]

"Come on, what are you looking at?!"

Outside, Li Ang's voice came from afar.

After being stunned for a moment, Coulson and the others reacted very quickly, and ran away with the strength of milk.

Behind, the female opened her mouth quizzically, pointed at them and scolded, " bastard!"

She didn't get used to her body for a while, and her speed didn't increase. As soon as she reached the door, she saw Li Ang holding two big cymbals and slapping them together.


At this moment, a huge force hit her body, knocking her upside down and flying out, smashing the glass of the window and falling downstairs.

Now or never.

"Let's surround her from front to back!" Li Ang shouted, carrying his wooden box and potted plants, and went downstairs to lead the charge.

Seeing Li Ang wiping the blood on his face while running, Coulson was puzzled and asked carefully.

"How come you can't die because you were bleed by that tricky seven-hole?"

Li Ang raised his finger, didn't care, and answered very reasonably.

"Bleeding from seven holes is bleeding from seven holes, and death is death. These are two different things. Don't confuse them!"


Coulson smacked his lips, suddenly feeling that he had become stupid. Why didn't he understand such a reasonable answer?

Grant Ward followed, thought for a while after hearing the words, and agreed.

Several people ran all the way, and soon went down to the second floor.

The speed of the girl was unexpectedly fast, and when she saw the figures of several people, she quickly took out a gun, and hurriedly killed it from the opposite side of the corridor.

The crowd first stopped in a hurry, then puzzled.

"Where did she get that gun from?"

In such a long and narrow corridor, people are so dense, it is difficult to dodge bullets!

Da Wenxi stood aside, squinting, and suddenly felt that the firearm was familiar, he was about to speak to remind...

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that this kid who is possessed is not a good thing..."

The witch laughed and stretched out her hand, taking off the human skin mask on her face, revealing an unfamiliar face.

"This kid took advantage of your hallucinations and snatched it out of your suitcase... Now, you're all dead!"

She sneered and pulled the trigger viciously.


The gun popped out of the chamber and pierced through her gun-carrying right arm in an instant.

Colson: "…"

Grant Ward: "…"

Li Ang: "…"

Da Wenxi's eyes changed, as if he had finally confirmed something, he said loudly.

"Oh, I remembered! This gun was shot from the back, and the bullet was fired backwards!"

[Emotional value from the witch +788]

Feminine: "…"

Good, I know how to use it now, you're all going to die!

She smiled gloomily, and turned the gun with another hand, as if she had seen their death, and pulled the trigger impatiently.


At that moment, Coulson and Grant Ward slammed to one side, trying to dodge the ballistic trajectory, but suddenly heard a terrifying scream, and they raised their heads in surprise.

It was found that Li Ang and Da Wenxi were standing calmly and motionless. As for the woman who fired the gun, her other arm was shot through by the bullet and hung down weakly.

[Emotional value from the witch +799]

[From Phil Coulson's emotional value +771]

[Mood value from Grant Ward +778]

"..." The drooping arms can't make any strength at all, the girl's eyes are very empty, showing a little daze, she is holding the gun blankly, a pair of where am I? What am I doing.

Da Wenxi looked at her pitiful, stepped forward to take the gun in her hand, and explained kindly, "Daughter, didn't I tell you? This gun is called the "Ghost Gun". It shoots backwards and then forwards. Like bamboo among plum blossoms!"

There was a ripple in her eyes, and the girl's expression finally became vivid. She fixed her eyes on this stinky old man Da Wenxi, and was furious.

"With this function, why didn't you say it earlier?!"

Da Wenxi was very embarrassed, raised his pistol, and turned the head of the gun.

"Come... watch me demonstrate to you."

Looking at the tail of the gun, the female ghost was stunned, suddenly feeling bad, and was about to open her mouth to refuse...


Another shot in the left arm made her so painful that she almost didn't cry.

This is the disadvantage of being possessed. Although it can re-experience the living person's sense of taste, smell, touch, etc. to stimulate the senses, the pain is also inherited.

She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she saw the other party turn the pistol around, and another shot hit her in the right arm.

Woo... so cruel!

[Emotion value from the witch +899]

"Woooooo... I'm not playing anymore, I'm leaving!"

The female trickster finally collapsed. Tears from the corners of her eyes sprang out of "Lu Mingfei"'s body, turning into invisible smoke and quickly fleeing into the distance.

She cried loudly, ran in a panic, and kept knocking over sundries such as flowerpots, bottles, trash cans, etc.

The three of Coulson looked at each other and chased forward at the same time.

The girl ran away all the way, and soon came to the first floor. Just as she was about to step into the hall, she was shot in the back by a chocolate bean. She screamed in pain and stabbed forward, but she bumped her head into a roll for unknown reasons. placed on plastic wrap.


Li Ang quickly dropped the potted plant and slingshot in his hand, and quickly stepped forward and tore off the plastic wrap to wrap the other party.

"Hmph, the seal is complete."

tao tao…

Until this time, Coulson, Grant Ward, and Da Wenxi arrived in a hurry.

Chapter 81 What you say is what you say, you have milk and you are justified!

"Strange? Where did it go?"

Coulson looked left and right, but he didn't see the witch, and his tone was very urgent.

Grant Ward drew his pistol and turned around slowly, while being cautiously alert to the possibility of a woman who might suddenly appear.

"Here, next."

He casually threw the fresh-keeping ball sealed with the witch to Coulson, and Li Ang stretched his waist and decided to proceed to the next step.

"Ah? This is the witch?!"

Receiving the fresh-keeping ball in a hurry, Coulson said in surprise.


"Then... I mean, is this cling film firm? Will it be too soft?" Looking at the cling ball in his hand, Coulson couldn't believe it.

Grant Ward did not speak, but he was also quite skeptical.

"Take a hundred hearts. She can't get out because she is covered with plastic wrap."

Seeing Li Ang's assurance, even if he had ten million doubts in his heart, Coulson temporarily chose to believe it.

After all, people are the professionals in exorcism.

With a smile on his face, he felt that he could finally rest, and was about to say something to thank him when he suddenly saw Li Ang standing in the elevator, waving at them.

"What do you think? Come in, there's another one waiting for us on the roof!"

Colson: "…"

Grant Ward: "…"

[Mood value from Phil Coulson +783]

[Mood value from Grant Ward +781]

No fear of him!

A trick is not easy to deal with, TM's, what else? !

"Don't look at me with that dead mother expression... The one above is different!"

Blocking the elevator door from closing, Li Ang greeted everyone to come in quickly.

Seeing them dawdling in, Li Ang didn't say nonsense, raised his hand and pressed it to the 14th floor.

The elevator was running very fast. When several people got out of the elevator on the 14th floor, they walked to the roof of the hotel.


Side by side, they stepped forward like four great talents, and the next moment, Qi Qi stepped back and shivered.

It's cold here like frost, obviously abnormal.

"Ah Qiu... It's so cold here!"

After sneezing and sniffing, Da Wenxi shivered and folded his arms around his chest, regretting that he had left his white coat in the room.

"It's yin qi, and the yin qi above is very heavy."

Holding the flower, Li Ang scanned the rooftop very professionally.

The rooftop is unobstructed, except for a tall water tower, there are only a few old newspapers piled on the wall.

Coulson's eyes moved slightly, and he subconsciously looked at the pot of lily in Li Ang's hand. The lily had magical power and left a deep impression on him in his previous experience.

Sure enough... the lily began to move.

Holding the lily, Li Ang followed the direction it indicated and went straight to the top of the water tower.

He opened the lid of the water tower, sniffed it, as if smelling something, and immediately leaned over his head to shine a flashlight inside. Suddenly, he moved, pulled his head back and screamed.

"I found it, it's in it!"

When everyone heard it, they all climbed up with their hands and feet. They followed the light and were facing a pair of godless pupils.

"I rub it, it's weird!"

Darwinsey was startled, grabbed the back pocket of Coulson's trousers and dropped it.


The lower body froze suddenly, Coulson's eyes froze, and he slowly reached back to touch...

Wipe it into open crotch pants!

There was a head-sized hole in the back of the suit pants, just revealing his flowery pants.